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Heartstrings On Fire

Chatper 829
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Chapter 829

Before Agnes crossed paths with Jared, she tiptoed around life, dreading the day he’d detect a trace of her. The

thought of facing him in court was a nightmare. Both wielded enormous power and influence, and if it ever came to

a legal battle, turning back or emerging victorious was a long shot.

But as luck would have it, Agnes found her way back to Jared, mending bridges. Four years lost to them–a regret–

but at least they could revisit the past.

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Kerri, however, wasn’t so fortunate. Agnes knew Brayden’s situation all too well, there was no chance for Kerri and

him. Brayden was now married to the most sought–after belle in the military district, Maisie Davies. The Simonds

family’s business was booming, and Brayden and Maisie were often seen as the picture–perfect couple.

Back in the day, Brayden and his then wife, Kerri, were the talk of the town, attached at the hip, their love story a

favorite topic of conversation. But eventually, the prince and his Cinderella ended up signing divorce papers.

Agnes‘ own divorce had been a scandal, involving the deep, dark secrets of the Whitfield family, and was the

subject of public speculation Brayden and Kerri, however, split without a whisper in the press. It wasn’t until

Brayden’s engagement to Maisie hit the headlines that the gossip mills spun out of control. The reason behind their

divorce remained a mystery, even to Agnes

She had a hunch it had something to do with Brayden’s half–brother, Baldrick Simonds. Misunderstandings upon

misunderstandings, but as Kerri put it, none of that mattered anymore.

After the custody ruling favored Brayden, he’d forcefully taken their son, Sprague. Kerri had chased him all the way

from the Capital to Willowbrook Town, arriving just yesterday.

Agnes tried to comfort her, and eventually asked, “What’s your plan now?”

“I can’t let him take Sprague away, no matter the cost,” Kern replied with determination.

“I’ll have Jared set up a meeting with Brayden. We should all sit down and talk this out tonight,” Agnes suggested.

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Kerri agreed She’d been trying to get a meeting with Brayden for days, only to be rejected every time. Brayden

wouldn’t even let her see their son. She missed Sprague terribly. The boy, usually so cheerful, had never been away

from her side–until Brayden took him. She remembered Sprague’s heart–wrenching cries, feeling utterly powerless.

She had been tempted to beg Brayden on her knees, but he was cold as stone.

She watched helplessly as Brayden took Sprague away, vowing she’d never see her child again. She nearly broke

down, chasing Brayden’s car until it vanished from sight

Kerri knew this was Brayden’s revenge for a scheme she had concocted with Baldrick that had backfired. Now she

couldn’t even get a glimpse of Brayden

Agnes dialed Jared, who agreed to help. After about half an hour, Jared called back with news that Brayden had

agreed to meet at their home. He hadn’t mentioned Kerris presence to Brayden, simply suggested he bring

Sprague along for a casual visit.