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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 705
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Suddenly, Avril stepped forward and said, "Why are you guys still guessing? They got arrested because they cto the university to frBonnie for something she never did. That's how it'll end for anyone falsely accusing her of anything! "I want everyone to be careful with your words and actions. Don't choose sides and slander innocent people without evidence to support your accusations!" At that moment, one of her fellow students asked, "Are you sure that's what happened? Bonnie's just a student, so why would the military send so many teams and armored vehicles for her?" S~EaRch the FindNøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

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The student asked what was on the other onlookers' minds. Everyone listened, awaiting the answer.

Meanwhile, Avril wondered how she should explain herself. She saw everyone's curious gazes and got worried. 'Oh, man! I should slap myself! I was so caught up that I told everyone the truth about what happened.' "Uh, well... I mean... Here's the thing... Don't you think those people must've done bad things and offended sbig shot? Otherwise, the military wouldn't have sent such a big team to arrest them. A-As for Bonnie, anyone who offends her will regret it!" "That's it?!" The onlookers shook their heads. They thought Avril said all that because she was gearing up for a big revelation. Ultimately, she tried to make Bonnie look good by creating a story.

Even so, Avril stood up for Bonnie when the others joined in slandering her. After learning the truth, they realized someone had tried to set Bonnie up. Still, the onlookers had verbally attacked Bonnie without first knowing the truth.

Soon after, someone approached Bonnie and apologized, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said such harsh things. Please forgive me." Now that someone had taken the first step, several more people followed suit.

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"Forgive me, Bonnie. I shouldn't have believed what those troublemakers said. Although you skip many classes, it isn't the sas being a homewrecker." "Yeah, we said terrible things to you without knowing the truth. We should've been more reasonable. I hope you can forgive us." Bonnie noticed how genuine they looked. She said leisurely, "I can forgive you for verbally attacking me. Still, I hope you understand how powerful words can be. They aren't just things we use to converse.

"If misused, they can cut as deep as a knife. We're all adults here, so we must take responsibility for our words and actions. I hope you all think twice before speaking or doing anything next time.

"Don't accuse people without a second thought. Otherwise, you'll meet the sfate as those three troublemakers." The students were terrified when they recalled the troublemakers' arrest. They nodded and said, "We understand, Bonnie." "Thanks for the heads up." "Okay then," Bonnie said, "Hurry up and go to your classes. You shouldn't linger here." The students nodded and dispersed

while Avril watched. Then, she darted to Bonnie and asked, "Who could've been so vicious, Bonnie can believe e they sent three actors to make a scene at the gate. It's obvious the culprit is trying to ruin your reputation!"

Someone flashed in Bonnie's mind, but it was merely a guess. Since she could not be sure of it, she shook her head at Avril and said, I'm not sure right now. I'll have to investigate first." Avril exclaimed despite herself, "The culprit is an asshole! We must teach them a lesson they won't forget once you discover who they are!" "Naturally," Bonnie said, determined, "I wouldn't do anything to anyone unless provoked. Now that someone has done that, I'll ensure they suffer more than me."

Avril was about to say something when she heard Bonnie's phone ringing. The former forgot what she e wanted to Say and told Bonnie, "Your phone's ringing." "I heard it," Bonnie responded, removing her phone from her pocket. X