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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 50
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Chapter 0050


“Why?” Violet interjected before George could reply, perplexed by Lucius’s refusal of this small solace.

Lucius’s smile was dismissive, his eyes showing no empathy as he declared, “Because you don’t deserve it.”

He rose, and made his way upstairs.

“Why don’t | deserve it? She’s my mother!” Violet yelled after him, frustration evident in her voice.

Her frantic motions caused the iron chain to rattle.

Lucius paused and half-turned, but remained silent. Then, without a word, he continued walking away, offering

no explanation.

Violet tightened her grip on the iron chain, shaking with wrath. Ultimately, she was powerless against him.

Several of Lucius’s lovers witnessed this scene. Their initial confusion quickly turned to disdain.

Chained as she was. Violet was perceived as inferior.

Ignoring their scornful looks, Violet dragged the chain to the kitchen. Unlike before, no meal was provided for

her, she was on her own.

With little appetite from the day’s heat and her recent distress, she settled for half a watermelon to eat

upstairs as her dinner.

Two of Lucius’s lovers confronted her in the hallway.

“Oh, having watermelon?” one remarked.

Violet just nodded, reaching for her room’s door.

In a deliberate act, the second woman removed her high-heeled shoe and drove the heel into Violet's


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“Oops! | didn't see that,” she said, extracting the heel with a fake apology and a shrug.

Violet noticed the mocking glint in her eyes. Adhering to the principle of an eye for an eye, Violet slapped the

woman and retorted, “Oops! My hand slipped.”

The woman's expression froze in shock, her hand covering her face as she pointed at Violet.

“How dare you hit me? Do you know who | am?”

“Who are you?” Violet responded, feigning ignorance.

“You've just sealed your fate! Attacking Lucius’s woman, you're in big trouble!” the first woman interjected.

Violet responded with a cold laugh, “His women? They're numerous, changing more often than clothes. Do

they really matter?”

“You! Who do you think you are?” both women asked, becoming pale at her statements.



“Me?” Violet feigned contemplation. “Just a person. The one who legally put her non his marriage.

certificate, entitled to half his wealth, and the one who should be called Mrs. Davis despite everything. And


She paused for effect.

“At best, you're just mistresses. To be blunt, you're all nothing but shameless homewreckers. If your images

were circulated over the internet, I'm sure everyone would want to beat you up!”

Violet wouldn't have anything like this if they had not crossed the line.

“If you want to walk over me, at least make sure your nis on the marriage certificate. Otherwise, you'll just

be a fleeting memory for Lucius-someone he wouldn't recognize on the street.”

With that, she thrust the ruined watermelon into the second woman's arms. “Enjoy your meal!”

Fuming, the woman hurled the watermelon against the wall. “I'll tell Lucius about this!”

But by then, Violet had already retreated into her room, out of hearing range.

After releasing her pent-up anger on those women, Violet felt relieved. She took a shower, then treated herself

with good food from the kitchen.

Feeling content and full, she returned to her room to sleep.

Half-asleep, Violet suddenly felt an overwhelming pressure on her, akin to a large boulder crushing her,

making breathing difficult.

She pondered why she was feeling so heavy after just a slightly larger meal, and soon realized the weight was

more than just in her stomach.

Confused, she opened her eyes.

In the darkness of the room, the visibility was poor, but the intense breath on her skin was

unmistakable-someone was on top of her!

“Who's there?”

She tried to push that person away.

Her hand was caught at the person’s shoulder, who asked her, “Mrs. Davis?”

It was Lucius speaking!

Confused at being addressed as Mrs. Davis, Violet then remembered her earlier claim to that title. It seemed

the women had conveyed this to Lucius.


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“If you acknowledge yourself as Mrs. Davis, then you should be aware of the obligations attached to that

name, as it’s printed beside mine on the marriage certificate,” Lucius stated, his hot breath suddenly turning



Before Violet could respond, his hand intrusively made its way into her, freely invading her body.

In a state of panic. Violet attempted to stop him. “It’s not like that!”

Her pleas fell on deaf ears. Lucius’s hand movements were swift, forceful, and relentless.

Frowning in discomfort, she suggested, “There are plenty of other women outside! Go to them!”

He ignored her, and persisted in his assault.


Her clothes were roughly torn, leaving her nearly naked and terrified. In desperation, she yelled, “Don’t touch

me! You're filthy!”

Considering this man was always surrounded by many women, she feared he might be unclean.

“Who knows, you might be carrying something like AIDS or another infection from them. Don’t get nearwith

your filthy body!”

Her words, though spoken in desperation, only fueled Lucius’s anger. Initially intending to punish and intimidate

her, he now aggressively probed her with his staff.

Gripping her shoulder tightly, he snapped back, “I've never complained about your past with other men. What

right do you have to judge me?”

This man had turned into a savage beast, pushing her to the edge over and over.

Throughout that night, Violet couldn’t keep track of the numerous instances where she felt like she was on the

verge of dying.