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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chatper 110
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Chapter 110

“Pre-wedding festivities demand off from the work,” Logan stated as he pulled down Hope and covered them

with the blanket.

“Since when the man who has always given priority to the work decided to take off from it?” Hope arched her

brow at him as she glanced at him.

“Umm... You are important tothan any work,” Logan opined. “Also, we have the wedding after three days.

And a lot of things need to be done,” he explained to her.

Hope rested her hand on Logan's cheek and caressed it. “I feel delighted to see you smile,” she said in her low

and gentle tone.

“You are the reason behind this smile.” Logan took her hand in his hand and kissed her knuckles. His hand

moved to her head and he caressed her hair with

tenderness. His gaze was full of affection and care.

“You chose to be happy. It is your will to feel lively again,” Hope stated.

“But you awakened that hope in me,” Logan asserted. He leaned close to her face and brushed his nose against

hers. Rubbing it with her nose, he continued, “I love you, Hope.”

A smiled carved on their respective lips and they kissed each other. “Let's freshen up. We have a lot of work

today,” Hope opined and finally, they were out of the bed.

“Shampoo my hair,” Logan told her.

“Okay. Just use the washroom first while I'll use the other one,” Hope suggested to him.

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“I'll wait for you.” Logan headed to the washroom while Hope went to the other one in the room next to theirs.

When she returned back and knocked on the door, Logan asked her to get in. He was already seated outside the

bathtub, his head rested on the support. He had removed his t-shirt already.

Hope took out the bottle of shampoo and conditioner from the cabattached to the wall and placed them on

the slab, which was next to the bathtub. Taking the hose, she washed Logan's hair with water first. He admired

her by silently watching

Hope rubbed the shampoo between her palms before applying it to his hair. The lather formed and she slowly

massaged his scalp.

Logan brought his hand to her curve, teasing her by touching them.

“Logan! Don’t do that,” Hope said as she smiled as she continued to roam her fingers in his hair. However, Logan

didn’t hear her and continued the teasing.

Hope bit her bottom lip since it was hard for her stop from feeling weird sensations forming in the pit of her

stomach. Finally, he stopped and he could fully focus on his hair. She washed his hair with the water and then

applied the hair conditioner on his hair strands.

Logan pulled her down such that she was on his lap now. His hands holding her hips while his face buried in her

bosoms. “I think we have to get rid of your clothes,” he whispered against her neck and planted a kiss there.


Hope's fingers stopped moving in his hair because of the gentle ministrations she felt at the moment. However,

she focussed back on it when he stopped for a moment. Finally, she was done washing his hair and he didn’t

take no tto take her to the shower room.

“Logan! Are you serious?” Hope complained when he closed the shower door from outside. He picked up the

bottle of shampoo and conditioner before entering the shower room.

“It's my turn, Baby,” Logan said and held the strap of her night dress. He pulled it down while moving his hands

sensually against her skin.

Hope's breath hitched and she chewed on her lower lip this time. Soon, she was fully undressed while he was

still in the trousers. But he also got rid of them and threw them into the laundary basket before shutting the door

of the shower room.

“Hot or cold,” Logan asked as he stepped closer to her.

“Cold,” Hope replied and battled with her eyelashes. She was unable to focus on anything, except him and his

body. Her hands roamed on her chest while water ran over their bodies from the shower head.

They helped wash each other's body. Logan even helped her wash her hair just the way she did before. As she

closed the shower, Logan pressed her against the shower wall. “I'm not done yet, Hope.” His fingers intertwined

with hers while their bodies radiated the heat.

Hope turned her head to look at him and then opened her mouth to kiss him. She

brought her right hand to his hair and pulled him closer while kissing him hard.

He turned her around and shoved his tongue in her mouth, savoring her like she was his last meal. His one hand

parted her legs, which sent shivers down her spine. The moans suppressed in her mouth as he pleasured her.

The need of the oxygen becprominent and they withdrew. He buried his face in the crook of her neck and

her back arched. “Logan, Ahh,” she cried his nas he suckled the top of her right breast while fondling the

other one.

He smirked and journeyed his lips down before meeting his lips with her most sensitive region. Hope was now a

moaning mess while those sounds were like a music of encouragement for Logan. He made sure she would reach

her climax.

Hope felt she was

on fire, but even the cold water couldn't quench it. He was quick to press his body on hers and their bodies

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moved in synchronisation.

“It feels good,” Hope said while closing her eyes. “Please, faster,” she urged and their lips met once again.

Logan did what his wife demanded. Their eyes shone and they both smiled with this reunion of theirs.

They exited the washroom, wrapped in bathrobes. He told her he would select a dress for her and asked her to

wait for her. Hope sat on the bed while recalling their intimate moments from the shower room.

Logan returned with a black outfit in his hand along with a matching lingerie set. “Wear this today. | know you'll

look se xy in it,” he stated with a smirk.

Hope took it from him and praised him for his choice of dresses. “I'll be back quickly. You should change too,” she


Fifteen minutes later, Hope entered the bedroom in the outfit Logan had chosen for her. It was a knee-length

bodicon dress, which showed her curves perfectly, making Logan to lick his lips.

Hope glanced at him and found out he was also dressed in a white shirt-trousers set. He exuded the

handsomeness in that outfit, especially because of the taut muscles that could be felt through that shirt.

“Hope, you look gorgeous in this dress,” Logan complimented her and planted a soft kiss on her cheek.

“Of course,” Logan replied and held her hand. “We have to go out later to check on our wedding dresses and see

the photoshoot location,” he informed her.

“Hmm. Logan, thank you for making my every morning so beautiful,” Hope stated. “I am grateful for this life with

you. | cannot explain how much deeply | adore you,” she confessed.

“I can feel every ounce of your love,” Logan stated. He watched Hope heading to the cupboard and took out a

leather jacket from it. She wore it and told him that she was a bit shy in that dress to go out.

“No worries. | also don’t wish anyone to see you in the black dress,” Logan asserted and extended his hand to

her. She held it and the two went downstairs to have

their breakfast before heading out.