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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 913
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Shawn gathered all his generals and had an emergency meeting. Rolando was already here, but they still hadn't heard from
Matthew yet. Shawn was worried that their prince wouldn't get back to the Dragon Pass in time, ultimately leading to their defeat.
He remembered the time when Rolando was still the crown prince of the Great Jade Kingdom and how people feared him. Now
that he was their emperor, he ignored his own safety and personally appeared on the battlefield.
Shawn knew that as an emperor, Rolando only had hostile intentions for them. If Rolando didn't come, Shawn and his soldiers
might have time to rest. After all, Toby, the one leading them before Rolando showed up, was injured badly. They would surely
halt their attacks for a few days to let him recover. Unfortunately for them, Rolando was already there.
"What are you afraid of, My Lord? So what if Emperor Rolando came? We have amazing explosives! Why not just use that and
send him straight to heaven? We shouldn't be afraid of him. If anything, he should be afraid of us!" the deputy general, Harry
Zhong, said excitedly.
Shawn looked at the other subordinates and all of them were on the same cloud nine as Harry Zhong was. It seemed like all of
them stopped having fears once they saw how powerful Harper's mud balls were.
"We have used up all our bombs," he suddenly declared. And just like that, it seemed like Shawn poured cold water over his
subordinates' burning fire. It was almost comical how each of them stiffened up, their eyes wide with surprise and fear.
"Used up?" one subordinate repeated.

"Yes, that is right. We have used all of our mud balls in our trap yesterday. Because of that, we will have to work hard in besting
them in hand-to-hand combat. We only used our huge bombs in hopes that it will shock the Great Jade Kingdom for a period of
time, giving us a bit of time to rest and wait for Prince Matthew. Unfortunately for us, Emperor Rolando has already appeared,
which means that we won't be able to frighten the enemy for too long," Shawn explained casually. "Can't we make new bombs
after we've really used them all up? My Lord, I think we can do that! I believe that it is a nice strategy as we won't have to meet
them on the battlefield ourselves. We can save many of our men!" a subordinate suggested. "Make bombs? Do you know how to
make one?" Shawn asked, smiling. The deputy general who suggested that blushed out of embarrassment, but quickly

recovered. "No, I can't, My Lord," he responded. "But who made those bombs anyway? Can't we tell them to make more?" "The
person who made the bombs is now trapped in the Great Jade Kingdom. I gathered all of you today because I wanted to tell you
not to be complacent. Our bombs have run out, and now, the fight will only get harder. Rolando is on par with our Prince
Matthew, which means he is incredibly skilled and can take all of us down in an instant." The expression on everyone's face was
grave. Without the bombs, they would have no real advantage over the Great Jade
Kingdom. To add to that, Rolando was already there, a leader who was good at launching attacks in new and varied ways. If
Matthew failed to show up, there was a huge possibility that they would lose the Dragon Pass.
"My Lord, do you know where Prince Matthew is now?"
"Somewhere in the Great Jade Kingdom. The main purpose of the coronation ceremony which Prince Matthew was invited to
was to lock the prince up in the Great Jade Kingdom. After doing that, Rolando would lead an army to conquer the Dragon Pass

and the cities next to it. From the information we know, Rolando had been planning this for a while now. So I am asking all of you
to be vigilant and always on guard. We have to win this battle for the Bright Dynasty!" "When will the reinforcements from the
imperial court arrive?" another deputy general asked. Since they couldn't count on Matthew, the only thing they could do was
turn to the help of the government. They had long called the imperial court to beg for help, and it was time for the emperor to
take actions. Shawn had no idea who would lead the reinforcements of the government. Now, there were only two generals,
Maxwell and his
father left in the imperial court. The emperor should send Maxwell to support him as his father was too old. Maxwell had rich
combat experience, but he was no match for Rolando in strategy, so they needed a military counsellor with wisdom.
At that time, Shawn was eager to meet Zack. If Zack was here, Shawn would not be so passive. Rolando was resourceful, but
Zack was not inferior to him.
"My Lord, when will Emperor Rolando attack again?" The atmosphere became more dignified. They were well aware of Emperor
Rolando's fame. At that time, he and Matthew were on equal terms, and both of them were extremely talented. Now Matthew .

was trapped in the Great Jade Kingdom, and Shawn had to face Rolando alone, so they might not insist for a long time.
"Who knows? Maybe today or tomorrow." Shawn had a headache. These days, the Great Jade Kingdom kept on attacking. If
Matthew didn't come back, Shawn would have to risk his life to guard the Dragon Pass.
Rolando launched another attack on the same day, and it was just a tentative one to check how many bombs Shawn had.
However, to resist this small group's attack, instead of using the bombs, Shawn ordered his men to shoot arrows to keep the
enemies away from the city gates.
"Your Majesty, they doesn't use mud balls. They have been using arrows to keep us from approaching the gates. Are we going to
keep trying?" a general reported to Rolando.
"Tomorrow, send one more squad to attack the Dragon Pass." Rolando spoke without raising his head as he was busy dealing
with other reports. He wanted to see how many cards Shawn had in hand.