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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 111
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Chapter 111

“I don’t wish to help you livia,” Daniel said on the phone. “I have no interest in getting trapped. Indeed, | have

personal grudge with Hope and Logan, but | cannot let someone else usefor it,” he proclaimed.

Olivia smiled to hear his response and asked him if he was sure about it. “What if you regret it later, Daniel?

Have you not heard about their official marriage? Hope. will be the Lycan Princess in front of the world. Do you

really think you can ever have her?” Olivia tried to manipulate his thoughts.

“Olivia, why don’t you tellwho are you and why should | do work according to you?” Daniel asked as he

pushed his hand into his pocket.

“| already told you about me,” Olivia said.

“Not entirely. You only toldyour nand nothing more than. Do you think I'm a foolish man, who will do

anything you desire from me? At least, showmy real benefit if you wantto help you. It seems you want

to usefor your own selfish motives,” Daniel asserted.

“What if | tell you what you gain from this? Will you do the work then?” Olivia asked him. “I don’t need false

promise this time. I'll tell you only if you will kidnap Hope, she cleared her stance to him.

“I will decide after hearing from you, Olivia. | suppose you needthe most for this work. That's why you have

to telltruth,” Daniel proclaimed.

Olivia realized.Daniel wasn’t foolish like Henry. “Hope is the werewolf from the legend, who will get the next

moon stone from the Moon Goddess,” she revealed to Daniel.

“What?” Daniel's expressions changed instantly to know the truth about Hope. “How do you know that?” he


“That's a long story. You should do what | have asked you to. Kidnap Hope at any cost. We have to make sure

Logan dies and then, we can take the moon stone from the Moon Goddess with Hope's help. Do you

understand?” Olivia asked him with a

stern tone.

“I do. Don’t worry. Now, | know what | have to do,” Daniel stated. “Are you sure you can kill Logan? Don’t forget

he is the Lycan while we are werewolves.” He was





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Chapter 111

unsure how Olivia would take down the Lycan Prince.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt


“Don’t worry. | have a bigger plan for that. Just do what | have asked you to,” Olivia pronounced and hung up the



Daniel gazed at the phone's screen. “Who the f uck is this Olivia?” He murmured and decided to kidnap Hope.

Hope sipped the iced latte from the straw while waiting for Logan to cin his car. It was a great day for her.

She liked the region, where tomorrow her pre- wedding photoshoot with Logan would take place. A smile tugged

on her lips as she thanked the G od for this.

Finally, Logan arrived in his car and applied brakes on it in front of her. She got into the car and wore the


“Grandpa is excited about our marriage. It's going to be a grand wedding,” Logan informed her.

“Yeah, Grandpa seemed delighted that his grandson is finally living his life,” Hope remarked, smiling at him as

the car journeyed homeward. The tranquil red hues of the evening sky eased her mind, and she leaned back

against the headrest. Suddenly, the car cto a halt in the middle of the road.

“What's wrong?” Hope inquired.

“I'm not sure. I'll check the engine. It’s best if you stay inside, Logan suggested before stepping out of the car.

He opened the boas smoke cout of it. “I did send it for maintenance a month ago,” he murmured,

wondering why it happened suddenly.

His ears flickered as he heard the footsteps of many werewolves approaching them. He wandered his eyes

around and felt that something was weird. He quickly opened the door from Hope's side and asked her to come


“What happened?” Hope asked.

“Let's get out first. We need to leave,” Logan asserted, not explaining her anything. Hope realized something

was off and she quickly made her way out of the car. Her senses were heightened too and she found out

werewolves were around.



Chapter 111

“Logan, why are werewolves here?” Hope inquired him.


“I don’t know. | feel something isn’t right. We need to run away,” Logan said as he took her in the opposite

direction of their house. They hastened their steps when a werewolf suddenly blocked their way.

Logan and Hope froze in their tracks as a herd of werewolves closed in from all directions, ensnaring them in a

circle. Sensing the impending danger, Logan made a decisive move.

He released Hope's hand and embraced his true Lycan form. A single menacing growl emanated from him,

sending shivers down the spines of the surrounding werewolves. His eyes blazed with fiery red intensity while a

grimness appeared on his face.

The werewolves encircling them backed away, but a massive, towering werewolf lunged forward, igniting a fierce

battle. As Hope prepared to transform, Logan halted her with a telepathic message.

“[Hope, don’t!]” Logan's warning echoed in her mind. He shielded her from the advancing werewolves, engaging

them in combat solo.

With swift and powerful strikes, Logan repelled the werewolves, his attacks fueled by primal aggression. His jaws

opened wide, revealing razor-sharp teeth as he lunged forward, forcing the werewolves to retreat. Despite the

odds, Logan fought valiantly, determined to protect Hope at all costs.

However, a speeding arrow, covered in the wolfsbane, was shot from at least hundred meters away in Logan's


Hope, who noticed it first quickly took her omega werewolf form and defended Logan from the arrow. However,

the arrow hit her arm and she fell on the ground, changing back to her human form.

Hope's anguished cry pierced the air, signaling her injury.

Meanwhile, the frustrated hunter, having missed his mark, cursed silently and made a hasty retreat, fearing

Logan's wrath, “F*ck! | need to run away.”

With the immediate threat neutralized, Logan stood his ground, his formidable presence causing the remaining

werewolves to retreat.

His relentless onslaught had left them heavily injured and unwilling to risk further



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As the werewolves dispersed, the scene quieted. Logan changed back into his human form and he gazed at

Hope, who lay in a pool of blood.


“H-Hope!” Logan's voice trembled with worry as he cradled her limp body in his lap. Tenderly, he caressed her

cheek, urging her to awaken. Panic surged through. him as he noticed her pallid complexion, her skin tinged with

a deadly hue of


“No. No, she can’t die,” Logan muttered desperately, his heart racing with fear. With shaking hands, he reached

for the arrow lodged in her arm, intent on removing it. Yet, his strength faltered, and he found himself unable to

extract the deadly arrow.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“H-Hope, please, don’t leave me,” Logan pleaded, his voice choked with fearful emotions. “Please say

something. Please respond to me, Hope.” His warm tears fell on her cheek as his vision turned blurry. His heart

was squeezing while his mind had turned fuzzy. The fear had overpowered him that Hope would also leave him.

“L-ogan,” Hope's weak voice reached Logan's ears, her efforts evident despite her lack of strength. Though her

eyelids remained closed, her gaze flickered beneath. them. “Don’t cry,” she whispered, her words a tender


“I am not,” Logan fibbed, hastily brushing away the tears that betrayed his facade of composure. “Why did you

do that? Why did you take the attack?” he questioned, his voice laced with concern. Before she could respond,

he interjected, “No, don’t speak. You need to stay quiet. I'll take you to the hospital. You need treatment.”

Hope summoned her dwindling strength, lifting her left hand to gently caress Logan's cheek. Tears welled up in

the corners of her eyes as she spoke, her voice fragile yet filled with sincerity. “Logan, | love you. You've made

my life beautiful. Every moment spent with you has been filled with love.”

Her heartfelt confession was interrupted by a fit of coughing, blood trickling from her lips.

“I love you too, Hope. Just hold it. You will definitely make it. | know you are strong... unimaginably strong.”

Logan said as he prepared to cradle her up in his


“Logan, | wish | could make it. | think my life was not long,” Hope said and she

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finally opened her eyes. “Just look atfor the last time,” she urged.

“No. There's no last tYou promisedyou will live withfor a long time. Don’t utter nonsense, Hope. | will

get angry,” Logan refused to peer into her eyes.


“Please. | beg you,” Hope said.

“Hope, you are not leaving me,” Logan said and finally gazed into her eyes. His heart was wildly pounding

against his chest. He would never be able to get over Hope's loss. “I refuse to let you go. You and | are fated

mates, Hope. So, just stay quiet. Okay?” he urged her this tin his most gentle voice.

Hope cried because she knew it was an end for her. She shook her head and felt excruciating pain of getting

separated from Logan, her destined mate.

“Logan, you need to live happily. | know it’s hard, but please live. Promise me, Logan. You have to so that | can

be at peace,” Hope said. Her breathing turned heavy as she felt her soul leaving her body.

“Hope, don’t. | cannot live without you. | am prepare to take my life if you leave. me. You know this well. Logan

Moore exists because of Hope. If Hope won't be there, | will also disappear,” Logan said.

“I wish | could make it, Logan. | will always be in your heart,” Hope murmured as her eyes finally closed. Her

hand dropped down to her belly.

“Hope! !!!!” Logan screamed at the top of his lungs. He burst out in tears and he clung Hope close to him while

weeping profusely.

And then, in the sky, a bright light appeared. He lifted his head and found a feminine divine figure cto the

land, who was none other than the Moon. Goddess.