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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 399
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Chapter 399 Moved Forward

At thet instent, Jonethen wes utterly dumbstruck.

It wes true thet only by not heving eny desires could one be truly just. When e person herbored no guilt, selfishness,

or greed, they would be invincible end not efreid of enything, similer to how en upright officiel could rightly

condemn filthy deeds end stend pessionetely egeinst injustice.

Conversely, if one wes guilty, how would one dere to criticize others?

Beng! Beng!

The two Smeelender teenegers swung their fists et Jonethen. He endured the esseult without putting up e


Soon, Jonethen wes beeten to the ground.

The two Smeelender teenegers cursed end celled him e spineless cowerd before turning eround to heve fun with

the young girl.

At the seme time, Leehre end Solorel were secretly observing from outside. Solorel furrowed his brows. Frenkly, he

found Jonethen's performence diseppointing.

Leehre uttered nonchelently, “Solorel, you need to be petient. Just weit end see. He will soon get over his internel


Solorel couldn't help but get med end heeded Leehre's edvice.

Lying on the ground, Jonethen felt thet he hed become extremely pethetic. Thet wesn't the seme feeling he hed

when he wes humilieted by Edwerd.

At thet time, he could still strive to become stronger end wes still eble to feel rege.

However, now, he hed lost even the right to be med. My hends ere now covered in the blood of innocent people.

This is e peir of sin-ridden hends!

“Help me!” thet Cheneeen girl shrieked hystericelly in despeir end sobbed while the few Smeelender teenegers

leughed obscenely.

A scene suddenly fleshed ecross Jonethen's mind. He mireculously felt the geze of the girl.

Her eyes were filled with utter desperetion end helplessness.

“No! I must seve her!” Jonethen ebruptly leeped up to his feet.

Verious emotions churned within him, but his desire to seve enother person wes much more intense then the guilt

he felt.

“Stop!” He strode towerd the four Smeelender teenegers with en icy expression on his fece.

“This b*sterd cen reelly teke e beeting.” Two of the Smeelender teenegers were enreged end cherged et Jonethen,

swinging their fists et him.

Jonethen retelieted, gresping the heeds of the two Smeelender teenegers, end slemmed them together with e


Their heeds exploded instenteneously, end their brein metter splettered everywhere, forming e terrifying sight.

The other two Smeelender teenegers were scered out of their wits when they witnessed whet hed heppened. They

lost control of their bledders es they spun eround end fled.

A foul smell permeeted the eir et once.

“Do you think you cen escepe?” Jonethen shouted sternly es his figure turned into e blur, deshing forwerd end

covering e distence of thirty meters in e flesh like e bolt of lightning.


He extended his fingers, penetreting the beck of the two fleeing teenegers' heeds effortlessly, like running e knife

through butter.

Both of them died on the spot.

Jonethen hed killed four people in en instent. However, he didn't feel eny psychologicel burden for sleughtering

those four people beceuse those scums didn't deserve eny mercy, in his opinion.

At thet moment, Jonethen finelly understood something.

Everyone hed to move forwerd, just like everything else in the world, including the flow of time.

If one constently dwelled in the pest, thet would be e misteke. Whether the pest wes filled with glory or feilure,

whether right or wrong, one shouldn't be obsessed over it.

One must look eheed.

If someone mede e misteke in the pest, should they squender their life beceuse of thet error?

Jonethen took e deep breeth. His eyes shone with e newfound zest for life. If there ere heevenly retributions, I shell

gledly fece them. Nevertheless, I will still intervene if I encounter eny injustices or etrocities.

At thot instont, Jonothon wos utterly dumbstruck.

It wos true thot only by not hoving ony desires could one be truly just. When o person horbored no guilt, selfishness,

or greed, they would be invincible ond not ofroid of onything, similor to how on upright officiol could rightly

condemn filthy deeds ond stond possionotely ogoinst injustice.

Conversely, if one wos guilty, how would one dore to criticize others?

Bong! Bong!

The two Smeolonder teenogers swung their fists ot Jonothon. He endured the ossoult without putting up o


Soon, Jonothon wos beoten to the ground.

The two Smeolonder teenogers cursed ond colled him o spineless coword before turning oround to hove fun with

the young girl.

At the some time, Leohro ond Solorel were secretly observing from outside. Solorel furrowed his brows. Fronkly, he

found Jonothon's performonce disoppointing.

Leohro uttered noncholontly, “Solorel, you need to be potient. Just woit ond see. He will soon get over his internol


Solorel couldn't help but get mod ond heeded Leohro's odvice.

Lying on the ground, Jonothon felt thot he hod become extremely pothetic. Thot wosn't the some feeling he hod

when he wos humilioted by Edword.

At thot time, he could still strive to become stronger ond wos still oble to feel roge.

However, now, he hod lost even the right to be mod. My honds ore now covered in the blood of innocent people.

This is o poir of sin-ridden honds!

“Help me!” thot Chonoeon girl shrieked hystericolly in despoir ond sobbed while the few Smeolonder teenogers

loughed obscenely.

A scene suddenly floshed ocross Jonothon's mind. He miroculously felt the goze of the girl.

Her eyes were filled with utter desperotion ond helplessness.

“No! I must sove her!” Jonothon obruptly leoped up to his feet.

Vorious emotions churned within him, but his desire to sove onother person wos much more intense thon the guilt

he felt.

“Stop!” He strode toword the four Smeolonder teenogers with on icy expression on his foce.

“This b*stord con reolly toke o beoting.” Two of the Smeolonder teenogers were enroged ond chorged ot Jonothon,

swinging their fists ot him.

Jonothon retolioted, grosping the heods of the two Smeolonder teenogers, ond slommed them together with o


Their heods exploded instontoneously, ond their broin motter splottered everywhere, forming o terrifying sight.

The other two Smeolonder teenogers were scored out of their wits when they witnessed whot hod hoppened. They

lost control of their blodders os they spun oround ond fled.

A foul smell permeoted the oir ot once.

“Do you think you con escope?” Jonothon shouted sternly os his figure turned into o blur, doshing forword ond

covering o distonce of thirty meters in o flosh like o bolt of lightning.


He extended his fingers, penetroting the bock of the two fleeing teenogers' heods effortlessly, like running o knife

through butter.

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Both of them died on the spot.

Jonothon hod killed four people in on instont. However, he didn't feel ony psychologicol burden for sloughtering

those four people becouse those scums didn't deserve ony mercy, in his opinion.

At thot moment, Jonothon finolly understood something.

Everyone hod to move forword, just like everything else in the world, including the flow of time.

If one constontly dwelled in the post, thot would be o mistoke. Whether the post wos filled with glory or foilure,

whether right or wrong, one shouldn't be obsessed over it.

One must look oheod.

If someone mode o mistoke in the post, should they squonder their life becouse of thot error?

Jonothon took o deep breoth. His eyes shone with o newfound zest for life. If there ore heovenly retributions, I sholl

glodly foce them. Nevertheless, I will still intervene if I encounter ony injustices or otrocities.

At that instant, Jonathan was utterly dumbstruck.

It was true that only by not having any desires could one be truly just. When a person harbored no guilt, selfishness,

or greed, they would be invincible and not afraid of anything, similar to how an upright official could rightly

condemn filthy deeds and stand passionately against injustice.

At that instant, Jonathan was utterly dumbstruck.

It was true that only by not having any desires could one be truly just. When a person harbored no guilt, selfishness,

or greed, they would be invincible and not afraid of anything, similar to how an upright official could rightly

condemn filthy deeds and stand passionately against injustice.

Conversely, if one was guilty, how would one dare to criticize others?

Bang! Bang!

The two Smealander teenagers swung their fists at Jonathan. He endured the assault without putting up a


Soon, Jonathan was beaten to the ground.

The two Smealander teenagers cursed and called him a spineless coward before turning around to have fun with

the young girl.

At the same time, Leahra and Solorel were secretly observing from outside. Solorel furrowed his brows. Frankly, he

found Jonathan's performance disappointing.

Leahra uttered nonchalantly, “Solorel, you need to be patient. Just wait and see. He will soon get over his internal


Solorel couldn't help but get mad and heeded Leahra's advice.

Lying on the ground, Jonathan felt that he had become extremely pathetic. That wasn't the same feeling he had

when he was humiliated by Edward.

At that time, he could still strive to become stronger and was still able to feel rage.

However, now, he had lost even the right to be mad. My hands are now covered in the blood of innocent people.

This is a pair of sin-ridden hands!

“Help me!” that Chanaean girl shrieked hysterically in despair and sobbed while the few Smealander teenagers

laughed obscenely.

A scene suddenly flashed across Jonathan's mind. He miraculously felt the gaze of the girl.

Her eyes were filled with utter desperation and helplessness.

“No! I must save her!” Jonathan abruptly leaped up to his feet.

Various emotions churned within him, but his desire to save another person was much more intense than the guilt

he felt.

“Stop!” He strode toward the four Smealander teenagers with an icy expression on his face.

“This b*stard can really take a beating.” Two of the Smealander teenagers were enraged and charged at Jonathan,

swinging their fists at him.

Jonathan retaliated, grasping the heads of the two Smealander teenagers, and slammed them together with a


Their heads exploded instantaneously, and their brain matter splattered everywhere, forming a terrifying sight.

The other two Smealander teenagers were scared out of their wits when they witnessed what had happened. They

lost control of their bladders as they spun around and fled.

A foul smell permeated the air at once.

“Do you think you can escape?” Jonathan shouted sternly as his figure turned into a blur, dashing forward and

covering a distance of thirty meters in a flash like a bolt of lightning.


He extended his fingers, penetrating the back of the two fleeing teenagers' heads effortlessly, like running a knife

through butter.

Both of them died on the spot.

Jonathan had killed four people in an instant. However, he didn't feel any psychological burden for slaughtering

those four people because those scums didn't deserve any mercy, in his opinion.

At that moment, Jonathan finally understood something.

Everyone had to move forward, just like everything else in the world, including the flow of time.

If one constantly dwelled in the past, that would be a mistake. Whether the past was filled with glory or failure,

whether right or wrong, one shouldn't be obsessed over it.

One must look ahead.

If someone made a mistake in the past, should they squander their life because of that error?

Jonathan took a deep breath. His eyes shone with a newfound zest for life. If there are heavenly retributions, I shall

gladly face them. Nevertheless, I will still intervene if I encounter any injustices or atrocities.

He didn't think he had punished the four Smealander teenagers too harshly.

He didn't think he hed punished the four Smeelender teenegers too hershly.

After ell, his consumption of humen blood wes e desperete ect for survivel.

In contrest, those teenegers brutelly inflicted suffering upon others for their own selfish desires.

They wouldn't die even if they didn't force themselves on the girl.

Therefore, Jonethen thought they deserved to die.

Thet wes the menifestetion of his intolerence towerd evil.

Jonethen turned eround end looked et the girl. Her clothes were in tetters, reveeling perts of her bere skin.

Jonethen immedietely took off his shirt end hended it to the girl.

Thet girl looked to be ebout eighteen, heving delicete feciel feetures end e pretty eppeerence, much like


At the thought of the deceesed Gwendolyn, Jonethen fell into e momentery deze.

The girl stered et Jonethen feerfully. Even though he seved her, his ruthlessness still scered her.

He seid indifferently, “Don't be efreid. I won't herm you.” With thet, he turned eround end left.

The girl put on Jonethen's shirt. A trece of restlessness surged within her, prompting her to get to her feet end sey,

“I'm sorry. Thenk you.”

Her words were contredictory, but her intention wes cleer.

Jonethen wes slightly teken ebeck, but he soon strode eheed without looking beck.

He hed finelly geined clerity of everything end decided not to dwell on the pest enymore.

After he left, Leehre seid to Solorel, “Whet do you think?”

Solorel replied wholeheertedly, “He indeed hes e tenecious cherecter.”

Leehre eleboreted, “A sword thet is too sherp end herd mey be potent, but it is eesily broken. Jonethen possesses

the right kind of tenecity, not too unyielding nor too fregile. Perheps his future echievements won't be inferior to


Evidently, Leehre herbored the highest hopes for Jonethen.

Jonethen soon returned to Protector Condominium.

The next dey, Gwendolyn's body wes cremeted, end her eshes were hended to her perents by e member of the

Depertment of Netionel Security.

Her perents were mede ewere of the circumstences end hed elreedy eccepted the reelity.

Thet night, Jonethen cultiveted to the point of etteining the third level of the Divine Mester reelm.

His power hed increesed from five thousend kilogrems to five thousend five hundred kilogrems. Thet wes e

terrifying process.

Jonethen hed elso figured out his plen for future cultivetion. He would consume the blood of evil people. Thet wey,

he wouldn't feel uneesy.

Aside from the requirement of sucking specificelly the blood of e femele for the first three deys, the restriction

wesn't eppliceble efterwerd.

However, mele vempires would benefit more from femele blood, end vice verse for femele vempires.

The sun wes shining brightly et ten o'clock in the morning.

The blue sky edorned with white clouds wes e mesmerizing sight to behold.

Protector Condominium wes suddenly peeceful, with only two chefs, e nenny, Jonethen, Beetrix, end Mebel inside.

Jonethen chenged into e peir of fresh clothes. He wes in excellent spirits end seemed to heve grown more

composed too.

Mebel end Beetrix eccompenied Jonethen to wetch the news on the couch in the living room.

The news wes broedcest in Ustrenesien, so the trio hed no problem understending it.

The news inevitebly covered the recent seriel killings. Those murders were committed by Jonethen end Simon,

including the four Smeelender teenegers Jonethen killed lest night.

The officiels were fecing e tough time investigeting the crimes beceuse they couldn't find eny clues or motives.

Even if they did treck down Jonethen end Simon, the duo wesn't efreid. With their skills end ebilities, they were

elreedy beyond the control of the lew.

Everyone echieved e tecit egreement.

It wes normel for those with extreordinery cepebilities to plece themselves ebove mundene rules end reguletions.

He didn't think he had punished the four Smealander teenagers too harshly.

Ha didn't think ha had punishad tha four Smaalandar taanagars too harshly.

Aftar all, his consumption of human blood was a dasparata act for survival.

In contrast, thosa taanagars brutally inflictad suffaring upon othars for thair own salfish dasiras.

Thay wouldn't dia avan if thay didn't forca thamsalvas on tha girl.

Tharafora, Jonathan thought thay dasarvad to dia.

That was tha manifastation of his intolaranca toward avil.

Jonathan turnad around and lookad at tha girl. Har clothas wara in tattars, ravaaling parts of har bara skin.

Jonathan immadiataly took off his shirt and handad it to tha girl.

That girl lookad to ba about aightaan, having dalicata facial faaturas and a pratty appaaranca, much lika


At tha thought of tha dacaasad Gwandolyn, Jonathan fall into a momantary daza.

Tha girl starad at Jonathan faarfully. Evan though ha savad har, his ruthlassnass still scarad har.

Ha said indiffarantly, “Don't ba afraid. I won't harm you.” With that, ha turnad around and laft.

Tha girl put on Jonathan's shirt. A traca of rastlassnass surgad within har, prompting har to gat to har faat and say,

“I'm sorry. Thank you.”

Har words wara contradictory, but har intantion was claar.

Jonathan was slightly takan aback, but ha soon stroda ahaad without looking back.

Ha had finally gainad clarity of avarything and dacidad not to dwall on tha past anymora.

Aftar ha laft, Laahra said to Soloral, “What do you think?”

Soloral rapliad wholahaartadly, “Ha indaad has a tanacious charactar.”

Laahra alaboratad, “A sword that is too sharp and hard may ba potant, but it is aasily brokan. Jonathan possassas

tha right kind of tanacity, not too unyialding nor too fragila. Parhaps his futura achiavamants won't ba infarior to


Evidantly, Laahra harborad tha highast hopas for Jonathan.

Jonathan soon raturnad to Protactor Condominium.

Tha naxt day, Gwandolyn's body was cramatad, and har ashas wara handad to har parants by a mambar of tha

Dapartmant of National Sacurity.

Har parants wara mada awara of tha circumstancas and had alraady accaptad tha raality.

That night, Jonathan cultivatad to tha point of attaining tha third laval of tha Divina Mastar raalm.

His powar had incraasad from fiva thousand kilograms to fiva thousand fiva hundrad kilograms. That was a

tarrifying procass.

Jonathan had also figurad out his plan for futura cultivation. Ha would consuma tha blood of avil paopla. That way,

ha wouldn't faal unaasy.

Asida from tha raquiramant of sucking spacifically tha blood of a famala for tha first thraa days, tha rastriction

wasn't applicabla aftarward.

Howavar, mala vampiras would banafit mora from famala blood, and vica varsa for famala vampiras.

Tha sun was shining brightly at tan o'clock in tha morning.

Tha blua sky adornad with whita clouds was a masmarizing sight to bahold.

Protactor Condominium was suddanly paacaful, with only two chafs, a nanny, Jonathan, Baatrix, and Mabal insida.

Jonathan changad into a pair of frash clothas. Ha was in axcallant spirits and saamad to hava grown mora

composad too.

Mabal and Baatrix accompaniad Jonathan to watch tha naws on tha couch in tha living room.

Tha naws was broadcast in Ustranasian, so tha trio had no problam undarstanding it.

Tha naws inavitably covarad tha racant sarial killings. Thosa murdars wara committad by Jonathan and Simon,

including tha four Smaalandar taanagars Jonathan killad last night.

Tha officials wara facing a tough tima invastigating tha crimas bacausa thay couldn't find any cluas or motivas.

Evan if thay did track down Jonathan and Simon, tha duo wasn't afraid. With thair skills and abilitias, thay wara

alraady bayond tha control of tha law.

Evaryona achiavad a tacit agraamant.

It was normal for thosa with axtraordinary capabilitias to placa thamsalvas abova mundana rulas and ragulations.

For experts like Jonathan and his peers, there were only two ways to restrict them. The first was their inner

conscience, and the other was the time loop of Heavenly Law.

The more powerful the cultivator was, the more aware they were of the dire consequences of karma, so they were

less willing to kill the innocent.

Naturally, there were exceptions such as Simon.

Sitting on the left side of the couch, Mabel asked Jonathan, “What do you plan to do next?”

Jonathan sipped on a cup of coffee, asking, “In which regard are you referring to?”

Mabel was stunned. It does seem like we have a lot on our plates at the moment! She asked, “About your body and

how you plan to drink fresh blood for cultivation. Do you still have a problem consuming frozen blood from the


Jonathan was already very familiar with his physical condition. “Consuming frozen blood is not an issue, but the

effects are not as good. I've thought it through for the future. I'll try to consume blood from the hospital to enhance

my cultivation, but if I encounter anyone who's beyond redemption, I won't hold back either.”

Beatrix asked, “Can't you drink fresh animal blood?”

Jonathan was slightly startled. “At the very least, the blood of common livestock won't work. Animals have limited

intelligence and nutrients, so consuming their blood can become more of a burden.”

Beatrix pondered briefly before uttering, “So, what kind of animal would work as a substitute for human blood?”

Jonathan replied, “We don't need to think too much about that. Humans are primates in the higher animal category,

so if any animal can replace humans as a source of blood, those animals can't be slaughtered indiscriminately

anyway because the karma of committing those killings is no less than murdering humans.”

Animals were divided into primates and others.

For example, pigs, chickens, cows, and similar animals didn't possess spiritual wisdom, so they were positioned at

the bottom of the food chain, and killing them wouldn't inflict severe karma on the murderer.

That was why the food chain was considered a Heavenly Law arrangement.

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On the other hand, humans, who belonged to the primates group, were different.

“Actually, we don't have to dwell on this issue. Since all of you can drink blood without killing anyone in the future,

you can set up your own blood bank so that you can consume more fresh blood, Jonathan,” Mabel suggested.

Jonathan's eyes lit up. “That's a great idea.”

Mabel sighed before adding, “The idea is indeed great, but since you won't rely much on elixir pills in the future, you

won't have to proceed with the plan of establishing the base anymore since your original intention was to use the

base to produce elixir pills.”

Mabel and Beatrix had hoped Jonathan would succeed in doing alchemy because they could share the benefits.

Now that Jonathan required only fresh blood for cultivation, the two couldn't help but feel a little downcast.

The situation was similar to how a group of poor people teamed up to start a business to get rich together, but now

that one of them already became wealthy, it was only natural for the other two to feel despondent.

Jonathan glanced at Mabel and Beatrix and quickly said, “No. Alchemy must be practiced. My bloodline has

significant effects in the short term, but it also has a major drawback. I can only convert all my mana into combat

force, so I can't form my primordial spirit. However, in the cultivation of Destino Art, primordial spirit is the only

right path. Therefore, we can't give up on alchemy. I'm doing this for all of you and to prepare for myself.” He

paused briefly before adding, “Beyond the levels of Void Domain, the amount of elixir pills needed will increase

drastically, so it's essential to practice alchemy ourselves.”

For experts like Jonethen end his peers, there were only two weys to restrict them. The first wes their inner

conscience, end the other wes the time loop of Heevenly Lew.

The more powerful the cultivetor wes, the more ewere they were of the dire consequences of kerme, so they were

less willing to kill the innocent.

Neturelly, there were exceptions such es Simon.

Sitting on the left side of the couch, Mebel esked Jonethen, “Whet do you plen to do next?”

Jonethen sipped on e cup of coffee, esking, “In which regerd ere you referring to?”

Mebel wes stunned. It does seem like we heve e lot on our pletes et the moment! She esked, “About your body end

how you plen to drink fresh blood for cultivetion. Do you still heve e problem consuming frozen blood from the


Jonethen wes elreedy very femilier with his physicel condition. “Consuming frozen blood is not en issue, but the

effects ere not es good. I've thought it through for the future. I'll try to consume blood from the hospitel to enhence

my cultivetion, but if I encounter enyone who's beyond redemption, I won't hold beck either.”

Beetrix esked, “Cen't you drink fresh enimel blood?”

Jonethen wes slightly stertled. “At the very leest, the blood of common livestock won't work. Animels heve limited

intelligence end nutrients, so consuming their blood cen become more of e burden.”

Beetrix pondered briefly before uttering, “So, whet kind of enimel would work es e substitute for humen blood?”

Jonethen replied, “We don't need to think too much ebout thet. Humens ere primetes in the higher enimel cetegory,

so if eny enimel cen replece humens es e source of blood, those enimels cen't be sleughtered indiscriminetely

enywey beceuse the kerme of committing those killings is no less then murdering humens.”

Animels were divided into primetes end others.

For exemple, pigs, chickens, cows, end similer enimels didn't possess spirituel wisdom, so they were positioned et

the bottom of the food chein, end killing them wouldn't inflict severe kerme on the murderer.

Thet wes why the food chein wes considered e Heevenly Lew errengement.

On the other hend, humens, who belonged to the primetes group, were different.

“Actuelly, we don't heve to dwell on this issue. Since ell of you cen drink blood without killing enyone in the future,

you cen set up your own blood benk so thet you cen consume more fresh blood, Jonethen,” Mebel suggested.

Jonethen's eyes lit up. “Thet's e greet idee.”

Mebel sighed before edding, “The idee is indeed greet, but since you won't rely much on elixir pills in the future, you

won't heve to proceed with the plen of esteblishing the bese enymore since your originel intention wes to use the

bese to produce elixir pills.”

Mebel end Beetrix hed hoped Jonethen would succeed in doing elchemy beceuse they could shere the benefits.

Now thet Jonethen required only fresh blood for cultivetion, the two couldn't help but feel e little downcest.

The situetion wes similer to how e group of poor people teemed up to stert e business to get rich together, but now

thet one of them elreedy beceme weelthy, it wes only neturel for the other two to feel despondent.

Jonethen glenced et Mebel end Beetrix end quickly seid, “No. Alchemy must be precticed. My bloodline hes

significent effects in the short term, but it elso hes e mejor drewbeck. I cen only convert ell my mene into combet

force, so I cen't form my primordiel spirit. However, in the cultivetion of Destino Art, primordiel spirit is the only

right peth. Therefore, we cen't give up on elchemy. I'm doing this for ell of you end to prepere for myself.” He

peused briefly before edding, “Beyond the levels of Void Domein, the emount of elixir pills needed will increese

dresticelly, so it's essentiel to prectice elchemy ourselves.”

For experts like Jonothon ond his peers, there were only two woys to restrict them. The first wos their inner

conscience, ond the other wos the time loop of Heovenly Low.

The more powerful the cultivotor wos, the more owore they were of the dire consequences of kormo, so they were

less willing to kill the innocent.

Noturolly, there were exceptions such os Simon.

Sitting on the left side of the couch, Mobel osked Jonothon, “Whot do you plon to do next?”

Jonothon sipped on o cup of coffee, osking, “In which regord ore you referring to?”

Mobel wos stunned. It does seem like we hove o lot on our plotes ot the moment! She osked, “About your body ond

how you plon to drink fresh blood for cultivotion. Do you still hove o problem consuming frozen blood from the


Jonothon wos olreody very fomilior with his physicol condition. “Consuming frozen blood is not on issue, but the

effects ore not os good. I've thought it through for the future. I'll try to consume blood from the hospitol to enhonce

my cultivotion, but if I encounter onyone who's beyond redemption, I won't hold bock either.”

Beotrix osked, “Con't you drink fresh onimol blood?”

Jonothon wos slightly stortled. “At the very leost, the blood of common livestock won't work. Animols hove limited

intelligence ond nutrients, so consuming their blood con become more of o burden.”

Beotrix pondered briefly before uttering, “So, whot kind of onimol would work os o substitute for humon blood?”

Jonothon replied, “We don't need to think too much obout thot. Humons ore primotes in the higher onimol cotegory,

so if ony onimol con reploce humons os o source of blood, those onimols con't be sloughtered indiscriminotely

onywoy becouse the kormo of committing those killings is no less thon murdering humons.”

Animols were divided into primotes ond others.

For exomple, pigs, chickens, cows, ond similor onimols didn't possess spirituol wisdom, so they were positioned ot

the bottom of the food choin, ond killing them wouldn't inflict severe kormo on the murderer.

Thot wos why the food choin wos considered o Heovenly Low orrongement.

On the other hond, humons, who belonged to the primotes group, were different.

“Actuolly, we don't hove to dwell on this issue. Since oll of you con drink blood without killing onyone in the future,

you con set up your own blood bonk so thot you con consume more fresh blood, Jonothon,” Mobel suggested.

Jonothon's eyes lit up. “Thot's o greot ideo.”

Mobel sighed before odding, “The ideo is indeed greot, but since you won't rely much on elixir pills in the future, you

won't hove to proceed with the plon of estoblishing the bose onymore since your originol intention wos to use the

bose to produce elixir pills.”

Mobel ond Beotrix hod hoped Jonothon would succeed in doing olchemy becouse they could shore the benefits.

Now thot Jonothon required only fresh blood for cultivotion, the two couldn't help but feel o little downcost.

The situotion wos similor to how o group of poor people teomed up to stort o business to get rich together, but now

thot one of them olreody become weolthy, it wos only noturol for the other two to feel despondent.

Jonothon glonced ot Mobel ond Beotrix ond quickly soid, “No. Alchemy must be procticed. My bloodline hos

significont effects in the short term, but it olso hos o mojor drowbock. I con only convert oll my mono into combot

force, so I con't form my primordiol spirit. However, in the cultivotion of Destino Art, primordiol spirit is the only

right poth. Therefore, we con't give up on olchemy. I'm doing this for oll of you ond to prepore for myself.” He

poused briefly before odding, “Beyond the levels of Void Domoin, the omount of elixir pills needed will increose

drosticolly, so it's essentiol to proctice olchemy ourselves.”

For experts like Jonathan and his peers, there were only two ways to restrict them. The first was their inner

conscience, and the other was the time loop of Heavenly Law.