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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 49
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Chapter 0049

Returning to the hall drenched in sweat, Violet had just enough tto wash her face.

Earlier, George had tasked her with preparing dinner. With tticking away, she quickly made her way to the

Kitchen, She began by taking various ingredients out of the fridge and deftly chopping them.

Unnoticed, a shadow slowly crept up behind her, enveloping her.

Lucius watched her in silence.

Her movements were swift, slicing and dicing with precision and one fluid motion.

All the ingredients were evenly chopped. Once done, she quickly cleaned the pan, added oil, and began stir-


Watching her, Lucius felt a surge of emotions, and asked, “How many men have you cooked for?”

Violet replied casually. “So many, I've lost count.”

Her cooking experiences included school picnics and hosting guests at home. Many men and women had

tasted her cooking, but who bothered keeping track of the numbers?

Lucius’s face fell at her response, a look of displeasure crossing his features. He left abruptly, his hands

clenched in fists.

Once finished with her cooking, with no tto dry off her sweat, Violet quickly arranged the dishes on the

dining table.

Lucius sat there alone, resembling an emperor awaiting his meal. The fine tableware laid out in front of him

mirrored his eminent status.

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He didn’t even touch the cutlery or acknowledge her cooking efforts, instead instructing George, “Dispose of


Both George and Violet were taken aback, unsure of his reasoning.

“From now on, | don’t want her cooking for me.” Lucius stated icily, rising from his seat.

George quickly followed him, asking in surprise. “Master Lucius, why...?”

“It’s simply revolting.” Lucius said bluntly.

What was probably a sentence he could have kept to himself but decided to speak, combined with his air of

indifference, gave the impression that he found Violet repulsive on sight.

Violet felt a painful twist in her chest; her hands were clenched tightly.

Left with no choice, George left. He had to arrange for the chefs to prepare another meal.

The servants unceremoniously threw away the food Violet had painstakingly prepared.

Despite not purchasing the ingredients herself, Violet had invested her effort and care in the cooking, hoping


Feeling indignant, Violet confronted him at the entrance to his bedroom, yelling, “Hey! You've always liked my

cooking! Why do you suddenly find it revolting now?”

Lucius turned away from her. His expression was cold and dismissive. “Before, you never cooked. Now, you pick

up the skill to please your lover. Eating what you've made remindsof your infidelity, and | lose my appetite.”


Before she could retort, Lucius closed the door in her face.

The door obscured her view, and Violet didn’t realize tears had filled her eyes.

Lucius’s refusal to eat her food meant her freedom; she should be relieved. Why did she find herself

unexpectedly upset?

Retreating to her room, she gazed blankly at the sky, confused by her own emotions.

What perplexed her even more was that Lucius was referring to Agatha, not her. What was she worried about?

Had she gone insane?

With Lucius no longer eating her meals, the servants’ treatment of her grew more hostile.

“Get on with the weeding. You do so little each day; be quick, or you'll go hungry!” barked the lawn’s overseer,

tossing a chain at her feet.

“What do you mean by this?” she questioned softly.

“Just wear it!”

The servant, losing patience, roughly grabbed her wrist, securing it with the iron chain and attaching the other

end to a wooden stake.

Things had regressed to their previous state.

Violet felt a surge of injustice. Her eyes reddened, but she held back her tears and silently resumed weeding.

Suddenly, a distressed voice called out, “Sweetie! Sweetie!”

A familiar figure appeared on the lawn. It was Naomi. She pressed an apple into Violet's hand, and held

Violet's shoulders.

Concerned, she asked, “Are you tired? Have you eaten? Did they hurt you? Look at how thin you've become!”

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Naomi’s eyes were filled with nothing but distress.

Violet's stony heart melted at Naomi’s presence. She embraced her mother, and cried, “Mom-"

Naomi embraced Violet tightly, comforting her, “My child, just hang in there a little longer.

I've asked George if | can stay here with you. | don’t need anything else. | just want to be with you, no matter

the hardship. We'll always be together.”



Violet couldn't help but think of how fortunate Agatha was to have a mother like Naomi.

Overwhelmed with emotions, she nodded. She saw herself in Agatha’s place.

Her tears, which she had been restraining for a long time, suddenly flowed freely. She wouldn't be this

emotional if she didn’t regard Naomi as a mother figure.

From a distance, someone called for Naomi.

Reluctantly breaking the embrace, Naomi reassured Violet, “Hold on just a few more days; I'll be here with you


Violet felt a burst of warmth in her heart as Naomi hurried away.

The servants arrived late at night to collect her. The iron chain once again constrained her freedom. At the

entrance, she observed George standing before Lucius with profound respect.

Even though the butler was standing and Lucius was sitting, this man radiated an air of absolute authority.

George, his head bowed more than usual, informed him, “Ms. Agatha’s mother wishes to stay with her.” Lucius’s

face, illuminated by the light, bore an expression of icy determination. “I disagree.”