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Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 1071: The one who can kill me
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1071 Chapter 1072: The one who can kill me

The Family that wanted to find and annihilate.Lucifer's family was completely wiped by Lucifer. They weren't just killed, but they were killed in the most brutal ways, especially the princes who were begging for death at the end of it, as their bodies were dismantled bit by bit.

The torture of the Princess lasted for two days before they were finally granted death. By that moment, Lucifer's entire body was covered in their blood. He didn't appear like the person that had fought to protect his family. Instead, he looked like someone who enjoyed this entire moment.

After killing the Princess, Lucifer tossed the knife aside. With this, his revenge had ended and all threats to his family had been annihilated.

Leaving the bodies behind, Lucifer left the hall, his back looking even lonelier than ever.

Through the corridor, he returned to the chamber from where he had entered this world. He opened the portal to lead him back.

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After glancing at the lifeless body of Talia one last time, he entered the portal. "With this, our fate ends.."


Although Lucifer had only spent a few days in the other world, he had been away from his home for months.

Before returning home, he burned his bloody clothes. He cleansed his body, not leaving even a drop of blood. Further, he wore new clothes. Unlike the executioner of the past, he truly appeared like a prince now.

The moment he returned home, he was directly asked to meet the Family Head.

"Where did you go? Did you know how worried we all were?" In the meeting hall, his father asked. Even his mother stood next to his father. She had been worried sick all these months, but now that her son was back, her face was filled with relief and joy.

Lucifer could see the genuine concern and love in their eyes.

"I apologize for the worry I caused you, Father, Mother. I just went out for some fresh air," he replied, his tone calm.

He didn't tell his father the truth. Even now, his father didn't know about his past and everything he had gone through.

"You... next time you want fresh air, at least tell me so I won't worry...." Lucifer's father sighed, but didn't hold his son accountable. Although his son was technically only a few years old, he couldn't be judged with common sense.

Lucifer had lived for a few hundred years, but he still looked like he was only in his mid twenties, while his father now appeared to be in his early forties.

Lucifer's charismatic and enigmatic aura commanded the attention of everyone in the room. People couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and admiration for the leader who possessed such immense power beyond his years.


An unknown amount of time has passed. And in this time, Lucifer barely left the Ancient Clan. However, wherever he went, he was always treated like God after instantly being recognised.

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However, during all these years, Lucifer had always been looking forward to something.

Lucifer was sitting on the roof of the palace, looking at the dark sky. His heart that had been still all this time, finally was getting impatient.

"You look quite impatient, yet at the same time slightly happy. Is there something My Lord is looking forward to?"

"Arel..." Lucifer muttered, without even looking around. "Do you really need to guard me even at a time like this! If that's someone I can't protect myself from, will you be able to? How many times have I told you that I don't need protection?"

From the shadow, a man stepped out.

"Forgive me, My Lord. But these are the orders from your father. Although you're the family head, he still can't help but worry about your safety. If you command me, I'll return. But your father might be angry at me and send me here again. It's an endless cycle, so please let me accompany you!"

He had been guarding Lucifer from the shadows, and he was also the one that was closest to Lucifer after his family.

Arel further continued. "As for protecting you, if that's ever a threat to your life, that threat will have to pass over my dead body first."

"Sigh, stop being so dramatic," Lucifer rolled his eyes. "The one who can kill me hasn't been born yet. Though you're right about one thing. There is something I've been looking forward to. It's almost time..."

"Time for...?" Arel asked, confused.

Lucifer smiled. "Time to go out for a walk…"