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Living With My Lady Boss by Blue Silver

Chapter 160
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Chapter 160

Elsa dropped Wilbur off at his house and drove off without saying goodbye.

Wilbur stared at the back of her car, shaking his head. “What’s gotten into her? Sigh!”

He opened the door and flopped onto the couch, unsure of what to do next.

Sometime later, he glanced at his watch. He got up at last, heading to the kitchen and getting busy.

Not long after, the doorbell rang. Wilbur opened the door.

He was greeted by the sight of a tall, burly man in his fifties. The man was currently staring Wilbur

down with suspicion and annoyance

“Hello there. Are you looking for someone?” Wilbur asked politely.


man said nothing, striding past Wilbur and sitting down on the couch.

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Wilbur was a little confused, Wasn’t this a little too much?

Just then, the man asked, “Who are you, and what are you doing here?”

Wilbur blinked. He racked his brains, before realizing what had just happened.

This was definitely Wilbur’s house. Even if it wasn’t, he definitely owned the place. What was going on


Just as he was about to respond, the man shouted, “How did you know Faye, and why are you here?

As he spoke, the man glanced at Wilbur’s apron.

Wilbur finally said, “I guess we’re colleagues, then, Faye invited me to live here.”

“Colleagues? She invited you to live here?” The man looked Wilbur up and down, his tone suspicious

and displeased.

Wilbur fell silent. This man seemed to be related to Faye in some way.

“Do you work at Cape?” the man asked.

Wilbur hesitated but ended up nodding.

“What’s your job title?” the man continued asking

Wilbur shook his head, refusing to answer, and the man sneered. “You’re out of Faye’s league.”

“Dude, who are you again? I really don’t know what’s going on here.”

The man lit a cigarette and took two drags before finally saying, “I’m Faye’s father. Fabian Yves.”

“Oh, Mister Yves! I really didn’t know it was you. I’m sorry about that. Let me get you some tea.”

Wilbur hurried off, shaking his head.

He had guessed as much, but this all happened out of nowhere. Wilbur honestly did not know how to

explain his relationship with Faye,

Also, Faye’s father did not exactly look friendly. Wilbur was starting to get a little nervous.

He came out with the pot of tea, setting it down politely in front of Fabian with a smile. “Have some tea,

Mister Yves.”

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Fabian said nothing and continued to observe Wilbur closely.

Eventually, he said, “I don’t care who you are, but you’re leaving Faye this very second. My daughter

deserves better, and someone like you shouldn’t even be in the same room as her.

“Mister Yves, I’m afraid that’s going to be a little difficult.” Faye was his subordinate at work. How was

he supposed to leave?

Fabian sneered. “Difficult? How difficult is it? Would you find it more difficult to put your life on the line?”


Wilbur bristled at the threat as annoyance flared up in his chest.

Yet on account of the fact that he was Faye’s father, Wilbur forced himself to hold back. “Sir, it’s not

about me leaving Faye. Things between us are just a little complicated. Let me explain…”

“I don’t need to hear your bullsh*t! I’m not going to repeat myself. If you didn’t hear me the first time,

that’s on you,” Fabian said coldly.

Just then, the door was opened, and Faye walked right in.