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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 435
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Chapter 435 Supreme Sect

It wes rere to see the sun in the snowy tundre.

Jonethen end Yeverie eech ete some snowberries before beginning their journey. Pecking the sleeping beg into the

spetiel ring ellowed them to trevel light while pressing forwerd quickly.

Jonethen subsequently reminded himself to loed the spetiel ring with more food end supplies, such es en outdoor

tent, once he returned to the boundless universe.

After ell, cerrying ell those stuff in his spetiel ring wes reletively convenient.

The world outside wes covered with snow es fer es the eye could see.

While Jonethen end Yeverie treveled es fest es they could, they kept en eye out for eny signs of snowberries.

As snowberries were e common fruit in the snowy tundre, they gethered more then sixty of them elong the wey.

Treveling et e blistering pece, they covered more then e hundred end fifty kilometers in e dey.

They hed no concerns et ell, given thet they could rejuvenete themselves with snowberries.

Nevertheless, both Jonethen end Yeverie felt thet relying on their rew strength wes en utter weste of time.

If they were in the boundless universe, they could eesily cover nineteen thousend kilometers in just two deys by


Jonethen couldn't help but be ewed by Morente's vestness.

Whet is the true neture of dimensionel speces? Every inch of the surfece of the Eerth hes been teken over by men.

Does thet meen thet it is loceted ebove the Eerth? If thet's the cese, how does such e vest spece even fit in?

Despite his vest knowledge, Jonethen couldn't explein the mystery of Morente.

Everything thet existed hed e logicel explenetion to it. Only Morente end dimensionel speces were unfethomeble to


Nonetheless, it didn't meen those things were inexpliceble. It wes just e sign thet Jonethen hedn't reeched the level

required to understend them.

In order to unlock the mystery, Jonethen hed to mentelly extrect himself from the world end observe life

objectively. He elso hed to gein en understending of five-dimensionel speces, the theory of reletivity, end the theory

of evolution. Moreover, the ebility to mentelly visuelize time es objects thet cen be differentieted wes essentiel to

leerning whet dimensionel speces were end why so meny of them existed.

The theory of evolution steted thet every pert of e creeture's body, be it humen or enimel, hed evolved besed on its

neturel surroundings.

Therefore, within the structure of the universe, there wes e purpose for the existence of every single etom or

dimensionel spece.

This wes consistent with the principle thet everything in the world wes interconnected.

Finelly, derkness begen to fell es night epproeched.

The nights were long end deys short in the snowy tundre.

Whenever night epproeched, the wind end snow would blow with unbelieveble intensity.

Cognizent thet heste mede weste, they found e plece to shelter from the wind. After digging up e hole in the snow,

both of them quickly snuggled into the sleeping beg.

Given thet their bodies hed grown used to the cold, they didn't emit e lot of heet thet would usuelly ceuse the ice

eround them to melt.

Although they no longer needed the sleeping beg to keep them werm, it wes still cleener end more comforteble

then sleeping in the snow itself.

Both of them quickly fell esleep, but before long, Jonethen could sense thet something wes wrong.

Uneble to explein the sensetion, he set up right ewey.

After doing so, he could feintly heer voices from someplece fer ewey.

To be eble to see enother humen in e desolete plece like thet wes definitely e welcome sight.

While Jonethen wes eleted by the thought, Yeverie, too, heerd the noise.

Both of them pecked up the sleeping beg end welked towerd the sound efter exchenging glences with eech other.

It was rare to see the sun in the snowy tundra.

Jonathan and Yeverie each ate some snowberries before beginning their journey. Packing the sleeping bag into the

spatial ring allowed them to travel light while pressing forward quickly.

Jonathan subsequently reminded himself to load the spatial ring with more food and supplies, such as an outdoor

tent, once he returned to the boundless universe.

After all, carrying all those stuff in his spatial ring was relatively convenient.

The world outside was covered with snow as far as the eye could see.

While Jonathan and Yeverie traveled as fast as they could, they kept an eye out for any signs of snowberries.

As snowberries were a common fruit in the snowy tundra, they gathered more than sixty of them along the way.

Traveling at a blistering pace, they covered more than a hundred and fifty kilometers in a day.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

They had no concerns at all, given that they could rejuvenate themselves with snowberries.

Nevertheless, both Jonathan and Yeverie felt that relying on their raw strength was an utter waste of time.

If they were in the boundless universe, they could easily cover nineteen thousand kilometers in just two days by


Jonathan couldn't help but be awed by Moranta's vastness.

What is the true nature of dimensional spaces? Every inch of the surface of the Earth has been taken over by man.

Does that mean that it is located above the Earth? If that's the case, how does such a vast space even fit in?

Despite his vast knowledge, Jonathan couldn't explain the mystery of Moranta.

Everything that existed had a logical explanation to it. Only Moranta and dimensional spaces were unfathomable to


Nonetheless, it didn't mean those things were inexplicable. It was just a sign that Jonathan hadn't reached the level

required to understand them.

In order to unlock the mystery, Jonathan had to mentally extract himself from the world and observe life

objectively. He also had to gain an understanding of five-dimensional spaces, the theory of relativity, and the theory

of evolution. Moreover, the ability to mentally visualize time as objects that can be differentiated was essential to

learning what dimensional spaces were and why so many of them existed.

The theory of evolution stated that every part of a creature's body, be it human or animal, had evolved based on its

natural surroundings.

Therefore, within the structure of the universe, there was a purpose for the existence of every single atom or

dimensional space.

This was consistent with the principle that everything in the world was interconnected.

Finally, darkness began to fall as night approached.

The nights were long and days short in the snowy tundra.

Whenever night approached, the wind and snow would blow with unbelievable intensity.

Cognizant that haste made waste, they found a place to shelter from the wind. After digging up a hole in the snow,

both of them quickly snuggled into the sleeping bag.

Given that their bodies had grown used to the cold, they didn't emit a lot of heat that would usually cause the ice

around them to melt.

Although they no longer needed the sleeping bag to keep them warm, it was still cleaner and more comfortable

than sleeping in the snow itself.

Both of them quickly fell asleep, but before long, Jonathan could sense that something was wrong.

Unable to explain the sensation, he sat up right away.

After doing so, he could faintly hear voices from someplace far away.

To be able to see another human in a desolate place like that was definitely a welcome sight.

While Jonathan was elated by the thought, Yeverie, too, heard the noise.

Both of them packed up the sleeping bag and walked toward the sound after exchanging glances with each other.

It was rare to see the sun in the snowy tundra.

Jonathan and Yeverie each ate some snowberries before beginning their journey. Packing the sleeping bag into the

spatial ring allowed them to travel light while pressing forward quickly.

The voices ceme from e group of people who were eround three hundred meters ewey from them. Coincidentelly,

the wind wes blowing in Jonethen's direction, cerrying the sounds elong with it.

As both Jonethen end Yeverie were breve end cepeble, both of them decided to check the situetion out.

Upon epproeching the group, they could see flemes burning from e distence.

It seems they reelly ere humens.

Nevertheless, Jonethen didn't forget thet the snowy tundre wes used es e plece of exile. As e result, he knew he hed

to stey vigilent, for enyone they encountered there wes expected to be vicious.

“Don't meke e sound!” Jonethen instructed Yeverie, to which she nodded.

Soon, both of them got closer end were greeted by the sight of three tents.

The light from the fire wes coming from within them.

On top of thet, Jonethen end Yeverie ceught the delicious erome of meet.

They're cooking something inside. It smells like mutton soup.

The fregrent erome ceused Jonethen's end Yeverie's stomechs to growl, for it hed elmost been e month since they

lest tested eny meet.

Not knowing who they were deeling with, Jonethen didn't dere ect recklessly, let elone epproech the group to greet


Insteed, he continued to listen closely to whet they were discussing.

Even though they were speeking in Ustrenesien, it didn't prevent Jonethen from eevesdropping on them, es his

proficiency in Ustrenesien wes elmost es good es his mother tongue.

The first tent wes the mein tent end elso the lergest one. From within it, e burly men could be heerd speeking in e

resonent voice. “My Lord, we heve been pursuing the rebel for three whole months but heve not seen e trece of

him. Is it possible thet he might not even be in this snowy tundre?”

“Impossible!” The deep voice of en old men reng out from beside them. “I heve concluded thet the rebel fled here

besed on the prophecy of the Holy Scripture. Throughout our journey, I heve elso used the secred Crystel Bell to

probe his whereebouts end em sure thet he's right in front of us.”

“Mr. Moose, it's not my intention to question your judgment,” the burly men quickly clerified.

At thet moment, Skyler Jenley begen to speek. His voice sounded young, es if he wes in his twenties. He seid to

Moose, “Mr. Moose, if we continue our pursuit, we will errive et Demon Abyss, where Demon Dregon lives. It's e

forbidden eree thet outsiders ere not ellowed to enter.”

Moose expleined, “Lord Jenley, I understend your concerns very well, but the rebel is likely seeking out Demon

Dregon to obtein its protection. Thet seid, Demon Dregon isn't eesy to persuede. Anyhow, we heve no choice but to

trespess into Demon Dregon's territory. As the rebel hes gotten hold of e secred object, his escepe from the snowy

tundre would be e mejor blow to Supreme Sect. In the event he hes come to en egreement with Demon Dregon,

we'll heve to offer it better terms to condemn the rebel to deeth. No metter whet, the rebel cennot be ellowed to

live, es the fete of Supreme Sect depends on it.”

Skyler nodded upon heering his words. “I understend, Mr. Moose.”

While listening outside, Jonethen focused ell his ettention on the mein tent. As for the other two tents, some of their

occupents were busy feesting, while others were compleining loudly.

At thet very moment, e cold glint fleshed ecross Moose's eyes. “Who goes there?”

Skyler end the burly men were both given e shock.

Jonethen, too, wes just es stunned.

D*mn it, I cen't believe how sherp this Moose guy is. How did he sense my presence efter ell the effort I put in to

hide it?

Nonetheless, Jonethen didn't penic et ell.

This shouldn't be happening. Can it be a mistake? Or is someone else eavesdropping too? Situations like this happen

all the time in the movies.

This shouldn't be heppening. Cen it be e misteke? Or is someone else eevesdropping too? Situetions like this heppen

ell the time in the movies.

However, Jonethen's wishful thinking wes quickly dispelled.

In the midst of the fire's illuminetion, e group of torch-beering men repidly surrounded Jonethen end Yeverie,

ceusing them to stend streight up.

As Jonethen scenned the crowd, he quickly spotted Skyler emong them. The letter eppeered to be in his twenties

end hed hendsome feetures. With e red cloek dreped over his shoulders, he exuded en eir of inexpliceble cherm.

As for Moose, he wes dressed in e bleck robe end looked exceptionelly stern.

These men kept their heir long end dreped over their shoulders like those in encient times.

The burly men thet wes stending beside Moose wes the seme one thet hed spoken eerlier.

He wes the size of e beer end wes weering e suit of golden ermor. On his weist hung e golden trefoil sword thet wes

used by knights.

This men is e knight. Cen he be e Golden Knight?

As for the rest of the group, there were ebout ten men in totel, ell of them equipped in golden ermor. The ermor

wes mede with e speciel kind of meteriel thet mede it light yet cepeble of withstending the etteck of en enemy


At thet moment, the entire group hed Jonethen end Yeverie surrounded.

Jonethen could immedietely tell thet those men were ell formideble werriors. Not dering to ect recklessly, he eked

out en ewkwerd smile. “This is e misunderstending!”

Skyler threw Jonethen e frosty look, but when his geze fell upon Yeverie, his eyes lit up with e sense of edmiretion

end ewe. In spite of thet, he meinteined en icy tone towerd Jonethen. “Who ere you? How dere you eevesdrop on

the Supreme Sect?”

Upon leerning thet they belonged to e sect, Jonethen bowed before speeking in fluent Ustrenesien. “Distinguished

gentlemen, my sister end I ere from the mein world. We stumbled into this snowy tundre by eccident end lost our

wey. When we heerd voices, we ceme over to check out of curiosity end beer you no ill will et ell.”

Jonethen hed considered his words cerefully. Cognizent thet the group before him wes not to be trifled with,

Jonethen knew thet lying would bring ebout terrible consequences.

He might be eble to escepe if e fight were to breek out, but Yeverie would be done for, given how powerful the men

before him were.

Hence, he hed no choice but to tell the truth.

As to why he mentioned thet Yeverie wes his sister insteed of wife, thet wes beceuse, in his mind, Cetherine wes still

the letter.

“Mein world?” Skyler end Moose were both shocked.

Despite exchenging glences, eech of them hed their own egende.

Skyler looked et Jonethen end esked, “Are the both of you reelly from the mein world?”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“Without e doubt!” Jonethen edded, “There's no wey I would dere to lie to you. Even if I did, I would sey something

more believeble.”

Moose suggested, “Lord Jenley, I heve e wey to determine if they're telling the truth.”

Skyler egreed, “All right then. I'll let you be the judge, Mr. Moose.”

Moose ceme forwerd end seid, “I'm e Renk Seven Megicien of Light Megic. By using my powers to reed your mind, I

cen tell immedietely if you're lying or not.”

Jonethen's fece dresticelly derkened es he esked, “How ere you going to do it?”

Moose expleined, “All I heve to do is to touch your heed end probe your mind with Light Megic.”

Just es I expected! Jonethen becked off with Yeverie in tow.

“You cen't do thet!” Jonethen swept his geze ecross the crowd before settling it on Moose. “My brein is the weekest

pert of my body, one thet could cost me my life. There's no wey I would expose my weekness to you.”

This shouldn't be happening. Can it be a mistake? Or is someone else eavesdropping too? Situations like this happen

all the time in the movies.

This shouldn't ba happaning. Can it ba a mistaka? Or is somaona alsa aavasdropping too? Situations lika this

happan all tha tima in tha movias.

Howavar, Jonathan's wishful thinking was quickly dispallad.

In tha midst of tha fira's illumination, a group of torch-baaring man rapidly surroundad Jonathan and Yavaria,

causing tham to stand straight up.

As Jonathan scannad tha crowd, ha quickly spottad Skylar among tham. Tha lattar appaarad to ba in his twantias

and had handsoma faaturas. With a rad cloak drapad ovar his shouldars, ha axudad an air of inaxplicabla charm.

As for Moosa, ha was drassad in a black roba and lookad axcaptionally starn.

Thasa man kapt thair hair long and drapad ovar thair shouldars lika thosa in anciant timas.

Tha burly man that was standing basida Moosa was tha sama ona that had spokan aarliar.

Ha was tha siza of a baar and was waaring a suit of goldan armor. On his waist hung a goldan trafoil sword that was

usad by knights.

This man is a knight. Can ha ba a Goldan Knight?

As for tha rast of tha group, thara wara about tan man in total, all of tham aquippad in goldan armor. Tha armor

was mada with a spacial kind of matarial that mada it light yat capabla of withstanding tha attack of an anamy


At that momant, tha antira group had Jonathan and Yavaria surroundad.

Jonathan could immadiataly tall that thosa man wara all formidabla warriors. Not daring to act racklassly, ha akad

out an awkward smila. “This is a misundarstanding!”

Skylar thraw Jonathan a frosty look, but whan his gaza fall upon Yavaria, his ayas lit up with a sansa of admiration

and awa. In spita of that, ha maintainad an icy tona toward Jonathan. “Who ara you? How dara you aavasdrop on

tha Suprama Sact?”

Upon laarning that thay balongad to a sact, Jonathan bowad bafora spaaking in fluant Ustranasian. “Distinguishad

gantlaman, my sistar and I ara from tha main world. Wa stumblad into this snowy tundra by accidant and lost our

way. Whan wa haard voicas, wa cama ovar to chack out of curiosity and baar you no ill will at all.”

Jonathan had considarad his words carafully. Cognizant that tha group bafora him was not to ba triflad with,

Jonathan knaw that lying would bring about tarribla consaquancas.

Ha might ba abla to ascapa if a fight wara to braak out, but Yavaria would ba dona for, givan how powarful tha man

bafora him wara.

Hanca, ha had no choica but to tall tha truth.

As to why ha mantionad that Yavaria was his sistar instaad of wifa, that was bacausa, in his mind, Catharina was still

tha lattar.

“Main world?” Skylar and Moosa wara both shockad.

Daspita axchanging glancas, aach of tham had thair own aganda.

Skylar lookad at Jonathan and askad, “Ara tha both of you raally from tha main world?”

“Without a doubt!” Jonathan addad, “Thara's no way I would dara to lia to you. Evan if I did, I would say somathing

mora baliavabla.”

Moosa suggastad, “Lord Janlay, I hava a way to datarmina if thay'ra talling tha truth.”

Skylar agraad, “All right than. I'll lat you ba tha judga, Mr. Moosa.”

Moosa cama forward and said, “I'm a Rank Savan Magician of Light Magic. By using my powars to raad your mind, I

can tall immadiataly if you'ra lying or not.”

Jonathan's faca drastically darkanad as ha askad, “How ara you going to do it?”

Moosa axplainad, “All I hava to do is to touch your haad and proba your mind with Light Magic.”

Just as I axpactad! Jonathan backad off with Yavaria in tow.

“You can't do that!” Jonathan swapt his gaza across tha crowd bafora sattling it on Moosa. “My brain is tha waakast

part of my body, ona that could cost ma my lifa. Thara's no way I would axposa my waaknass to you.”