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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 893
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Lilian wandered outside of the Harmony Palace, lost, confused, and heartbroken. Even the memory of how she got where she
was muddled. As she came upon the palace gates, she realized how hollow she felt inside, and fear was the only emotion
nestled within her chest. Her body shook hard, as if it was exposed to harshest winter known to man. After taking a deep breath
to regain composure, she began to look up, and that was when she saw the plaque that said "Harmony Palace". It was a sign
written by Rolando himself. Now, as she recalled everything little he had done ever since they met, Lilian realized that he actually
had expressed his love for Harper from the very beginning—it was just no one had paid it any serious thought. It was hard for
anyone to believe that Rolando, who occupied such an esteemed position, would fall in love with a married woman.
"I was so stupid," Lilian murmured helplessly. Once upon a time, she truly believed that Rolando had finally fallen in love with her
after all the efforts she had exerted. Now, she was slapped with the reality that none of that was ever true, and that none of that
would ever happen.
"My Lady, it's going to be alright," Daisy murmured, trying to comfort her master. Deep inside, however, she knew that the wound
caused by such a rejection would take years to heal, if it even did.
"Let's go back," Lilian said sadly and quietly. With her still being in the process of accepting that Rolando would never see her as
a romantic partner, the next thing that was viable for her was to be close to him. 'I will never ask for anything. I just... want to be
close to him,' she thought, as they head back to the Bliss Palace.
When Harper finally woke up, Patrick immediately put its head against her chest. Harper rubbed its head gently and said, "I'm
fine. Don't worry."
"You are not fine. You've frightened everyone," Rolando said in a concerned tone. "Are you hurting anywhere?"
Harper struggled to sit up. The last thing she remembered was her body feeling like it was being torn apart. She must have
fainted during that process because she couldn't remember anything else. "I just feel... sticky, maybe from all the sweating. But I
don't think any part of my body is particularly painful," she responded.

"Well, that's good. I will ask someone to bring some warm water here. You can take a bath as long as you want," Rolando

proposed at once. "That would be nice. Thank you, Rolando," said Harper. After the warm water was sent in, Harper went to take
a bath. Forsythia stood by the door, guarding her lady against Rolando. For her, his intentions were crystal clear, and she would
never allow him to do whatever he wanted.
Rolando knew what Forsythia was doing. How could he not? But he did not care. He would wait as long as necessary and do
whatever it took to get what he had been after all these years. After Harper bathed and changed her clothes, she looked
energetic and refreshed. Rolando was sitting at the table, waiting patiently for her to finish. "I've read all the contents of the
Heavenly Book," she said as she sat opposite him. "Okay," Rolando answered, looking uninterested. "Don't you want to know
what it says?" Harper asked eagerly. Rolando, however, merely gazed at her and replied, "If you want to tell me, you will. But if
you don't, even if I force you, you won't tell me anything." Harper raised her eyebrows, surprised by the rather snappy attitude
Rolando had. Choosing to ignore it, she continued, "The Heavenly Book recorded the cultivation methods of the Qin Clan. It
didn't say anything about the methods one should undergo to become immortal." "Cultivation methods?" Rolando repeated. He
was a little surprised, but then he smiled sarcastically. "I didn't expect that the
Heavenly Books everyone in the world would kill to get a hold of merely recorded the Qin Clan's cultivation methods."
"Well, that's the truth," Harper said as she took a glance at the now singular Heavenly Book lying on the table. She took it and
then began reading for Rolando.
Rolando listened attentively. He had studied the Heavenly Book himself for many years, so although he couldn't translate the
words as smoothly as Harper did, he was still able to read quite a few passages. Because of that, he was able to corroborate
that what Harper was reciting was true. Indeed, this Heavenly Book only recorded the Qin Clan's cultivation methods.
"There was an enchanted barrier around your room. Nobody could get in. Do you have any idea what that was and why that
happened?" Rolando asked softly. Somehow, he still couldn't believe that the secret held by the Heavenly Book within it was just
some record of cultivation methods. He was sure that Harper was on the verge of death—they were connected by the Deathly
Kalpa, and he felt the immense pain she felt. Harper's finger went over every character in the Heavenly Book as she responded,

"That was because the cultivation methods were not fully recorded. There was something wrong when I performed them. Thus, I

was counterattacked by its power." Rolando was confused, but he didn't want to press her for answers anymore. He was not
sure about whether or not she really suffered from that, but he did feel the pain. It was unbearable, and it was something that he
didn't want Harper to feel ever again.
"Let's talk about something else. I'm planning on proceeding with the coronation ceremony of the empress. What do you think?"
Rolando asked with a smile.
Confused, Harper looked at him and asked, "It's your business. Why are you asking for my opinion?"
"I want you to be my empress, Harper," Rolando said slowly as he looked Harper in the eyes.
The Heavenly Book in Harper's hand slipped and almost fell to the ground. With her quick instincts, however, she was able to
catch it in time.
"Emperor Rolando, shame on you! My Lady is married! How dare you ask such a question!" Forsythia raised her voice as she
pointed at Rolando accusingly. "Besides, Prince Matthew will never allow you to do that!"
Rolando only glared at Forsythia in response. Then, he slowly turned his head to look at Harper, his eyes dark and serious, and
said, "I will have the ceremonial dress sent here. You can try it and see if it fits you. If it doesn't, I'll have it changed."
Harper kept silent. After a few moments, however, a sweet smiled blossomed on her lips as she said, "For some reason, I feel
like this has already happened."
Forsythia was surprised at Harper's reaction. 'No, My Lady! Why do you look amused? He is trying to separate you from Prince
Matthew! Be serious, My Lady!' she yelled inwardly.
"Oh, I remember," Harper continued, her face now donned with a serious expression. "Francis had said such words to me as
well. He even imprisoned me in the Imperial Palace of the Bright Dynasty to make sure that I agree."
Panic flashed across Rolando's eyes for a second, but he was able to get over it quickly. "Harper, you can't leave. I don't care
about what you want, but I wouldn't let you leave this place," he said firmly.
When Harper heard this, her eyes narrowed. She knew that Rolando was unlike Francis—Francis had planned everything for
many, many years, but unfortunately, he had been suppressed by other forces as he did not have many supporters. In contrast,
Rolando, as the emperor of the Great Jade Kingdom, had the utmost loyalty of his talented subordinates. It was no exaggeration
to say that his strength was comparable to that of Matthew's. 'If he said it, he must be serious about it,' Harper thought. 'What
makes him so sure that he would be able to stop me from leaving this place?'.