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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 902
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Matthew's eyes narrowed ever so slightly. This was something Rolando would really do, so he decided that he couldn't act rashly
now, since it seemed that he was making a bet on his wife's life. "With Harper's medical skills, it's not easy for you to poison her,"
he declared after some time of silence.
He purposefully didn't tell Rolando that Harper's body was special: she was immune to all kinds of poison. Even the most
poisonous creature in the South Kingdom didn't leave a single scratch on her. Even if Rolando hired the best to poison her, it
was absolutely impossible to poison Harper!
"But Deathly Kalpa is not poison." Rolando put his hands behind his back and looked at his opponent meaningfully. "Do you
know what Deathly Kalpa is, Matthew?"
Matthew didn't answer and instead just stared at Rolando, murderous intent filling his eyes. Before hand, he had already
suspected that Rolando had done something to his wife. Now, he was sure about it. What he wasn't sure about, however, was if
Rolando was indeed successful in tricking his wife. Because of that, he needed to catch up with her as soon as possible.
"The so-called Deathly Kalpa, per se, can't be resolved even after a person death. Let me tell you this: once Harper dies, in her
next life, and the life she lives after that, I will always find her, thanks to the Deathly Kalpa!" A somewhat feral look contorted
Rolando's face. "We both know that neither of us would ever win if we just go up against each other, right? But now that you
know what I did, I'm sure you'll let me win, right?"
A dark, intimidating aura started surrounding Matthew. It was so powerful and affecting that anyone near would would for sure
feel dread and the looming possibility of death. At that moment, there was nothing else he wanted to do more than to cut up

Rolando in the tiniest pieces possible. Yet, he forced himself to remain as calm. He knew that if he gave in to whatever he was
feeling, he would do something he might later regret. "I will never let you win, Rolando," Matthew hissed, his hatred lacing every
word he said. "There is no way you'd be able to snatch my wife just like that. It's time to wake up from your delusion." "Oh,
really? Well then, let's just watch and see!" Rolando said as he let out a sinister laugh. With another meaningful stare, he
continued, "I'll be waiting for you to send her back!" "In your dreams!" Matthew sneered coldly. He would never send his beloved

wife to anyone! After one last look, Rolando turned around and left with his men. As long as he kept Harper hostage, he was
sure that Matthew wouldn't dare to stir up any kind of trouble for him or the Great Jade Kingdom. Also, if he was able to control
him, he also would
effectively be in control of Harper. But then he remembered how unpredictable Harper could be. Soon, frustration started eating
him up. 'Why does she always have to act in an unusual way! Why does she keep ruining the plans I have put in place!' he
thought, his brows furrowing. What kind of woman would just run away without hesitation when her husband was locked in a
serious fight with his nemesis and might be in grave danger? Only a few selects were like those, and unfortunately, Harper was
one of them!
As soon as Rolando left, Matthew immediately chased after Harper. He desperately wanted to know if she was really poisoned
and if she was really not allowed to go beyond a certain distance away from Rolando. Because if any of those were true, he
needed to ready a plan as soon as possible!
"Yes, Your Highness."
"Tell Joshua we're going on with the plan." Fred understood that Matthew was shaken up by what Rolando had said. Whether it

be true or not, one thing was clear: Matthew would not give his wife to the emperor, or to anyone in that regard. Instead of being
afraid, Matthew would act on the contrary: he would continue to pursue Rolando by all means, and when he did, he would break
all his bones, cram him in the smallest cage possible, and keep him as Harper's pet. He would do anything punish him and free
Harper of any fear! "Yes, Your Highness." Matthew continued to go the direction where Harper disappeared. As he did, he was in
deep thought. Due to Harper's one-of-a-
kind body constitution and her more than impressive knowledge about medicine, only a few people could plot against her. But he
couldn't discount how meticulous Rolando was. Yes, Harper knew how to defend herself, but one could never be too sure.
Fernando had guards following Harper, not to hurt her, but to keep tabs on her. However, upon seeing how unaffected Harper

was by the fight that happened between Matthew and Rolando, Fernando had to admit to himself that Harper was indeed a
strong opponent and that her martial arts skills were not low at all.
Unbeknownst to Fernando, Harper was unscathed not because her strength was that amazing, but because both Matthew and
Rolando chose not to hurt her. That was why Harper did not experience what everyone around her experienced. Still, her power
should not be underestimated.
"Your Highness."
"Fernando, don't block my way. If you agitate me, I'll end my life and then Rolando will go down with me," Harper said, a faint
smile on her lips. "After all, the Deathly Kalpa can be deadly."
Fernando's face became drained of color as he said grimly, "Your Highness, do you know it already?"
"Don't forget that I'm a physician—a good physician. Every physician is well aware of their physical condition," Harper responded
nonchalantly. "Although I can't get rid of the Deathly Kalpa for now, it's not a problem for me to seal it. I know exactly what
Rolando is planning. He is waiting for me to go back. Well then, let me tell you this: I won't. Moreover, I'm not afraid of going too
far from him or the Deathly Kalpa at all!"
"Your Highness, do you know that you're gambling with your own life?"
"Gambling?" Harper sneered. "Do you think this is a gamble? I not only know countless ways to protect myself, but also know
how to make Rolando feel as good as dead!".