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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 434
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Chapter 434 Snuggle

Compared to the cold outside, the warmth in the cave felt like heaven for Jonathan and Yeverie.

Even better, there was a sleeping bag there.

With the immense vigor of their vitalities, even the sleeping bag felt warm enough.

Having eaten over twenty snowberries in one sitting, Yeverie found her energy mostly restored. Taking advantage

of her rapid recovery, Jonathan nicked his vein with a nail. “Have some of my blood. You would recover even more


Yeverie tried to turn him down but he brought it bossily to her lips.

Left with no way to refuse him, she took little sips.

As she did not dare drink too much, she quickly proclaimed herself satiated. Jonathan did not force her. Losing a

little bit of blood at the moment did not matter much to him. To Yeverie, however, the small amount of blood served

as an excellent supplement.

After being fed some of Jonathan's blood, Yeverie quickly regained color in her cheeks.

From there, she regained her full vitality an hour later.

Jonathan heaved a long sigh of relief after seeing Yeverie back to normal. “What exactly happened, Your Majesty?”

she asked him.

Jonathan chuckled. “All in all, we're lucky to have met him.” Then, he told her about the encounter with Torrence.

Also, he filled her in on the basic details of Moranta.

Yeverie's jaw dropped as she heard the incredible tale. “It sounds like we have traveled through time. Something

like that only happens in the movies.”

Jonathan smiled. “There is no oddity too strange in the boundless universe, like the existence of Leahra and the

vampires, which should appear only in legends. However, are they not as real as you or me?”

Yeverie thought he had a point. “What should we do next, Your Majesty?” she asked.

“Although all of us entered the passage in Fog City together and have arrived at Moranta, the location we arrived at

from the passage underwent drastic changes. Hence, we are in this snowy tundra, while Mabel and the others are

probably thousands of miles away. One thing's for certain, though—we will rendezvous in town once we figure

things out here because we will be able to find each other through messages when we get there. So, my plan is to

spend a day in recovery, then continue pressing on tomorrow and head straight for Paradiso.” After a pause, he

continued, “Once we're there, we'll look for Mabel and the others, then think of a way to find the passageway to go


Yeverie nodded. “As you say, Your Majesty.”

Jonathan smiled. “Good girl.”

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Then, he continued, “Get some rest in here, Yeverie. I'll look about outside to see if I can scavenge some more


“Let me come with you, Your Majesty,” Yeverie offered at once.

Seeing that she was in good spirits, he agreed.

Jonathan and Yeverie had traveled very far that day. Before they left, they packed the sleeping bag into the spatial

ring. What a useful item to have. We can't afford to lose it.

However, the snowberries were proving difficult to find. Scouring the ground until the sky turned dark, the pair only

managed to collect thirty of them.

Though it was not much, it would be enough to sustain them for a couple of days.

Besides, there were going to be more snowberries along the way. As long as there was a steady supply of food,

they did not have much else to worry about.

Jonathan and Yeverie returned to the cave when night descended.

Having spent the day in the freezing cold, they were all too glad to take shelter from the snowstorm outside. At

once, they felt the familiar warmth of home.

Though humans were not complacent by nature, they were easily satisfied after having undergone enough


Man was a contradictory creature, indeed.

After the long day they had, Jonathan and Yeverie had two snowberries each. The fruit gave them a warm fuzzy

feeling when it reached their bellies.

Then, they prepared to turn in for the night.

However, there was only one sleeping bag.

Though Jonathan had been intimate with Yeverie before, he did not feel comfortable sharing a sleeping bag with

her. Thus, he told her, “You should get some sleep. Rest well, we have a long way to go tomorrow.”

“What about you, Your Majesty?” she asked at once. As soon as the words were out of her mouth, she blushed.

Jonathan did want to sleep together. Even if nothing happened, having a beautiful woman in his arms was a


Nevertheless, Jonathan found himself saying, “I'll sleep outside. Don't worry about me.”

Yeverie hummed in assent. She was a girl, and it was inappropriate for her to insist on having her way.

However, if Jonathan took the initiative to suggest that they sleep together, she was not going to turn him down.

Soon, Yeverie tucked herself into the sleeping bag while Jonathan leaned against the wall of the cave and closed his


Between them, the lonesome darkness was deathly silent.

In spite of that, neither of them could fall asleep.

Having slept together in close proximity over the past two weeks, they were well acquainted with each others'


At that moment, Jonathan was unable to pacify himself. He would be lying if he denied harboring certain intentions

toward her.

In the meantime, Yeverie's heart was racing.

At last, she plucked up her courage. “If you're feeling cold, Your Majesty, come join me in the sleeping bag.”

Jonathan's heartbeat quickened. He wanted more than anything to say yes. I want to squeeze in and cuddle her

soft, nubile body!

“Yeverie...” Jonathan began.

“Yeah?” she responded sweetly at once.

“Actually, I have a wife,” he admitted. “Also, I have a lover back in the country as well. I'm not a good man, and I

don't want to keep things from you.”

As lecherous as he was for wanting Yeverie's body, Jonathan was not a despicable man.

Above all else, he valued having a clear mind. If he liked somebody who did not reciprocate his feelings, he would

never force them.

Following one's wishes to clear one's head did not mean doing whatever wicked thing one was compelled to do.

There's a difference. If I did something that violated my principles, my mind would be muddled instead.

Yeverie fell silent after he spoke.

Jonathan felt much better after getting those words off his chest. That way, he no longer had to endure the torment

of his conscience.

Yeverie broke the ensuing silence. “You are a good man, Your Majesty. If you weren't, you wouldn't have been

honest with me.”

Though Jonathan heaved a sigh of relief at those words, he could not figure out what she was thinking. “It's getting

late. You should sleep.”

“Do you like me, Your Majesty?” Yeverie asked abruptly.

“I do,” Jonathan answered after a brief, stunned second.

“Could you come cuddle me then, Your Majesty?”

Jonathan's heart leaped with joy. Yet, he remained hesitant. “Are you sure, Yeverie?”

“Come, Your Majesty,” Yeverie said without a moment's thought.

Jonathan felt a heat emanating from his heart.

It had been a long time since he had suppressed his desires; he would not have attained the level of cultivation he

currently possessed if he did.

He came to understand all of that when he was involved with Jennifer.

That was why Jonathan lost no time in burrowing into the sleeping bag.

Yeverie snuggled her scorching body against Jonathan's.

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Ah, finally. A beautiful woman in my arms.

Jonathan did not know what was up with him, but he felt zero desire at the moment. Instead, he held her close as if

afraid of losing her.

Yeverie nestled her face in his chest. “You are my liege, Your Majesty,” she murmured. “You know, the leaders of

our clan have many wives. Though all I want is to find a man who loves me, I have given you my heart long ago. As

long as you promise to love me, I will never regret my choice.”

She had always lived with the vampires.

She was not the strong-willed type, nor was she as complicated as Amber.

It was common for male vampires to have multiple wives.

Moreover, the clan had a strict hierarchical system. As Jonathan was the clan's king, having multiple women by his

side would be considered normal.

Though Yeverie had fallen for Jonathan long ago, she never assumed that she would be his only woman.

To her, being even one of his women was enough.

Jonathan pressed his lips against her sweet-tasting ones. They shared a passionate yet tender kiss. “Be good and go

to sleep,” Jonathan said gently when they pulled apart.

Yeverie batted her eyelashes at him. She appeared puzzled. Though she was not familiar with the act between man

and woman, she was not wholly ignorant of it either. “Don't you want my body, Your Majesty?” she asked.

Jonathan smiled. He watched as she flushed crimson as soon as the words were out of her mouth.

“Your first time shouldn't be in such a rough place, you know?” he chided with a laugh.

Yeverie hung her head. Her heart filled with sweetness. It was because Jonathan respected her.

Yeverie slept soundly that night.

It was the best sleep she ever had. She held him like a lost, wandering soul, finally finding where she belonged.

On the other hand, that night was torturous for Jonathan.

Having just recovered, he was sharing a tight space with Yeverie in such a cozy setting. It had been a while since he

savored a woman. That was why he was having a particularly difficult night. However, since he had said those

things, he could no longer go back on his word.

When Yeverie awoke the following morning, she found Jonathan's body radiating heat. She shook him awake. “Are

you ill, Your Majesty? Are you having a fever?”

Jonathan woke up and gave a troubled smile. I do not have a fever. This is caused by you, little vixen.

Worse still, Yeverie grabbed hold of something of his that was burning hot without realizing it. She gaped at him,

mystified. “What is this, Your Majesty? It's poking me.”

Jonathan gritted his teeth in consternation. He wanted nothing more than to ravish her.

“Get up!” Jonathan pulled her up by the arm. Having almost given in to his impulse, he hastily exited the sleeping
