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Love's Change of Heart

Chapter 15
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Chapter 15

"Ask Xavier to find out what happened back then," he ordered Jonathan after a few


"Yes, sir." Jonathan nodded and walked away.

I knew she needed money badly, hence why she even schemed me in the first place. But I

didn't realize there was so much going on even before that…

If she had known I was the sponsor all this while, does that mean our first meeting was

also part of the scheme?

"Hey, I noticed Mia was just here. She's been running around here a lot lately," one of the

waiters at the Patheon Club's staff lounge commented as he was switching shifts.

"Take a look at who's here today. It would be odd if she didn't show up."

"Did you witness the incident in front of Patheon Club a while ago? Mia is extremely brave.

She hides the fact that she is pregnant with President Pearson's child and she even ran to

his wife to show off and make a fuss. She really wants the whole world to know that she's

a mistress," another waiter said.

In the midst of the conversation, a figure in the corner came to a halt.

"We're talking about President Pearson's mistress here. She shamelessly rides on his

coattails and now she's pregnant. Mia is working hard to get Mrs. Pearson out of the way

so she can join the Pearson Family. Once she enters the Pearsons, her social status is

gonna elevate to the sky; that's what mistresses are capable of."

"It's also strange to see that President Pearson frequently visits the Patheon Club with Mr.

Woodley and the others, but he never brings his wife here. Is their relationship that


"I bet you don't know about this. Leanna, his wife, wormed her way into the Pearsons. I

heard from our manager that she was sold to the Patheon Club and ended up in his bed.

She forced him to marry her because she was expecting his child. The Pearsons didn't

want to make a big deal out of it because they didn't want to jeopardize their family's

reputation, so they let her marry into their family."

"Yes, I heard about that as well. I've also heard that President Pearson despises her. He

usually avoids touching her. Otherwise, how come they have been married for three years

and have yet to have a child? You must understand how much wealthy families value a

descendant. Now that Mia is pregnant… tsk tsk, I believe Leanna's status is insecure."


At that moment, someone slammed the locker door shut with a great force.

A gloomy young man emerged from the corner and cast a cold glance at them before

walking away with a blank expression.

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"What's with the tantrum? It's not like anyone offended him," a disgruntled voice


"He's only a part-timer, but he's arrogant just because he's the manager's blue-eyed boy."

"I know right. I heard the manager say he's the provincial champion this year. He's

attractive and it's natural for him to be a little crazy."

A man approached the bar just as the manager had requested someone to deliver drinks

to Aidan's private room. "I'll deliver it instead," Louis said as he went up to the manager.

His colleague, who happened to have diarrhea, allowed him to take over the shift. "Louis, I

heard that President Pearson is not in a good mood today. You should be more careful. Exit

the room after you've delivered their drinks."

"Roger that."

When Louis pushed open the private room door, he saw Mia was sitting next to Aidan,

attempting to lean against him.

Louis then slammed the wine on the table and said in a harsh tone, "The wine you ordered

has arrived."

Mia was startled and her movements came to a halt.

It had been a long while since she last saw Aidan. When she heard that he would be at the

Patheon Club today, she quickly dashed over to meet him.

However, Mia was confused about her status at this point. Sure, Aidan brought her along

on several occasions before, but all she did was merely stand beside him with no further


She expected Aidan to be furious after her previous fake pregnancy was exposed,

however, he only warned her with a few words. The resources he had given to her still

remained as usual, thus proving that she still had a chance.

Everyone was anticipating for her to make a fool out of herself; the words were that she

was nothing more than Aidan's whim and that she was unqualified to sleep in his bed at

all. Therefore, she made it a point that she must gain something from him today.

After being startled by Louis, she kept her cool and uttered softly to Aidan, "President

Pearson, you seem to be a little drunk. Why don't I take you back... Ah!!!!"

All of a sudden, a glass of wine poured over her before she reacted and jumped. "What are

you doing?!"

"I'm sorry, my hand slipped," Louis apologized nonchalantly as he picked up the glass that

had fallen on the table.

Mia could not express her rage as the waiter in front of her was surprisingly attractive.

Oscar, who was watching the fun aside, was about to head to the bathroom when he

abruptly asked, "Why are you so enraged, young man? I saw everything you did just now."

"Oh, it was on purpose."

This time, not only Mia but Aidan also raised his eyes and cast a glance at him.

She scolded, "You must be crazy! Did I offend you?"

"Who said you have to provoke me for me to bother you?"


The raging Mia was so furious that she could not speak for a few moments.

At this point, the manager who had heard about the commotion came quickly to

apologize, "President Pearson and Miss Clark, I'm very sorry. This is our new part-timer and

he crossed the line due to his ignorance."

"Ignorance? I don't think he's ignorant at all! In fact, I think he knows exactly what he's

doing; he just said it himself that he did it on purpose. If you don't explain yourself today,

don't you think about leaving!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Clark. This is our fault," the manager said as he dragged Louis over before

whispering, "Louis, quick! Apologize to Miss Clark."

However, Louis stood motionless and his gaze fixed on the man sitting on the couch.

Aidan stood up with no intention of dealing with the matter, so he uttered lightly to Oscar

before leaving, "I'll go first."

"I'll send you off, President Pearson…"

At the sight of Aidan's departure, the anxious Mia no longer cared about the offensive

part-timer and went after him instead.

However, her foot was caught as soon as she took a step. Stumbling and struggling in the

air, she was then instantly rescued by a helping hand.

She looked up to find the man who had just poured wine over her smirking mockingly

while looking at her with coldness in his eyes.

The helping hand happened to be one who also tripped her.

At the peak of her volcanic eruption, Mia was just about to rage before Louis shook off her

hand and strode away.

Now, she had nowhere to vent her rage; all she could do was stomp her feet angrily and


Outside of the private room, Aidan was holding his phone in one hand while his slender

finger was resting on a number he never ended up dialing.

At the thought of Leanna's reminiscence toward her first love at the press conference

earlier, he realized she was up to no good.

Isn't it ironic to talk about first love at this age?

This became the very reason why he refrained from making the call. As a result, he placed

his phone into his pants pocket and… Pow! Before he knew it, he just took a punch in his


He stumbled back and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his thumb before

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

raising his head slowly.

This time, not only Mio but Aidon olso roised his eyes ond cost o glonce ot him.

She scolded, "You must be crozy! Did I offend you?"

"Who soid you hove to provoke me for me to bother you?"


The roging Mio wos so furious thot she could not speok for o few moments.

At this point, the monoger who hod heord obout the commotion come quickly to

opologize, "President Peorson ond Miss Clork, I'm very sorry. This is our new port-timer ond

he crossed the line due to his ignoronce."

"Ignoronce? I don't think he's ignoront ot oll! In foct, I think he knows exoctly whot he's

doing; he just soid it himself thot he did it on purpose. If you don't exploin yourself todoy,

don't you think obout leoving!"

"I'm sorry, Miss Clork. This is our foult," the monoger soid os he drogged Louis over before

whispering, "Louis, quick! Apologize to Miss Clork."

However, Louis stood motionless ond his goze fixed on the mon sitting on the couch.

Aidon stood up with no intention of deoling with the motter, so he uttered lightly to Oscor

before leoving, "I'll go first."

"I'll send you off, President Peorson…"

At the sight of Aidon's deporture, the onxious Mio no longer cored obout the offensive

port-timer ond went ofter him insteod.

However, her foot wos cought os soon os she took o step. Stumbling ond struggling in the

oir, she wos then instontly rescued by o helping hond.

She looked up to find the mon who hod just poured wine over her smirking mockingly

while looking ot her with coldness in his eyes.

The helping hond hoppened to be one who olso tripped her.

At the peok of her volconic eruption, Mio wos just obout to roge before Louis shook off her

hond ond strode owoy.

Now, she hod nowhere to vent her roge; oll she could do wos stomp her feet ongrily ond


Outside of the privote room, Aidon wos holding his phone in one hond while his slender

finger wos resting on o number he never ended up dioling.

At the thought of Leonno's reminiscence toword her first love ot the press conference

eorlier, he reolized she wos up to no good.

Isn't it ironic to tolk obout first love ot this oge?

This become the very reoson why he refroined from moking the coll. As o result, he ploced

his phone into his ponts pocket ond… Pow! Before he knew it, he just took o punch in his


He stumbled bock ond wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his thumb before

roising his heod slowly.