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Inhuman Warlock

Chapter 1070: The Long Night
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1070 Chapter 1071: The Long Night

Talia didn't understand what Lucifer was saying, nor did she have any time to think about it as her mind was breaking apart. She experienced pain worse than death, like never before.

Not only was her soul being destroyed, but even her knowledge and memories were being stolen by Lucifer directly from her soul.

Her struggles soon ceased as her soul completely shattered. All her resistance stopped, only her lifeless eyes remained open, as if looking at Lucifer.

But just as Lucifer thought he had won, a glimmer of light emerged from Talia's shattered soul. It was a faint flicker at first, but it grew stronger with each passing moment.

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Lucifer stepped back, tossing the lifeless body aside. He opened the door of the special chamber, leaving into the main hall. This was just the beginning. Now that he was there, he had to annihilate everything.

There was only one way to contact the heirs in another world and that was through the communication jades in the master's room. Using the memories of Talia, he knew how to use the communication jade.

Lucifer wasn't interested in the jades, but he was interested in the young masters who had gone to other worlds like Talia. Amongst them were Talia's brothers whom he had promised to meet again.

However, before that, he wanted to prepare a surprise for them.

Lucifer had invaded the Palace, but not a single person knew about it. This was also Lucifer's biggest advantage.

With no preparation and understanding, the Clan couldn't have time to use the ring. And even if they used the ring, they could only affect his abilities related to time and nothing else.

Along the hallway, whenever Lucifer came across any member of the clan, time slowed down for him. Before the people could even react, he was killing them.

He was like a grim reaper, going from one room to another, killing every threat to his clan.

Although he wasn't told much by his father, but from Talia's memories, he came to know a lot of things. As the young princess of this clan, Talia knew a lot of secrets.

All the youngsters accepted the order and started preparing to kill themselves in this world to return to their real bodies back home.

"I hope your children don't make me wait long." Lucifer stood in a dark room, looking out the window, playing with a beautiful ring in his hand.

This was the ring that Talia used, but it was much bigger in size.

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Not far from Lucifer, a body was lying on the ground, it was impossible to even recognise who this belonged to. However, a token next to the body made it evident that it was the Family Head.

Soon, all the Youngsters had returned to their real bodies, almost at the same time. After waking up in their real bodies, they were all stunned, finding their bodies sitting on a chair, tied up by powerful shackles.

All of them were confused, unable to comprehend the situation. How could they be in this situation? Was this a joke from their father? No, their father couldn't make a joke like this. And the others didn't have the courage. So who? That was the question in their mind.

In the room, there was only one person who was free. However, they could only see the back of that person who was standing near a window, looking at the moon outside.

"Even the moon in this godforsaken world is beautiful." The unfamiliar man spoke, as he slowly turned around.

Although the man had a calm smile on his face, that smile sent chills down everyone's spine.

"W-who are you? How dare you tie us? Do you have a death wish? Do you know who our father is?!" One of the Youngsters exclaimed, his arrogance seeping in his words.

"By your father, do you mean that person?" Lucifer asked, pointing next to the men tied to the chair.

At the same time, all the Youngsters looked in the same direction, their faces going ghastly pale at the sight of their father's lifeless body, that they were barely able to recognise.

"I can't tell you how much I'm going to enjoy this long night..." Lucifer picked up a bloody knife from the ground, the crazed eyes in his eyes getting deeper.