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I Love You, Miss Genius

Chapter 704
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Initially, the higher-ups and professors did not quite believe Russell when he claimed Bonnie was Bonita. They thought the former university president made it up to protect her. However, after seeing what had happened, they no longer doubted him.

After all, the military would not have sent out that many troops and armored vehicles if Bonnie had not been Bonita. The higher-ups and professors were embarrassed when they remembered how they spoke about Bonnie.

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Bonnie was the world-renowned Bonita, a pillar of scientific research. All of Arvandor revered her. She had made considerable contributions to the science world. Someone like her would never do something as wicked as abandoning her husband and son, much less beca homewrecker.

It becevident that someone had crafted an intricate plot to frBonnie for something she never did. After realizing the truth, one of the professors stood up and growled, "Damn it! I can't believe those three dared to slander Ms. Bonnie like that! We must form an investigation team and get to the bottom of this.

"We must clear Ms. Bonita's name! All the scientific researchers in Arvandor hold integrity and honesty close to their hearts. We can't stand idly by while such people humiliate Ms. Bonnie." His words garnered approval from the higher-ups and his fellow professors.

"You're right! We must find out the truth. If we can't clear Ms. Bonita's name, the most prestigious people in Arvandor will stop respecting us." "Let's form an investigation team now!" A sense of relief filled Russell's eyes when the others took Bonnie's side.

"It's great that you finally see the truth. I'll leave this matter in your capable hands. Keep Ms. Bonita safe, and don't let anyone pick on her." Everyone in the conference room responded, "Understood, Mr. Russell!" "Leave it to us!" "We'll protect her!" Search the (F)indwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

Meanwhile, Adan stood in a corner. It took him a while to recover from the shocking revelation. Then, he looked at Reece and said, "Damn it. You kept that secret for so long. Why didn't you tellwho Bonnie was earlier?!" 'That explains why Reece kept siding with Bonnie. It's because he knew the truth all along. I would've done the sthing if I had been in his shoes and encountered the earlier incident. I might've been more worked up than he was. After all, Ms. Bonita is the pillar of the scientific world!'

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Reece straightened up his collar and rolled his eyes at Adan. "If I told you sooner, you would've competed withto show Ms. Bonita how capable you are."

'I'm no fool. Of course, I don't intend to let others have the sprivilege. Helping Ms. Bonita resembles contributing to Arvandor. I'm proud to do something like that!' Adan chuckled helplessly. "You're pretty cunning, Reece." "Not at all. You're just too silly." Reece could not help but feel proud of himself.

"All right, that's enough chit-chat. I have to volunteer to be the first.

m member of the investigation team. I intend to get to the bottom of this and see who's foolish enough to slander Ms. Bonita!" Meanwhile, the crowd below was still trying to figure out what kind of heinous crthe three troublemakers did.