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Love Of A Billionaire

Chapter 162
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Chapter 162 Killing Three Birds With One Stone

Although the upper echelons of Sunsand did not order Naomi to do so, the news had already been

spread. Arya had also replied that she had indeed given Naomi a gift, so Sunsand would go along with

the flow and generously state that as long as Arya could apologize, they would forgive her for what she

had done.

Such a tolerant action…

It attracted the sighs of many netizens. There were even more people scolding Arya.

The fans who originally supported Arya were very sad. They felt that if the situation continued to

develop like this, the popularity that Arya had accumulated with great difficulty would return to its

original position.

Just as the netizens were all determined, the Snow Asia Region press conference was just around the

corner. In order to successfully release the new product, they held a press conference in advance. The

reporters all asked about this matter.

The person who happened to be in charge of the event was Special Assistant Chen, who Arya had

doted on her other day.

“May I ask if Snow originally planned to only sign Arya as a spokesperson?”

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“She gave Naomi such a gift and her character is poor. Do you still plan to use her as a


Special Assistant Chen coughed and pressed the microphone switch, “Why are you only concerned

about this matter?”

The reporters immediately asked, “Does Snow plan to cover for Arya’s actions?”

“I can only say that a newcomer who has just entered the entertainment industry has this kind of skill.

It’s very scary.”

Special Assistant Chen’s words ignited the curiosity of the reporters. They all raised their microphones

and chased after him.

“First of all, I was the one in charge of contacting Arya that day. As a member of the underworld, I

never had plan to sign two spokesperson contracts. Arya is the only spokesperson that we are

preparing to sign this quarter.”

“After that, we hesitated about the staff’s mistake. Arya missed the meeting time and personally came

to apologize. She obtained the understanding of everyone in Snow. As for what happened after that, it

is really unimaginable.”

Naomi cried so miserably in the video that the netizens sympathized with her, but what was she crying


It was their original plan to sign Arya as the spokesperson. They could not let Naomi participate in all of

Arya’s work, so she would have to live with the nickname ‘Little Arya’ for the rest of her life. If that was

the case, it would be too lamentable.

“Since the endorsement this time has nothing to do with Naomi herself, I think Miss Arya does not need

to explain anything.”

What he said was already clear enough.

Special Assistant Chen turned off the microphone and the host continued to host.

The reporters carefully thought about Secretary Chen’s words. It seemed that Naomi’s words had to be

considered. It turned out that Snow had never thought of signing her. The Sunsand said that Naomi

had been pushed aside by Arya, so there was no way to talk about it.

Since things had developed to this point, Snow had yet to take out his final trump card.

Peter sat in his office and looked at the news on the internet. He wanted to wait a little longer.

Naomi wanted to use Arya to increase her reputation. This had nothing to do with his company.

But she had just used the brand of Snow to spread rumors. The company could not turn a blind eye to


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Furthermore, Arya was already Snow’s spokesperson. She had fallen into a storm and the company

would naturally help her.

At the same time, they would also use this opportunity to increase Snow’s reputation, killing three birds

with one stone.

After the press conference this time, Sunsand and Naomi spoke at the same time, saying that this was

Arya’s means and that she was twisting the black and white.

Sunsand even used the official account to speak. “The truth is the truth. No matter how many times you

cover it up, we want the truth.”

But they wouldn’t have thought that since the Snow dared to do so, there would be enough evidence to

overthrow Naomi’s petty schemes.

For a moment, many people began to be curious about Snow. From a certain aspect, it increased the

company’s reputation and also paved the way for the new product press conference.

The Sunsand’s side had made a mistake. They actually used the entire company’s reputation to

accompany Naomi to do this kind of thing.

“I think Snow must have taken Arya’s money. What’s the use of helping her name? She even admitted

that she did give me something. Could it be that she can still turn the tables?” Naomi said proudly.

Clay shook his head. This scene would not end so easily.