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Love Of A Billionaire

Chapter 161
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Chapter 161 I Sent The Gif

When the assistant heard it, she looked troubled, “Naomi, this isn’t very good. Arya sent us a new

model from Snow.”

“Is that so? But I only see these things.” Naomi sneered and continued to pick clothes.

The assistant did not want to lose her job so she could only bite the bullet and do it.

Naomi wanted to exhaust Arya’s popularity. She wanted everyone believe that Arya was jealous of her.

She was a newcomer, young and inexperienced. It was easy to pretend weak in front of the outside

world. Naturally, the outside world would help her.

Then, she sent few photos of her red eye sockets in her fans group, stirring up a storm.

This explosive news instantly ignited the netizens’ attention. That night, she directly jumped into the

first place in Hot Search List.

Arya was originally still watching Snow’s product show. In order to perfectly complete the endorsement

work this time, she put in a lot of efforts. However, her cell phone suddenly rang. It was Melinda.

“It’s already very late. There should be something very important.” Allen frowned slightly. Suddenly, he

had a premonition and subconsciously opened the web page.

Arya picked it up. “Director Carter.”

“Arya, have you seen the news? The Sunsand, no, Naomi is playing tricks again. She said you have

sent her black and white photos. I have already asked the Public Relations Department to handle it.”

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Arya looked at Allen.

Allen nodded. The title on the computer-screen was very eye-catching.

Below was a stream of scolding, saying Arya bullied newbies and was shameless. They even said that

she was fake white lotus flower who is jealous of others.”

Arya immediately made a decision. The last bit of hesitation she had towards Naomi disappeared.

Since she wanted to push the war to this step, she had to be prepared to bear the responsibility.

She immediately replied. “Director Carter, I saw the news.”

“I think although the Sunsand will use your name to make a press release, at most they will put your

unofficial map together with her refined map. Or they will mention your news and forcefully add her

name. At most it will be considered a business competition, but this kind of thing that came out of

nothing should not be done.”

Even Melinda suspected that, Naomi was the one who caused the trouble.

“But I will also negotiate with Sunsand. If necessary, I will take legal means.”

It seemed like it was a small matter, but if an actor’s character was suspected, his future performance

and script would be affected. Melinda did not want that kind of thing happen to Arya.

“I think if I personally handle this matter, we do not need to contact the Sunsand for the time being.”

Arya said calmly.

Melinda was suddenly very curious about what kind of method Arya would use to solve this matter. She

immediately smiled, “Since this is your idea, I respect you. If you cannot solve it, I will take action.”

If the artists of Aorai were slandered like this and she ignored them, she would not be the CEO of


“I can handle it.”

Now was not the time to publicize her relationship with Aorai. It was not worth it to destroy the entire

plan for Naomi’s hype.

“I’m looking forward to your counterattack. By the way, did Justin contact you?”

“I feel my magnetic field is not very compatible with him. If I force him to be my manager, I won’t be

good for both of us. Director Carter, let’s forget about this matter.”

Arya did not like to hide it. Anyway, what she said was the truth. Since Justin also rejected being her

manager, it was better not to work together. It was better to avoid any trouble in the future that could

not be explained.

When Arya said this, Melinda could only hang up the phone.

Arya put down her phone and looked at the beautiful super model on the screen with Snow accessory.

This was an international top diamond company.

That gift was sent by the Snow people in her name.

Naomi was asking for trouble.

Online, there were passer-by and fans who felt that Naomi was pitiful. At such a young age, she was

quite capable but because she looked like Arya, she was suspected to hype up and lost her chance to


In addition to the rich meaning of the gift, all the spearheads were directed at Arya.

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Arya only used one sentence as a response. Next morning, Arya uploaded a Weibo post.

“Indeed, I asked Snow to send a gift to Naomi.”

After that, there were no more movements and pictures.

The netizens all felt that Arya had gone mad. She actually openly admitted it!

She simply admitted her vicious intentions. How was this kind of person worthy to appear on the


The people who scolded her were even more unbridled. It was as if they had grasped a solid weakness

and each sentence was more ruthless than the last one.

Everyone felt that Arya had gone mad. She was simply too arrogant!

Even the people of Aorai and Sunsand could not understand why Arya did this. The only person who

stood beside her and trusted her was Allen.

“Have you found out about Naomi’s information?”

“It’s all here.” Martin put the folder down. He was a little hesitant. “Sir, did Madam do this…”

“What is it?” Allen opened the folder which was full of Naomi’s information. “She has her own way. She

just wants Naomi to be taught a lesson, but I don’t want to see this happen again.”

He wanted to kick it away completely.

He could not tolerate someone treating Arya like this.

She wanted to fight back. He would accompany her from behind. As for Naomi, he would not allow her

to appear in the entertainment circle again.

Offending his woman should be beyond redemption.