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Kendall's Sacrifice

Chapter 163
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Chapter 163

"Kendall, do you know who you are talking to?" Yasmine uttered through gritted teeth. Anyone could

hear that she was very angry.

"Aren't you Miss Yasmine Zorn? I'm talking to you."

Yasmine snarled viciously, "Good, you know who I am! Kendall, just you wait! I'll make you regret this!"

Saying that, she hung up the phone.

Kendall removed the phone from her ear before she handed it back to Kelly, who stared at her

intensely for a moment, then took the phone and said as if teaching her a lesson, "Kendall, to survive in

this society, you can't always have a sharp tongue. If you talk like this, you can easily offend people.

You have to remember that you now represent the Parker Family. You may not care about yourself, but

you have to always consider Parker Corporation's image."

Kendall replied indifferently, "I don't think I said anything wrong. Miss Zorn gave up Master Dylan

herself, so what rights does she have to question and accuse me? Do I have to let her yell at me just

because her family is richer than ours?"

Previously, when Yasmine helped Kelly, she had humiliated her many times. As a result, she became

cowardly and didn't dare to show her temper to Yasmine. Even if she hadn't gotten Dylan's help this

time, she refused to be that coward again.

Besides, the head of the Zorn Family was not an unreasonable person. If she offended Yasmine, she

would at most be shunned and punished by her, and it would not casually turn into a feud between the

two companies unless she did something that hurt Yasmine.

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Kelly rebuked, "Kendall, ever since you went to Coleman Mansion, you've completely changed and

you're now bold enough to talk back to anyone. What did Master Dylan say to you? That he'll cover for


Without waiting for Kendall to answer, she said to her as if it were for her own good, "If that's the case,

I'd advise you to stay away from Master Dylan. Even if he's disabled, he isn't someone that a woman of

your status can touch. Among all the women who like him, none of them are easy targets; you can't

beat those women with your level of intelligence at all. Also, the women in Coleman Mansion aren't

simple either. Leaving the others aside, you can't even compete with Old Madam Coleman. If you want

to live well and you want the Parker Family to thrive, you should stay away from Master Dylan and just

focus on being a free nanny for him. When he no longer hates you, you should stay as far away from

him as possible."

Kendall turned her head to look at Kelly and smiled. "Thank you for reminding me."

She had already prepared herself to face her love rivals' schemes a long time ago.

Kendall's words made Kelly feel a little anguished. She thought that Kendall had become cunning; she

just couldn't get her to loosen her lips.

"Jackson may get married soon." Kelly suddenly changed the subject to Jackson. When she said this,

she was still staring at Kendall.

Kendall rebuked, "Kelly, are you alright with the fact that he's not getting married to you?"

"Kendall, what are you talking about? You've always liked Jackson, and you're the one who wants to

marry him. I should be asking you that."

Kendall leaned in and drew closer, asking with a smile, "Kelly, do you really think I'm stupid? Are you

still pretending with me? You and Jackson have feelings for each other, but you pretend not to. It's

tiring, isn't it? How jealous were you when you had to watch me date him? You're quite strong for being

able to withstand that. Kelly, I actually admire you a lot for your ability to hand the man you love over to

someone else."

Kelly was not flustered, nor did she lose her temper. She looked at Kendall calmly, as if she wasn't the

person Kendall was talking about.

Kendall had to admire her for her skills, and had no one else to blame except herself for being fooled

by Kelly and Jackson in her previous life.

"No one can take anything that belongs to me from me unless I throw them away, whether they are

things or people. How could I hand him over? Kendall, who told you that Jackson and I have a secret

relationship? It's because you heard these rumors that you avoided him, right? Then, you've really

misunderstood us. If you still love Jackson, hurry up and stop him from marrying Krystal. She isn't

worthy of him."

Kelly wanted to instigate Kendall to prevent Jackson from marrying Krystal. That way, Kendall would

not only disappoint her parents, but also offend the Zorn Family, and even make Dylan dislike her. It

would be killing three birds with one stone.

"He was the one who assaulted Miss Caddel in that kind of situation, so he's taking responsibility by

marrying her. I can't possibly stop him and make him an irresponsible person, can I?"

"He was also forced to. As long as you stop him, he will definitely give up."

Kendall chuckled. "Do you know that I went to the Whittle Family to take back all the gifts I gave him

before? We're over for good. No matter who he marries now, even if he dies right away, it has nothing

to do with me, Kendall Parker. Kelly, it's you who should do something about it if you really can't accept

it. You can't always be a secret lover. You'd be losing too much that way."

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Kendall leaned to Kelly's ear, but she put one of her hands on Kelly's stomach, causing Kelly's eyes to

widen in surprise. Kendall said quietly, "If you get pregnant, the child will become an illegitimate child.

How unfair would that be to the child?"

Kelly's composure was shattered.

"Haha." Kendall chuckled under her breath before she straightened her posture and looked forward.

Cameron drove solemnly, as if she couldn't hear the conversation between the sisters. She was Kelly's

confidant, and even if she heard anything, she would keep it a secret for Kelly.

Kelly asked in a low voice, "Kendall, what nonsense are you talking about?"

Kendall only smiled and didn't reply.

Kelly's complexion was pale. After she and Jackson got it on with each other once, they did it again.

Although she was set up the first time, she became willing the second time. Some people would

become addicted after having a taste of it, and she and Jackson were precisely that kind of people.

Every time they did it, they did not take contraceptive measures. If I've really gotten pregnant… Kelly

regretted not asking Jackson to use protection, and she did not take any medicine either. Hopefully,

nothing happened from those few times. In the future, if he didn't take the proper contraceptive

measures, she wouldn't let Jackson touch her again.

But how did Kendall know? Kelly stared at Kendall gloomily, trying to go through her memories when

she suddenly remembered that the next day after the incident, Kendall asked her about some work-

related problems. They had been too close to one other, and Kendall might have seen some

ambiguous traces under her collar. At the thought of this, she cussed Kendall inwardly thousands of

times. This country bumpkin is getting harder and harder to control.

When Kelly thought that the two of them would now go to Prestige Electronics to see Leonel Dawson

together, her eyes flashed cruelly. Don't blame me for being cruel, Kendall. Trying to snatch away our

family's property away from me? Only if you've got what it takes. Anyway, Leonel just happens to like

young and beautiful girls like you.