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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 900
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"Master, master. I've already sent a message to the north domain a while ago. I told Shawn to get ready, but..." Diana suddenly
"But what?" asked Harper, looking back.
"But I think I asked him to think of ways to start a war first."
The corner of Harper's mouth twitched slightly. Well, she felt like she had been overthinking things. Even if she and Matthew
weren't here, there would be someone who would make a decision for the team—Diana. She held the title of the South
Kingdom's princess for many years, making her incredibly cognitive of the important decisions that must be made in situations
like this. Her plan wasn't entirely wrong, but if the Bright Dynasty started such a conflict, they would be at a disadvantage.
Hopefully Shawn understood the implications of Diana's plan.
"I don't think Shawn would like to cause that much trouble. Even if he received the letter, I doubt he would dispatch his troops to
attack the Great Jade Kingdom. After all, we are still in the territory of the kingdom. Unless he's sure that we are safe, I believe
he won't start a war so carelessly," Matthew responded casually.
"Yes, I've realized that now," Diana said, feeling a bit embarrassed and extremely regretful. She truly thought the Bright Dynasty
was at a position where they could wage a war against the Great Jade Kingdom, but apparently, the chance of that happening
was slim.
"But then we don't know whether or not Rolando will make the first move. He is determined to rule the world, and when he
decides to act on his plan, his first target would undoubtedly be the Bright Dynasty," Matthew continued.
"Really? I personally don't think so. Rolando would more likely attack the Wonder Kingdom first. You are in the Bright Dynasty,

Matthew. If two powerful tigers fight, both sides would get hurt. If that happens, the Great Jade Kingdom will be prone to being
attacked in all sides, making them vulnerable than ever before. Rolando will not be so reckless," Harper said. "Harp, I'm in the
Great Jade Kingdom now, not in our country. The coronation ceremony is nothing but a trap—a trap that aims to keep me in this
place!" Matthew was still rankled by the fact that Rolando intended to steal his wife away from him. Because of that, even though.

he knew that the ceremony was just a trap, he came to the Great Jade Kingdom without any hesitation. If he didn't take action,
he knew that Rolando would just find new ways to try to lure him in, so he just went ahead and played into the plans of his
Harper remained silent. Though Rolando and Matthew had always fought each other, deep inside, they had always appreciated
each other's skills. Initially, she had thought that since the two men came from different countries, there wouldn't be much conflict
between them, but at that time, she found out how naive she had been. "Let's change our plans. I think it's better if we go to the
Wonder Kingdom and not the north domain. Since everything has already been set up, I'm guessing that the road towards the
north domain had already been filled with traps and Rolando is just waiting for us to fall victim to them," Harper said after
pondering about it for a while. Matthew's eyes lit up. "That's an amazing idea, Harper!"
"The Wonder Kingdom..." A weird look suddenly donned Diana's face. She remembered the Wonder Kingdom's Prince Kile, a
person she didn't like one bit.
"Don't worry, Diana. Once we're at the Wonder Kingdom, I promise I won't let Kile go anywhere near you."
"I know. I think he won't pounce on me. Last time, when the library collapsed, he was so furious. He kept on shouting that he
would save his beauty," Diana said, looking at Matthew with her eyebrows raised.
With a faint smile, Harper didn't say anything more. Matthew ignored this matter, which surprised Diana to no end. It had been
said that Matthew was a very jealous man. Now, however, he seemed like he didn't even care about Kile having a crush on his

wife. "If we're going to the Wonder Kingdom, where will we start?" Diana asked, starting to feel tired. "It's so late now. Why don't
we find a place to rest? We're already out of the city." "We can't take a rest. It's highly likely that Rolando is tailing us. If he
catches us, even though I'm sure we can take him on, it would be too troublesome for us. I don't want that," Harper said
decisively. "But... isn't it better to just take that opportunity to kill Rolando?" Diana asked, looking confused. If they killed Rolando,
the Great

Jade Kingdom would certainly fall into chaos. The Bright Dynasty, the Wonder Kingdom, and even the South Kingdom would
definitely benefit from that.
Harper turned to look at Matthew, who glanced back at her. As Diana grew up in the South Kingdom, her environment had been
simple and not as complicated as that in the Bright Dynasty and the Great Jade Kingdom. If they killed Rolando, the Great Jade
Kingdom would definitely plan on not only obliterating them, but also the Bright Dynasty. Replacing Rolando wouldn't be a
problem for them. Though the members of their royal family weren't many, they could easily find a worthy leader to lead them.
"If you can kill Rolando, I will thank you," Matthew said lazily.
"Really?" Diana asked excitedly.
"Sure!" Diana failed to detect the sarcasm in Matthew's statement and immediately thought, 'As soon as Rolando gets out of the
Imperial Palace, he won't have so many guards around to protect him. I can definitely use the venomous insect poison to kill
Harper shook her head, knowing that Diana missed what Matthew was really trying to say. If Rolando was that kind of incapable
man, how was he as well-known as Matthew? Even if Rolando was alone outside, it was impossible for Diana to kill him, unless
he was seriously injured and unable to move.
"Master, could you please be a witness?"
"You don't need a witness. You have a chance to prove yourself now. The person you want to kill is coming," said Harper, as she
tightened her grip on her horse.
Diana was stunned. Soon, she saw a man in white on a white horse in front of her. In the dark, he was exceptionally
conspicuous, his kind face and a gentle smile seemingly glowing. There was no doubt that it was Rolando.