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Living With My Lady Boss by Blue Silver

Chapter 159
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Chapter 159


Elsa glared at Wilbur, who was currently in the middle of a particularly long drag from his cigarette. “I

came as fast as I could.”

“Didn’t you say you were going to let me go? You f*cking liar!” Remy rasped at Wilbur,

Wilbur shrugged. “I did let you go. Chief Janae s the one arresting you, not me.”

“You motherf*cker!” Remy was so overcome with fury and hatred that he had forgotten the fear and

began cursing at Wilbur,

Wilbur’s expression darkened, and he kicked Remy in the face

Remy’s neck almost snapped from the attack. He choked, coughing out a mouthful of bloody teeth.

“Yeah, I lied to you. What are you gonna do about it?” Wilbur stared Remy down coldly.

Remy looked back at the murderous Wilbur and shrank back in terror. Still, he managed to say, “You

took my money, 1.2 billion dollars! Pay me back, you piece of sh*t!”

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Remy would rather have that money confiscated by the authorities than let it go to Wilbur. At least the

former might get him a lighter sentence. Besides, he was backed by someone rather powerful. As long

as he was still alive, there would still be hape.

Elsa widened her eyes and turned to Wilbur “What? 1.2 billion?”

This was an astronomical amount of money to Elsa, and she was truly shocked.

Wilbur chuckled. “Don’t worry, I just took the money first in case he moved his funds in secret. Come


“I know money isn’t a problem for you, but this is a huge number, man.” Elsa snorted as well

Wilbur frowned all of a sudden. “Oh, check his computer. He sent someone a message while he was

transferring the money to me and thought I wasn’t looking. I don’t know who he sent it to. There’s also

a woman by the name of Shimmy Wallace in the Glory Media office. Get her too

Elsa nodded. Wilbur sent the address to Fisa, and she ordered a few officers to head over at once.

By then, the uther officers were heading out with numerous handcuffed men and women in tow. Wilbur

glanced at them and let out a sigh.

He was pretty sure most, if not all of these people had been tricked into working here, and they had no

other choice but to comply.

However, Wilbur was pretty sure Remy would never dare to run a business like this on his own in


Wilbur glanced at Elsa. “Do you think Remy Hudson did this on his own?”

“I know what you’re getting at. I’ll get to the hottom of this for sure,” Elsa replied.

“I just don’t know if you’ll be able to do that.” Wilbur lamented.

Elsa’s expression darkened. “What do you mean by that?

Indra happened to pass them just then, and Wilbur hurried to stop the officer from taking her away.

“This girl was just brought over yesterday. I’m pretty sure she didn’t do anything”

“Got it. I’ll question her myself,” Elsa said.

Indra had finally returned to her senses, and she sobbed as she nodded at Wilbur. “Thank you, sir.”

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“Don’t mention it. You just have to record your statement, and you’ll be fine. Don’t be too scared. You’re

sale now,” smiled encouragingly

Indra nodded, and the officer left with her.

Wilber then said, “Give me an account and I’ll wire the money over in a bit.”

“Calm down. We’ve got a specialized procedure for that. I’ll run you through it when this is over,” Elsa



Wilber said nothing after that. After everyone at the scene had been arrested, Elsa sent Wilbur home.

Wilbur was silent the entire way.

All of a sudden, Elsa lost her temper. “What’s the problem with you?”

“What did I do?” Wilbur asked indignantly

Elsa glowered at him. “You’ve been making that face the entire way home! 1 know you think we’re

useless at our jobs, and the police are good for nothing, isn’t ut ?**

“What? I never thought that!” Wilbur shook his head.

Elsa snorted. She said nothing more, but stepped on the accelerator and sped all the way home.