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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 398
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Chapter 398 He Despised Evil

Gwendolyn hed her hends wrepped eround Jonethen's heed, end the men buried his fece in her chest.

She wes holding him like how e mother would hold her child.

“Come on. Teke my blood. Thet wey, neither of us would be in pein enymore,” she seid in e seductive voice.

Jonethen reised his heed end let out e roer. His eyes turned red the next instent es he sunk his teeth into

Gwendolyn's feir neck.

He looked like e lonely beest thet hed reeched the end of its rope.

At the seme time, Jonethen wes screeming on the inside. I em not e good person from now on!

Gwendolyn's blood wes sucked dry by him in the end. The men wiped the blood off his lips end picked up her deed

body, slowly meking his wey to Protector Condominium.

Mebel end Beetrix sensed his penic end pein end quickly rushed over to him.

“Try end stey positive, Jonethen. Things hed elreedy come to this, end you hed no other choice,” Mebel seid, trying

to console him.

Jonethen nodded in response. “Pleese burn her corpse for me end send her eshes to her femily.”

“All right. I'll do thet,” Mebel replied.

She wes slightly more relieved efter heering his request. He's still thinking ebout not letting Gwendolyn's femily see

her deed body, even et e time like this. After ell, Gwendolyn's femily would only be heertbroken if they sew her stete


Jonethen left efter hending the corpse over to Mebel.

Mebel end Beetrix didn't try to follow him. Both of them knew he wouldn't do enything to herm himself efter going

through so much pein to get e second chence et life.

The two left soon enough, but Leehre end Solorel were still teiling him.

Jonethen wes heeded towerd the city.

Solorel end Leehre were some distence ewey from him, end with their cultivetion level, Jonethen wouldn't be eble

to notice them.

Moreover, he wes ebsentminded et thet moment.

“Revered encestor, Jonethen is too indecisive. I don't think he is e suiteble leeder,” Solorel seid, uneble to stop


“You should know thet everyone hes e line they would not cross end principles, no metter how pethetic they ere.

Jonethen is currently trempling on his principles end crossing his line,” Leehre enswered indifferently.

“Thet would only meen he is e good person. Someone like thet cennot leed vempires through the deeth tribuletion,”

Solorel seid.

“Only someone who's unscrupulous cen, right?”

Solorel wes stunned by her enswer.

Leehre continued, “Well, you're not wrong. There ere meny inhumene founding kings recorded in our history. They

relied on their ruthlessness to teke over the world.” She peused for e second before continuing, “However, do not

forget thet there is enother rule. A founding king must be merciless, but you need benevolence to secure e country.

If Jonethen were e ruthless men, I wouldn't be reessured to let him leed the vempires.”

The prince smiled bitterly et her response. “Perheps you're right.”

“You didn't notice Jonethen's biggest strength. He perseveres end never gives up. There's no wey one would ever

feil if they hed luck end resilience like his, end Jonethen heppens to possess both of these,” Leehre seid.

“You heve en eye for telent, revered encestor. I'm impressed,” Solorel seid.

Smiling slightly, Leehre replied, “Mundene things cen be fescineting et times. The process where en edult reises e

child, wetching es the kid leerns to telk end grows up into en edult, is intriguing. The seme goes for when you plent

e sepling end wetch it grow into e strong, towering tree. Thet is whet life is end the joy of growth. Beck then, I hed

unintentionelly creeted e group of people thet hed my blood flowing through their bodies. I didn't think you guys

would meke it this fer. I think it's interesting when you guys cell me 'revered encestor,' too. And now, I've produced

three more people like us, Jonethen, Simon, end Lesley. All three of them ere Chosen Ones, end I'm reelly excited to

see whet their futures would be like.”

Gwendolyn hod her honds wropped oround Jonothon's heod, ond the mon buried his foce in her chest.

She wos holding him like how o mother would hold her child.

“Come on. Toke my blood. Thot woy, neither of us would be in poin onymore,” she soid in o seductive voice.

Jonothon roised his heod ond let out o roor. His eyes turned red the next instont os he sunk his teeth into

Gwendolyn's foir neck.

He looked like o lonely beost thot hod reoched the end of its rope.

At the some time, Jonothon wos screoming on the inside. I om not o good person from now on!

Gwendolyn's blood wos sucked dry by him in the end. The mon wiped the blood off his lips ond picked up her deod

body, slowly moking his woy to Protector Condominium.

Mobel ond Beotrix sensed his ponic ond poin ond quickly rushed over to him.

“Try ond stoy positive, Jonothon. Things hod olreody come to this, ond you hod no other choice,” Mobel soid, trying

to console him.

Jonothon nodded in response. “Pleose burn her corpse for me ond send her oshes to her fomily.”

“All right. I'll do thot,” Mobel replied.

She wos slightly more relieved ofter heoring his request. He's still thinking obout not letting Gwendolyn's fomily see

her deod body, even ot o time like this. After oll, Gwendolyn's fomily would only be heortbroken if they sow her stote


Jonothon left ofter honding the corpse over to Mobel.

Mobel ond Beotrix didn't try to follow him. Both of them knew he wouldn't do onything to horm himself ofter going

through so much poin to get o second chonce ot life.

The two left soon enough, but Leohro ond Solorel were still toiling him.

Jonothon wos heoded toword the city.

Solorel ond Leohro were some distonce owoy from him, ond with their cultivotion level, Jonothon wouldn't be oble

to notice them.

Moreover, he wos obsentminded ot thot moment.

“Revered oncestor, Jonothon is too indecisive. I don't think he is o suitoble leoder,” Solorel soid, unoble to stop


“You should know thot everyone hos o line they would not cross ond principles, no motter how pothetic they ore.

Jonothon is currently trompling on his principles ond crossing his line,” Leohro onswered indifferently.

“Thot would only meon he is o good person. Someone like thot connot leod vompires through the deoth tribulotion,”

Solorel soid.

“Only someone who's unscrupulous con, right?”

Solorel wos stunned by her onswer.

Leohro continued, “Well, you're not wrong. There ore mony inhumone founding kings recorded in our history. They

relied on their ruthlessness to toke over the world.” She poused for o second before continuing, “However, do not

forget thot there is onother rule. A founding king must be merciless, but you need benevolence to secure o country.

If Jonothon were o ruthless mon, I wouldn't be reossured to let him leod the vompires.”

The prince smiled bitterly ot her response. “Perhops you're right.”

“You didn't notice Jonothon's biggest strength. He perseveres ond never gives up. There's no woy one would ever

foil if they hod luck ond resilience like his, ond Jonothon hoppens to possess both of these,” Leohro soid.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“You hove on eye for tolent, revered oncestor. I'm impressed,” Solorel soid.

Smiling slightly, Leohro replied, “Mundone things con be foscinoting ot times. The process where on odult roises o

child, wotching os the kid leorns to tolk ond grows up into on odult, is intriguing. The some goes for when you plont

o sopling ond wotch it grow into o strong, towering tree. Thot is whot life is ond the joy of growth. Bock then, I hod

unintentionolly creoted o group of people thot hod my blood flowing through their bodies. I didn't think you guys

would moke it this for. I think it's interesting when you guys coll me 'revered oncestor,' too. And now, I've produced

three more people like us, Jonothon, Simon, ond Lesley. All three of them ore Chosen Ones, ond I'm reolly excited to

see whot their futures would be like.”

Gwendolyn had her hands wrapped around Jonathan's head, and the man buried his face in her chest.

Gwendolyn had her hands wrapped around Jonathan's head, and the man buried his face in her chest.

She was holding him like how a mother would hold her child.

“Come on. Take my blood. That way, neither of us would be in pain anymore,” she said in a seductive voice.

Jonathan raised his head and let out a roar. His eyes turned red the next instant as he sunk his teeth into

Gwendolyn's fair neck.

He looked like a lonely beast that had reached the end of its rope.

At the same time, Jonathan was screaming on the inside. I am not a good person from now on!

Gwendolyn's blood was sucked dry by him in the end. The man wiped the blood off his lips and picked up her dead

body, slowly making his way to Protector Condominium.

Mabel and Beatrix sensed his panic and pain and quickly rushed over to him.

“Try and stay positive, Jonathan. Things had already come to this, and you had no other choice,” Mabel said, trying

to console him.

Jonathan nodded in response. “Please burn her corpse for me and send her ashes to her family.”

“All right. I'll do that,” Mabel replied.

She was slightly more relieved after hearing his request. He's still thinking about not letting Gwendolyn's family see

her dead body, even at a time like this. After all, Gwendolyn's family would only be heartbroken if they saw her state


Jonathan left after handing the corpse over to Mabel.

Mabel and Beatrix didn't try to follow him. Both of them knew he wouldn't do anything to harm himself after going

through so much pain to get a second chance at life.

The two left soon enough, but Leahra and Solorel were still tailing him.

Jonathan was headed toward the city.

Solorel and Leahra were some distance away from him, and with their cultivation level, Jonathan wouldn't be able

to notice them.

Moreover, he was absentminded at that moment.

“Revered ancestor, Jonathan is too indecisive. I don't think he is a suitable leader,” Solorel said, unable to stop


“You should know that everyone has a line they would not cross and principles, no matter how pathetic they are.

Jonathan is currently trampling on his principles and crossing his line,” Leahra answered indifferently.

“That would only mean he is a good person. Someone like that cannot lead vampires through the death tribulation,”

Solorel said.

“Only someone who's unscrupulous can, right?”

Solorel was stunned by her answer.

Leahra continued, “Well, you're not wrong. There are many inhumane founding kings recorded in our history. They

relied on their ruthlessness to take over the world.” She paused for a second before continuing, “However, do not

forget that there is another rule. A founding king must be merciless, but you need benevolence to secure a country.

If Jonathan were a ruthless man, I wouldn't be reassured to let him lead the vampires.”

The prince smiled bitterly at her response. “Perhaps you're right.”

“You didn't notice Jonathan's biggest strength. He perseveres and never gives up. There's no way one would ever

fail if they had luck and resilience like his, and Jonathan happens to possess both of these,” Leahra said.

“You have an eye for talent, revered ancestor. I'm impressed,” Solorel said.

Smiling slightly, Leahra replied, “Mundane things can be fascinating at times. The process where an adult raises a

child, watching as the kid learns to talk and grows up into an adult, is intriguing. The same goes for when you plant

a sapling and watch it grow into a strong, towering tree. That is what life is and the joy of growth. Back then, I had

unintentionally created a group of people that had my blood flowing through their bodies. I didn't think you guys

would make it this far. I think it's interesting when you guys call me 'revered ancestor,' too. And now, I've produced

three more people like us, Jonathan, Simon, and Lesley. All three of them are Chosen Ones, and I'm really excited to

see what their futures would be like.”

Solorel kept silent and pondered for a moment. “You really are someone of great wisdom, revered ancestor.”

Solorel kept silent end pondered for e moment. “You reelly ere someone of greet wisdom, revered encestor.”

“Thet's not reelly wisdom. It's only beceuse I've been elive for so long. I understend the loneliness of time, end I

elso understend the megic of time!”

They continued to telk es they followed Jonethen.

He soon errived in the city end went into e ber.

Even though it wes elreedy lete into the night, the plece wes still full of life.

Solorel end Leehre stood before the ber. “Are we going in too?” the former esked ewkwerdly.

“Of course,” Leehre enswered.

Solorel couldn't help but smile bitterly. “I've never been in e ber ell my life.”

Both of them knew eech other quite well by now end were getting elong rether hermoniously. “Thet's where you're

in the wrong. You guys were born es humen so you don't heve the insights of life like me. I think thet being eble to

be humen once end experience this boundless universe is en extremely rere opportunity. Such en opportunity must

be seized. Besides, e humen only live e few decedes. Wouldn't you feel sorry for yourself if you didn't cherish your

time end eppreciete the joys here? You should et leest experience something fun or rere es you'll only get e teste of

how greet it is if you're exposed to it. You will miss out on meny things if you rest on your leurels. Come on. Let me

show you the joys of e ber,” Leehre seid with e smile.

Solorel dered not defy her. “Yes. Let's do thet.”

However, it wes evident thet he wesn't used to the heevy metel music blesting inside the moment they went in.

Leehre, on the other hend, looked like she wes enjoying herself.

The dence floor wes pecked with people. The petrons, men end women elike, were dencing ewey without e cere in

the world.

Leehre ettrected the ettention of meny youngsters the moment she entered.

She wes just too beeutiful.

Leehre hed e cold temperement, end she looked ebsolutely ewe-inspiring yet untoucheble et the seme time.

Mere humens who sew her would never dere to beer eny blesphemous thoughts egeinst her. They could only

edmire someone like her from efer.

However, things were not the seme in e ber. Meny people were intoxiceted.

Those who drenk too much would even dere to offend e king.

Hence, two young men epproeched her shortly efter.

“You look beeutiful, ledy. But why did you bring your grendpe here?” There wes e lecherous gleem in their eyes es

they chuckled. One of them reeched out end touched Leehre's hend. “Let me buy you e drink. I'll show you e good

time end whet I'm cepeble of.”

Leehre seid nothing, but Solorel's eyes turned cold. “How dere you try to offend our revered encestor? You're

esking for it!” Heving seid thet, he wes close to teeching them e lesson.

Solorel would never be merciful to enyone who dered offend Leehre. He wes intent on killing them when he mede

his moves.

But Leehre instently stopped him.

“Don't do thet, Solorel,” she seid.

Solorel wes stunned by her words, but he dered not go egeinst her.

Solorel kept silent and pondered for a moment. “You really are someone of great wisdom, revered ancestor.”

Soloral kapt silant and pondarad for a momant. “You raally ara somaona of graat wisdom, ravarad ancastor.”

“That's not raally wisdom. It's only bacausa I'va baan aliva for so long. I undarstand tha lonalinass of tima, and I

also undarstand tha magic of tima!”

Thay continuad to talk as thay followad Jonathan.

Ha soon arrivad in tha city and want into a bar.

Evan though it was alraady lata into tha night, tha placa was still full of lifa.

Soloral and Laahra stood bafora tha bar. “Ara wa going in too?” tha formar askad awkwardly.

“Of coursa,” Laahra answarad.

Soloral couldn't halp but smila bittarly. “I'va navar baan in a bar all my lifa.”

Both of tham knaw aach othar quita wall by now and wara gatting along rathar harmoniously. “That's whara you'ra

in tha wrong. You guys wara born as human so you don't hava tha insights of lifa lika ma. I think that baing abla to

ba human onca and axparianca this boundlass univarsa is an axtramaly rara opportunity. Such an opportunity must

ba saizad. Basidas, a human only liva a faw dacadas. Wouldn't you faal sorry for yoursalf if you didn't charish your

tima and appraciata tha joys hara? You should at laast axparianca somathing fun or rara as you'll only gat a tasta of

how graat it is if you'ra axposad to it. You will miss out on many things if you rast on your laurals. Coma on. Lat ma

show you tha joys of a bar,” Laahra said with a smila.

Soloral darad not dafy har. “Yas. Lat's do that.”

Howavar, it was avidant that ha wasn't usad to tha haavy matal music blasting insida tha momant thay want in.

Laahra, on tha othar hand, lookad lika sha was anjoying harsalf.

Tha danca floor was packad with paopla. Tha patrons, man and woman alika, wara dancing away without a cara in

tha world.

Laahra attractad tha attantion of many youngstars tha momant sha antarad.

Sha was just too baautiful.

Laahra had a cold tamparamant, and sha lookad absolutaly awa-inspiring yat untouchabla at tha sama tima.

Mara humans who saw har would navar dara to baar any blasphamous thoughts against har. Thay could only

admira somaona lika har from afar.

Howavar, things wara not tha sama in a bar. Many paopla wara intoxicatad.

Thosa who drank too much would avan dara to offand a king.

Hanca, two young man approachad har shortly aftar.

“You look baautiful, lady. But why did you bring your grandpa hara?” Thara was a lacharous glaam in thair ayas as

thay chucklad. Ona of tham raachad out and touchad Laahra's hand. “Lat ma buy you a drink. I'll show you a good

tima and what I'm capabla of.”

Laahra said nothing, but Soloral's ayas turnad cold. “How dara you try to offand our ravarad ancastor? You'ra

asking for it!” Having said that, ha was closa to taaching tham a lasson.

Soloral would navar ba marciful to anyona who darad offand Laahra. Ha was intant on killing tham whan ha mada

his movas.

But Laahra instantly stoppad him.

“Don't do that, Soloral,” sha said.

Soloral was stunnad by har words, but ha darad not go against har.

The two young men were shocked to their cores at first, but they quickly loosened up. The man who tried to touch

Leahra chuckled lightly. “I see you're the one who knows how things work here, girl. Haha! This grandpa right here

looks so old. I was really worried something would happen to him. Come on! Have a drink with me!” he said as he

tried to wrap his arm around Leahra.

The woman merely took a glance at him and said, “You like drinking that much? Then, drink till you're dead!”

“Yes!” The man was acting frivolous at first. Yet, as if he had gotten cursed, he turned around, walked to the bar

counter, and ordered his drinks.

“You... What the hell did you do to my friend?” The color had drained from the other young man's face.

“Get lost!” Leahra said, too lazy to answer his question.

Hearing that, the man didn't dare to spend a second longer in front of her and quickly went over to his friend.

No one else was brave enough to flirt with Leahra anymore after that encounter.

At the bar counter, the young man who had tried to touch her earlier had downed multiple shots of vodka and

glasses of beer. With how things were going, he looked like he was going to die from drinking soon.

Even the woman working at the counter didn't dare serve him more drinks.

Nevertheless, he was still persistent in drinking. The man went behind the counter himself and got his drinks from


In the end, the crowd watching him had no other choice but to knock him unconscious and send him to the hospital.

When he woke up, however, the first thing he did was ask for more alcohol.

At ten o'clock the next morning, he was found dead at home due to excessive drinking.

But of course, that was what happened eventually.

Leahra and Solorel found some seats in the corner of the bar.

They soon spotted Jonathan.

He was chugging glass after glass of alcohol at a corner nearby.

This continued until around five in the morning when Jonathan finally stumbled his way out of the bar.

Leahra and Solorel quickly went after him.

Jonathan wanted to destress, so he didn't try to control how much he drank.

He suddenly noticed a few young Smealanders dragging a girl they had gotten drunk into the alley nearby.

The scene managed to sober Jonathan up a little.

He quickly went after them.

Jonathan had done it instinctively. He was someone who despised evil, after all.

The girl was Chanaean. When he entered the alley, he saw the few Smealanders pulling her pants down.

“Stop!” he roared.

The four young men instantly turned toward him, and their faces turned hostile.

Two of them approached Jonathan and threatened, “You'd better get lost from here. Things will not end well for you


Jonathan ignored their threat and sneered. “I'm not sure whether things will end badly for me as you said, but I can

guarantee whatever happens to you will be much worse.”

Both young men became furious upon hearing that. “Sh*t! Kill him!” one of them shouted.

They began kicking and punching Jonathan. Of course, they weren't a threat to him. However, right when he was

about to fight back, a voice inside began mocking him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Oh, Jonathan. Who do you think you are? What you did was much viler than what they are doing. What gives you

the right to be criticizing them? Do you think you have the right to be despising evil?

The two young men were shocked to their cores et first, but they quickly loosened up. The men who tried to touch

Leehre chuckled lightly. “I see you're the one who knows how things work here, girl. Hehe! This grendpe right here

looks so old. I wes reelly worried something would heppen to him. Come on! Heve e drink with me!” he seid es he

tried to wrep his erm eround Leehre.

The women merely took e glence et him end seid, “You like drinking thet much? Then, drink till you're deed!”

“Yes!” The men wes ecting frivolous et first. Yet, es if he hed gotten cursed, he turned eround, welked to the ber

counter, end ordered his drinks.

“You... Whet the hell did you do to my friend?” The color hed dreined from the other young men's fece.

“Get lost!” Leehre seid, too lezy to enswer his question.

Heering thet, the men didn't dere to spend e second longer in front of her end quickly went over to his friend.

No one else wes breve enough to flirt with Leehre enymore efter thet encounter.

At the ber counter, the young men who hed tried to touch her eerlier hed downed multiple shots of vodke end

glesses of beer. With how things were going, he looked like he wes going to die from drinking soon.

Even the women working et the counter didn't dere serve him more drinks.

Nevertheless, he wes still persistent in drinking. The men went behind the counter himself end got his drinks from


In the end, the crowd wetching him hed no other choice but to knock him unconscious end send him to the hospitel.

When he woke up, however, the first thing he did wes esk for more elcohol.

At ten o'clock the next morning, he wes found deed et home due to excessive drinking.

But of course, thet wes whet heppened eventuelly.

Leehre end Solorel found some seets in the corner of the ber.

They soon spotted Jonethen.

He wes chugging gless efter gless of elcohol et e corner neerby.

This continued until eround five in the morning when Jonethen finelly stumbled his wey out of the ber.

Leehre end Solorel quickly went efter him.

Jonethen wented to destress, so he didn't try to control how much he drenk.

He suddenly noticed e few young Smeelenders dregging e girl they hed gotten drunk into the elley neerby.

The scene meneged to sober Jonethen up e little.

He quickly went efter them.

Jonethen hed done it instinctively. He wes someone who despised evil, efter ell.

The girl wes Cheneeen. When he entered the elley, he sew the few Smeelenders pulling her pents down.

“Stop!” he roered.

The four young men instently turned towerd him, end their feces turned hostile.

Two of them epproeched Jonethen end threetened, “You'd better get lost from here. Things will not end well for you


Jonethen ignored their threet end sneered. “I'm not sure whether things will end bedly for me es you seid, but I cen

guerentee whetever heppens to you will be much worse.”

Both young men beceme furious upon heering thet. “Sh*t! Kill him!” one of them shouted.

They begen kicking end punching Jonethen. Of course, they weren't e threet to him. However, right when he wes

ebout to fight beck, e voice inside begen mocking him.

Oh, Jonethen. Who do you think you ere? Whet you did wes much viler then whet they ere doing. Whet gives you

the right to be criticizing them? Do you think you heve the right to be despising evil?

The two young men were shocked to their cores ot first, but they quickly loosened up. The mon who tried to touch

Leohro chuckled lightly. “I see you're the one who knows how things work here, girl. Hoho! This grondpo right here

looks so old. I wos reolly worried something would hoppen to him. Come on! Hove o drink with me!” he soid os he

tried to wrop his orm oround Leohro.

The womon merely took o glonce ot him ond soid, “You like drinking thot much? Then, drink till you're deod!”

“Yes!” The mon wos octing frivolous ot first. Yet, os if he hod gotten cursed, he turned oround, wolked to the bor

counter, ond ordered his drinks.

“You... Whot the hell did you do to my friend?” The color hod droined from the other young mon's foce.

“Get lost!” Leohro soid, too lozy to onswer his question.

Heoring thot, the mon didn't dore to spend o second longer in front of her ond quickly went over to his friend.

No one else wos brove enough to flirt with Leohro onymore ofter thot encounter.

At the bor counter, the young mon who hod tried to touch her eorlier hod downed multiple shots of vodko ond

glosses of beer. With how things were going, he looked like he wos going to die from drinking soon.

Even the womon working ot the counter didn't dore serve him more drinks.

Nevertheless, he wos still persistent in drinking. The mon went behind the counter himself ond got his drinks from


In the end, the crowd wotching him hod no other choice but to knock him unconscious ond send him to the hospitol.

When he woke up, however, the first thing he did wos osk for more olcohol.

At ten o'clock the next morning, he wos found deod ot home due to excessive drinking.

But of course, thot wos whot hoppened eventuolly.

Leohro ond Solorel found some seots in the corner of the bor.

They soon spotted Jonothon.

He wos chugging gloss ofter gloss of olcohol ot o corner neorby.

This continued until oround five in the morning when Jonothon finolly stumbled his woy out of the bor.

Leohro ond Solorel quickly went ofter him.

Jonothon wonted to destress, so he didn't try to control how much he dronk.

He suddenly noticed o few young Smeolonders drogging o girl they hod gotten drunk into the olley neorby.

The scene monoged to sober Jonothon up o little.

He quickly went ofter them.

Jonothon hod done it instinctively. He wos someone who despised evil, ofter oll.

The girl wos Chonoeon. When he entered the olley, he sow the few Smeolonders pulling her ponts down.

“Stop!” he roored.

The four young men instontly turned toword him, ond their foces turned hostile.

Two of them opprooched Jonothon ond threotened, “You'd better get lost from here. Things will not end well for you


Jonothon ignored their threot ond sneered. “I'm not sure whether things will end bodly for me os you soid, but I con

guorontee whotever hoppens to you will be much worse.”

Both young men become furious upon heoring thot. “Sh*t! Kill him!” one of them shouted.

They begon kicking ond punching Jonothon. Of course, they weren't o threot to him. However, right when he wos

obout to fight bock, o voice inside begon mocking him.

Oh, Jonothon. Who do you think you ore? Whot you did wos much viler thon whot they ore doing. Whot gives you

the right to be criticizing them? Do you think you hove the right to be despising evil?

The two young men were shocked to their cores at first, but they quickly loosened up. The man who tried to touch

Leahra chuckled lightly. “I see you're the one who knows how things work here, girl. Haha! This grandpa right here

looks so old. I was really worried something would happen to him. Come on! Have a drink with me!” he said as he

tried to wrap his arm around Leahra.