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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 167
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Chapter 167

Kendall took the glass of wine and said embarrassedly, "I apologize, Mr. Dawson. I do have a lot to

learn for my first time entering the workforce."

During her past two lives, she had practically no experience working in a large company, so there were

too many things she had to learn.

"I accept the punishment." Saying that, she downed the glass of wine in one go. In similar fashion, she

downed the subsequent two glasses of wine.

When she put down the wine glass, Dylan suddenly applauded slowly. The sound caused Kendall to

look at him, but his gaze was dark and chilling, and he looked at her coldly. Kendall wondered if she

had to write lines as a punishment again.

"Miss Kendall, you can hold your alcohol well!" Dylan's voice was low and cold, and Kendall didn't even

know if he was praising her or mocking her.

"Thank you for your compliment, Master Dylan," Kendall replied happily, not caring what he meant.

Dylan stopped clapping and stood up, saying to the people present, "I'm full, so I'm leaving first lest I

affect everyone's appetite."

With him present, nobody dared to eat—except Kendall. After all, the dishes he ordered were all her


No one dared to ask Dylan to stay, so they stood up and sent him out of the room. It was only after

Ronnie wheeled Dylan into the elevator in his wheelchair that they returned to their seats and

continued to eat. The meal did not end until past two in the afternoon.

On the way back, Kendall leaned on the car seat, deep in thought. Throughout the afternoon, she was

a little absentminded. In the evening, the Coleman Family's chauffeur came to pick her up from work.

"Young Master Dylan has already arrived home," the chauffeur reported.

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Hearing that, Kendall asked in surprise, "Dylan's back early today, isn't he?"

"It's not that early. He usually comes home around this time."

Thinking of Dylan's rehabilitation, Kendall asked again, "How is he feeling?"

The chauffeur apologized, "I only know that Young Master Dylan has gone home, but I didn't see him

as I'm not his chauffeur. Unless Young Master Dylan looks for me, it's difficult for me to see him."

Kendall stopped talking. Dylan's position in the family was almost like a king. If he didn't summon a

person, it was difficult for them to see him. Even if he sat under the pavilion for a whole day, except for

his relatives, none of the servants dared to approach him.

Soon after, Kendall returned to Coleman Mansion. The chauffeur took her directly to the entrance and

waited for her to get out of the car before driving away, unlike others who parked in the parking lot.

From this small detail, it was clear what Kendall's position was in the Coleman Family. Of course,

Kendall, who was not very clear about the Coleman Family, had no idea that her status was already

hand in hand with Dylan.

Kendall held her bag and felt around it. When she couldn't feel the gift she had prepared, she suddenly

recalled that after she gave the gift in the morning, she forgot to put the other gift in her bag. Guess I'll

give it to him later. I hope he's in a good mood then. With that, she entered the mansion.



As soon as she entered the yard, Kendall heard the sounds of barking and meowing. Then, she saw

several cages in the corner, one with two beautiful Ragdoll cats and the other with two adorable pet

dogs. She walked over in surprise.

"These cats and dogs are so cute."

Kendall stopped in front of the cage and only had to look for a moment before she fell in love with the

animals. She squatted down, trying to reach in and touch the Ragdoll cats, but the two cats avoided her

hands and kept meowing at her.

"Young Mistress Kendall, these are the cats and dogs that Young Master Dylan ordered us to buy. He

said that these are for you, and he'll leave them here until you come back and send them to Pet


Amos appeared behind Kendall out of nowhere.

Kendall stood up and smiled brightly at his words. "Dylan gave them to me? Mr. Miller, I'll go in first and

come out later to send them to Pet Palace."

Dylan didn't like furry animals, and he probably wouldn't like animals without fur either. Though he was

willing to fulfill Kendall's wish, the pets had to be sent to Pet Palace and couldn't be kept in his

residence. Kendall could go to Pet Palace every day to accompany her new pets.

Amos smiled and nodded, and Kendall turned around to leave. After taking two steps, she turned and

asked him, "Mr. Miller, how is Dylan feeling?"

Amos smiled and replied, "Why don't you go in and have a look for yourself, Young Mistress Kendall?"

Kendall laughed and said nothing, then turned around and went into the mansion, where she bumped

into Ronnie at the entrance.

"Young Mistress Kendall."

"Hi, Ronnie," Kendall replied with a smile. After he left, she walked toward the man sitting on the couch.

When she neared the table in front of the couch, she saw that it was piled with a mountain of cash, with

each bundle containing 10,000, and all of them were brand-new bills.

"Dylan, I'm home."

Kendall placed her bag down and went forward to wrap her arms around Dylan's neck. She lowered

her head and approached him, and Dylan allowed her to kiss his face.

"You still smell like alcohol," Dylan commented after a long pause.

Kendall smelled her breath before saying, "How can you still smell it after an entire afternoon? Dylan,

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your sense of smell is truly amazing."

His nose was practically like a dog's.

"Dylan, what is this money for?" She sat down next to him and asked as she looked at the cash. At a

glance, there were probably several hundred thousand.

"Count it."

Kendall jolted. "I have to count it?"


"One bundle has 10,000. Do I still have to count?"

At her words, Dylan messed the money bills up, scattering them all over the table.

Kendall was speechless. What is he doing? She had no idea.

"This is your allowance for the afternoon and evening. Count it."

Kendall let out a sigh. "My allowance for the afternoon and evening? Dylan, I didn't even have the time

to spend the money you gave me in the morning yet, but you're giving me more. What am I going to do

with all this money?"

Dylan tilted his head to look at her and said intently, "From now on, all your expenses will be covered

by me, including what you eat, where you live, and everything you use."

"...Dylan, is this because of what I said in the morning? I only said that because Old Madam Coleman

was being aggressive. I get paid for my work, so I don't need you to support me."

She started counting the money while talking. As she bundled the cash in stacks of thousands, she

said in a puzzled manner, "Dylan, if you want to give me allowance, just transfer it to my bank account.

Why did you have to take out so much cash and mess it up so that I have to count it again?"

He was clearly just making up errands for her.

"I'll only take care of you." He was reemphasizing his statement.

"...All right, Dylan, you'll only take care of me," she coaxed him as if she were talking to a child.

"The cash makes it feel like a special occasion. It spices things up."

Kendall smiled and looked at the money piled on the table. Yes, just looking at it made her happy. It did

indeed feel special, and it easily moved her. If he had transferred the money to her bank account, she

wouldn't feel anything by looking at the string of numbers.