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Heartstrings On Fire

Chatper 828
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Chapter 828

“Don’t say another word, but brace yourself. I’m not giving up yet, and I’ll snatch you away from your uncle’s side

whenever I get the chance,” Ryder said, his voice a mix of determination and frustration. With that, he spun on his

heel and strode away from the balcony.

Agnes let out a heavy sigh, the weight of the world seeming to settle on her shoulders.

Things were getting messier by the minute.

She had made herself clear to Ryder, time and time again. For years, Agnes had managed to keep him at arm’s

length, but his persistence was becoming a real cause for concern.

She lingered on the balcony, nursing a glass of red wine, trying to steady her thoughts.

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Then Jared appeared. He draped his jacket over Agnes‘ shoulders, his presence always so reassuring. “What’s on

your mind out here?”

Agnes looked up, her voice soft but earnest, ‘Jared, no matter what, I won’t leave you. You believe me, right?”

Jared paused, surprised by the sudden declaration “Why bring this up now?”

“I’ve just got a bad feeling, that’s all.”

He wrapped his arms around her, the protector he always was. “It’s all in the past. Nothing’s going to break up our

family, you hear?” The next day was a day off, a small respite from the chaos. To Agnes surprise, she found an

invitation from her alma mater in the mailbox. The university was celebrating its centennial, and this year, they

were inviting alumni to a grand homecoming celebration The event was just three days away

Initially, Agnes wasn’t keen on going. But then she learned it was Amelia who had organized it. Amelia, her former

dormmate from freshman year, was a bit of a brainiac and now the head of the alumni events department. After a

personal call from Amelia, Agnes couldn’t say no

She thought about Kerri, who had been out of touch for far too long. Since their parting in the Capital, Agnes had

worried about her and Sprague Bradford

That afternoon, Agnes tried calling Kerri again and, to her astonishment, the call connected. As they talked, Agnes

sensed something was off Pressing for answers, Kerri suddenly burst into tears.

“Where are you?” Agnes demanded.

Kerri was back in town, living in Maplewood Manor, just a stone’s throw away from Agnes. Without a second

thought, Agnes rushed over When she arrived, she found Kerri furiously cleaning the house. Kerri shared a

particular quirk with Agnes – When stress or worry gnawed at her, she’d turn to cleaning as a solace. The floors

gleamed under Kerri’s relentless scrubbing.

Agnes hurried to her side, “Kerri, what happened? Talk to me.”

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Kerr managed a strained smile, but her eyes were filled with bitterness. “Brayden Simonds took Sprague’s custody

away from me. I lost the court battle,” she confessed

Agnes was floored. She had no idea Kerri had been locked in a legal standoff with Brayden. So much must have

happened in just two months.

“How could Brayden do this, taking Sprague away from you? That’s like taking your life away He’s married now, he

could have his own kids. Why take away your only hope?” Agnes words, though meant to comfort, only opened the

floodgates to Kerri’s pent–up emotions, and she broke down crying

Agnes didn’t know how to console her friend, but she understood the pain Kerri was going through, a fear that had

haunted Agnes herself for long