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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 63
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Chapter 63

“Are you serious, Roxy? You are breaking the friendship just because | am too shocked of what you said toin

the morning. I'm still unable to process things,” Ryan raised his voice at her. He looked up at the sky and then

held Roaxana hand.

“We need to leave this place,” Ryan said and without waiting for her response, he dragged her to the car. He put

on the seatbelt around her and then swiftly entered through the other side. He gave the towel to Roaxana and

then started the engine.

Since the rain suddenly got heavy, it was impossible for them to reach the city. Above

a hotel or arest house if we are able to find it,” Ryan said as he kept his gaze straight on the road.

all, Ryan's fuel tank was going to be empty soon. “We will stay the night.

Roaxana remained quiet and let him do whatever he wanted to do. Seeing that side of her, Ryan definitely was

angry, but he tried to remain calm. He stopped the car outside. a motel since that was the closest place he could

find to spend a night.

“Are you serious? I'm not staying here,” Roaxana exclaimed, her tone laced with anger and frustration.

There’s no other place nearby, and my car is out of fuel. It’s just for one night. I'll book two rooms. Don’t worry,”

Ryan reassured her, trying to calm her down.

“Do you even know what kind of place this is?” Roaxana demanded, her fists clenched at her sides. She knew

she shouldn't be reacting so strongly, but she couldn't help feeling annoyed and uneasy about the situation.

And then two drunkard men just crossed by them. Although, Roaxana belonged to the family of Lycans, but in

terms of strength, she wasn’t that strong. Those men gazed at her weirdly, causing her to feel discomfort.

However, the men quickly walked away when Ryan glared at them.

He already had took off his jacket and put it around Roaxana. Taking her in, he talked at the woman on the

booking counter about room.

“We have only one room,” replied the middle-aged lady.

“You should check again. There must be one more room,” Ryan asserted.

“Sir, there isn't,” the lady pressed this time.

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Roaxana checked her phone and found its battery was dead. She heard Ryan's conversation with the lady about

the room. “Just give us the room,” Roaxana said this tand took out the card. She quickly paid for it and got

the keys from the lady.

“Can dinner be provided?” Roaxana asked the lady.


Chapter 63

“Yes.” The lady quickly handed her the menu and told Roaxana to select from them. SI was quick to give the

orders and then paid for that too.

“Let's go,” Roaxana told Ryan and went with him upstairs.

As they reached outside the room, Ryan said, “You can stay in the room. I'll spend the night in the car.” He didn’t

wish to provide her any kind of discomfort.

“Shut up!” Roaxana said and pushed open the door after opening it. “Nothing will happen between us even if we

stay in the sroom,” she muttered and went in. Ryan. walked inside after her and opened his shoes.

“What are you angry about? | don’t get it. What | did that night was wrong. And | beg your forgiveness, Ryan said


Roaxana didn’t answer him and realized that the room was decent. Being from a rich family, she wasn’t used to

such places. But the problem was that the bed was small. She went to the washroom and closed the door from


Ryan moved his fingers through his tresses as he knitted his brows together. He loosened his top three buttons of

the shirt and sat on the sofa chair. His head was aching badly because of what happened earlier.

Roaxana stepped out of the washroom in ten minutes and sat on the bed. “You can use it if you want,” she

murmured and wondered why the dinner didn’t come.

“Tellwhat you wantto do,” Ryan said.

“Nothing. I'll get married soon, so I'll forget you eventually,” she finally revealed the reason because of which

she was troubled. Roaxana could not refuse her parents and grandfather when the proposal came.

“What did you say?” Ryan asked and chuckled. “Are you serious?” He thought she joked

with him.

“I'm not joking, Ryan. It is a marriage proposal from the other Lycan family. You must have heard about them: the

Sinclair Lycan Family. Because | liked you for a long time. so | thought to ask you once. But | get it that you have

me,” Roaxana answered while being sarcastic.

“Hey, | don’t hate you. You can tell your family you aren’t ready,” Ryan opined.

“Be a woman, and then you'll understand the pressure,” Roaxana remarked, her frustration evident in her tone.

As she mumbled to herself, she tried to convince her heart that there were better guys out there than Ryan. This

thought consumed her mind as soon as she left Ryan’s apartment.


Chapter 63

Now, Ryan understood why his best friend was so annoyed. It was because she was expected to marry one of the

sons of the Sinclair Family.

“Roxy, at least meet the guy once. | don’t want to date you because I'm not the best for you. What's the guy’s

name? I'll set up a date for you two,” Ryan suggested with a smile.

He then moved closer to her, placing his hand above hers. “I can assure you that I've heard only good things

about the Sinclair Family,” he reassured her, offering comfort and support.

“His nis Isaac Sinclair,” Roaxana replied. “He is the elder son of the Sinclair Family. | think | don’t

comfortable with men when it comes to all this. With you, it was different.”

“But you know that we are friends. That's why we are comfortable with each other,” Ryan proclaimed.

“Hmm. | know. Grandpa has arranged a date for us tomorrow. | don’t even know what | should speak with him. |

thought you might agree to dateand | will lead a happy life with you,” Roaxana pronounced. She told Ryan

how much strength she gathered before telling about her feelings to him.

“I'm really sorry, Roxy. | think we won't be compatible after a while. You know that you deserve a much better

than me. | mean, | cannot see you the way you wantto,” Ryan clarified to her.

“Yeah, | understood,” Roaxana asserted.

“Ill be close to you tomorrow. You'll go to the date tomorrow. You need to feel that experience and I'm sure

you're going to be happy about it,” Ryan explained to her.

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She finally felt better and then, hugged him. “I'm sorry, Ryan.” Her grip around him was firm. “Thank you for

coming to me, she added, finding solace after sharing about the matter with her best friend.

Ryan caressed her back. “I am happy to hear that.” They pulled away when a sudden knock occurred on the

door. He went to the door and took the tray from the server.

Setting the small table, he had meals with Roaxana, which they both enjoyed together. Later, Ryan sent the

dishes ay Later, Ryan sent the dishes away through the sserver hands.

“You should sleep on the bed. I'll take the sofa,” Ryan insisted.

“It’s fine. You should cto bed,” Roaxana countered, sliding under the blanket. “There's enough space for

both of us,” she assured him. Despite his initial reluctance, Ryan relented at her insistence and joined her in bed.




Wed, 28 Feb

Chapter 63

“I hope this bed doesn’t have any insects,” Roaxana murmured, voicing her concern.

Ryan couldn't help but smile at her comment. “There won't be any. You're overthinking it,” he reassured her


“If | start dating Isaac, do you think he will askto kiss him?” Roaxana asked him. “Sguys do it on the

first date. What will | do then? What if | punch him?”

He laughed to hear that. “You should not be thinking all this now. | don’t think he will try to kiss you on the first

date. And even if he does, you need to decide whether you want to do it or not at that moment. You can say no if

you don’t wish to,” he explained

to her.

Roaxana tilted her head and he did the same. Their eyes met as they smiled together. “I think I'm going to punch

Isaac if he attempts to kiss him,” she said and ended up smiling.