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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 911
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The Mountain Pass was the border between the Wonder Kingdom and the Great Jade Kingdom. The Bright Dynasty had the
Dragon Pass, while the Wonder Kingdom had the Mountain Pass. Both were easy to defend but difficult to attack and for years,
they had been the reason why the three kingdoms lived in peace.
"Beauty, are we going to stay here for a long time?" Kile asked as he idled about.
"Not us. You. Miguel is for sure going to launch an attack, but I'm not sure what signal he'll use. He'll take his action soon,
though. I can feel it," Harper said as she pointed at somewhere on the map.
That caught Kile by surprise, yet he knew he couldn't do anything but agree. He then asked, "By the way, what did you do to that
feminine man? Why did he let us go so easily that day?" Miguel was not easy to deal with, it seemed, so Kile became curious as
to what Harper did to him.
"Nothing special. The first time I met him, I was on my way to the Great Jade Kingdom and I saw him seriously injured. I was
afraid that it was only a ruse, so I decided to poison him when I was treating him. I told him that if I was fine, he would be fine,
but if he harbored any kind of malicious intention against me, I wouldn't let him get away with it."
Upon learning this, Kile choked on his own saliva. He quickly touched his pulse and asked, "Have you poisoned me, too? Would
I be poisoned to death?"
Harper rolled her eyes at Kile's annoying attempt at humor, but she ultimately decided that she was going to ignore him. Once

again, she was deep in thought: because Miguel still hadn't made his move, she couldn't leave just like that. At that point, she
wondered how the Dragon Pass was doing and whether or not Matthew had arrived there. When Rolando arrived at the entrance
of the Dragon Pass, he witnessed a tragedy: countless soldiers were blown up in broad daylight, their flesh being launched to the
sky as the ground became filled with broken limbs and flesh. The air was filled with a smell so foul, as well as all kinds of cries
and screams from agonized soldiers. It was hell on earth. Toby was out of luck this time. His left leg was cleanly cut off by one of
the explosions. He fell on the ground, screaming in pain. They suffered another crushing defeat. What was worse was as soon
as they launched their attack, the explosions started to happen. As the soldiers were so concentrated on their own offensive.

tactics, tens of thousands of them were instantly killed as they were not prepared for any counterattack. Rolando was
speechless. He knew that the battle was fierce and that death would come to both kingdoms, but he never expected this level of
violence. Immediately, he called the general of the Bright Dynasty, "Shawn Shen!"
"I was wondering who has come. Well, well, well, it's Emperor Rolando!" Shawn replied as he stood on the gate tower. He then
drew his bow, aiming it squarely at Rolando, who then had already wielded his sword.
"I didn't know that such a powerful weapon can be found here in the Dragon Pass!" Rolando bellowed, his eyes narrowed.
"You can find a lot of things in our country, believe it or not. Why don't you visit and see by yourself! Let's see what's more
powerful: your martial arts skills or our explosives!" Shawn bellowed back. He then saw that Toby passed out on the battlefield,
bloodied with one of his legs missing. He had never been a bloodthirsty person, but in the name of his country, his friends, and
his family, he was willing to kill anyone in his way.
Rolando glared at Shawn as he asked his men to retrieve Toby's unconscious body. After that, he ordered everyone to retreat.

Before they could face their enemies, they must find out what the hell caused such terrible injuries and numerous deaths! The
faces of Rolando's soldiers showed deep hurt and sadness. If they fought against swords and spears and got killed by them,
they wouldn't be feeling what they were feeling at the moment as they knew exactly what killed their comrades. Unfortunately,
this time around, their friends and fellow warriors were transformed into puddles of blood and flesh by something they did not
understand. It was hard to accept that they had been massacred in a way that was so brutal.
Back in the camp of the Great Jade Kingdom, physicians were doing their best to save Toby. Rolando, on the other hand,
gathered all the generals, whose eyes were red, filled with tears, and asked them, "Do you feel aggrieved and pained?"
"Your Majesty, the people from the Bright Dynasty have gone too far!" One of the generals wiped his eyes. "How cruel it was to
fight with us in such a vicious way. How inhuman!"
"This is a battlefield. The winners take all and the losers always suffer. The people from the Bright Dynasty are our enemies. Do
you still hope that our enemies will be kind to us and open the city gate when they see us come over to attack?" Rolando's voice

was soft, but full of sarcasm. The Bright Dynasty was not a coward, and Shawn was passionate. How many cowards could do
such a cruel thing?
Many generals fell into silence. The other side, of course, would not open the city gate to let them in. Their purpose of attacking
the Dragon Pass was to intrude the Bright Dynasty. The soldiers would fight to the end to protect their home and country behind
them. Shawn should be cruel, but they could not vent their anger.
"Your Majesty, Shawn is so sinister. He has made many inexplicable things to make lots of us die and get injured. He refused to
come out of the city to fight, and our force attack is very unfavorable to us. Our morale will be low if we fight against them for a
long time."
"Of course I know this. But haven't you had enough lessons from attacking recklessly without knowing the enemy's situation?"
Rolando was a little disappointed. He had thought Toby was smart, but it turned out that he made the same mistake