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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 62
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Chapter 62

Logan and Hope returned hafter gathering all the information from Kasper. The truth, which was never even

known to the world suddenly was opened in front of them, which posed a series of questions in front of them.

“Why did our parents die on the sday? I'm blank, Logan. And what was that thing about crystal? Why should

my identity be remained hidden?” Hope asked, the confusion palpable on her face. She sat on the bed, feeling


Who was her father? She didn’t remember. Swent with mother. She had no idea. who they were, what they

looked like and what they were.

Logan sat beside her, taking her hands in his. “We will find out more about this. | know your mind is suddenly

occupied with all those thoughts of that time. The truth was indeed shocking,” he said in his soft tone.

“How did you find out that Dad...” Hope paused as she realized Kasper was not her


“I thought to ask Paul to look into your family history. From there, he found out that Kasper had an elder brother

as well. You never had a stepmother. Instead, you had an uncle and aunt. Kasper kept his promise to elder

brother. That's the most shocking fact to me,” Logan muttered as he furrowed his brows together.

“Yeah, he treatedhorribly for years, and now | know why. Because | wasn’t his. daughter,” Hope affirmed.

“But Kasper had a wife who passed away. | remember attending his wedding with Martha,” she added, recalling

the events from her past.

“You were meant to be kept safe. That's what Kasper said. Do you understand now why?” Logan questioned her,

his tone serious.

“No, | don’t,” Hope admitted. “He mentioned something about a legend, but | have no idea what he was talking

about,” she replied, feeling perplexed by the mention of a legend she knew nothing about.

“Umm... The legend says in the modern era a pure hearted werewolf will be given a moon crystal by the Moon

Goddess herself to keep the legacy of the werewolves ahead. It will possess so much power that anyone who has

it, can even be immortal and invincible,” Logan affirmed. “And Kasper said that werewolf is you.”

“It sounds scary. | don’t need any crystal,” Hope murmured, feeling low. “Is this because my parents died

because I'm the werewolf from the legend? What if I'm not that person? Also, your parents died the sday.

Was that a coincidence? Or was everything planned by someone?” Hope gazed into his eyes, waiting for him to



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10:27 Wed, 28 Feb UGG

Chapter 62

“| felt it was a plan. But saying anything at this point will be worthless,” Logan opined. “Kasper didn’t lie about

you being the werewolf from the legend. | think your parents knew the potential danger to your life if revealed

that you were that werewolf,” Logan explained to her, standing firm on the belief that the legend was true.

“Do you think my

life is in danger? The anonymous person who sentthat message might also know about the legend. But why

haven't they reached out again since then? It’s all so confusing, Hope expressed, her voice tinged with concern

and uncertainty.

“Let’s not stress over it,” Logan suggested, sensing that Hope was already overwhelmed. by the recent

revelations about her real parents. He didn’t want her to unnecessarily worry about potential threats. That work

he had to focus on.

Hope moved closer to Logan and rested her head on his shoulder. She didn’t utter any word and closed his eyes.

Logan brought his hand to her head and placed it gently over


Ryan looked at his phone. It was the 20th missed call to Roaxana since morning. She didn’t answer any of his

messages or calls after leaving his apartment.

He ran his fingers through his hair, thinking how could he never see Roaxana looked at him differently. He felt he

made her feel low at numerous incidents from the moment they were in Senior High school to the college. He got

the answers to why Roaxana would refuse the men, who tried approaching her.

“Please pick the call, Roxy. Please, Ryan murmured as he dialed her number once again. But the call again

wasn't picked. Annoyingly, he threw the phone on the couch and sat on it. His both hands went behind his head

and he lifted his head to look at the


“You would not have taken the responsibility if | had agreed to sleep with you that


Ryan’s mind was in turmoil as he pondered over Roaxana’s words, which had thrown his thoughts into disarray.

What had possessed him to make that request of Roaxana that night?

Feeling restless, Ryan stood up and made his way to his room. After changing into more casual attire, he grabbed

his car keys and phone before setting off for Roaxana’s house, casual attire, he grabbed the Moore family

residence. He needed answers and closure, and he hoped that Roaxana could provide them.

Finally, an hour later he was at his destination. The guards let him in. He greeted grandfather William, who was

quite happy to see him.



Chapter 62

“Ryan, it has been a long tyou chere,” William said with a smile. “I'm upset with you,” he muttered.

“I'm sorry, Grandpa. | was just busy at college,” Ryan said and passed a tiny smile.

“What will you take then to drink?” William asked.

“Nothing, Grandpa. I'm here to see Roaxana,” Ryan first refused politely refused to take any drink and

straightforwardly cto the point for what he was there.

“Roaxana isn’t hyet, William replied. “Did you not call her?” he asked.

Ryan was shocked to learn that Roaxana was not present there. He got worried about her, thinking where she

could be. “I did call her, but she didn’t answer me. So, | thought to chere,” Ryan stated.

He felt he should begin search for her and he told William he had to leave.

“You've just come, Ryan,” William tried to stop him.

“I'll cagain, Grandpa. | suddenly recall an’important work,” Ryan said. “It was fun to see you. Take care,

Grandpa. Bye.” He rushed out of the house.

William was perplexed how Ryan cand leave in a moment. “These young kids,” he chuckled and turned on

the TV to watch it for stime.

Outside, Ryan quickly got into the car. He should have stopped Roaxana and now, he had no idea where she

went to. He was terrified inside, thinking if something would happen to her, then how he would meet his own


Ryan went to all those places, where he could guess Roaxana was. But he could not find her. He called her for

the nth tand for sreason, her call didn’t connect.

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“Where the f*ck she went?” Ryan got irritated and at the stime, she was scared for her safety.

For two hours, Ryan had searched fruitlessly for Roaxana until he finally made his way to the famous river

bridge, a place filled with memories of his childhood adventures with Roaxana.

As he applied the brakes on his car, Ryan's eyes fell upon Roaxana standing there, and a wave of relief washed

over him.

Hastily, he stepped out of the car just as a light drizzle began to fall from the sky. With a sudden burst of

emotion, Ryan called out her ninto the rain-soaked air.

Roaxana turned to look at him. “Ryan,” she whispered and the next moment, she was embraced in his warm



Chapter 62

28 Feb

“Why did you not answer my single call or messages? Huh?” Ryan demanded an answer from her as he pulled

away and cupped her face. “You are fine, right? You didn’t get injured, did you?” Concern for Roaxana was

evident on his face. He could not tell what happened to him during those hours when their was no sign of


“My phone is in my handbag and it is silent,” Roaxana said, looking at him with puzzled expression.

“I'm sorry, Roxy. | didn’t mean to say that you. You know this well,” he said. “You are important to me. | cannot

even think of letting go of you my life,” he admitted to her.

“I understand,” Roaxana said.

“Don’t do this ever. | was scared to death,” Ryan said as he gulped. The rain turned a little heavy and Ryan told

her they should leave.

“I'll go by myself,” Roaxana said, pulling her arm away.

“Roxy, it is night and we are far from the main city. Don’t argue here,” Ryan stated.

“You should not care for me, Ryan. | cannot even stay as your friend anymore. Do you even know what's

happening inside me?” Roaxana’s eyes again brimmed with tears. She turned around and crossed her arms

together. “Just leave. | don’t wish to talk to you. | beg you,” she said.