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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 78
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Hearing Harper's voice, Sue looked up and shifted her gaze toward her in utter bewilderment. Then,

with hatred and malice

flashing in her eyes, she viciously cursed, "Why wasn't it you instead? Why not you? Why not you?"

Sue's voice was obviously full of hostility and resentment as she repeated her question over and over

again. Harper, on the other

hand, seemed as though she was completely taken aback. She almost couldn't stand up because of it.

She was staggering and

almost lost her sense of balance. Luckily for her, Zack reached out and caught her just as she was

about to fall down.

"Lady Sue, I can't believe that you are so spiteful!" Zack said that as loud and clear as he could to

ensure that everyone around

them would be able to hear. What he said managed to strike a chord in everyone's heart. Everyone

present witnessed with their

own eyes how Felicia had acted without showing even a bit of restraint. And right now, they even heard

how Sue tried to frame

Harper up and gave her a mouthful in public for the false accusation!

"From what I've heard, Lady Sue is not actually Lady Harper's biological mother, but her stepmother.

She is so spiteful. She

couldn't teach her own daughter to have some decency and that's why her daughter ended up doing

such a shameless thing.

How could she accuse Lady Harper like that? That could just make people get the wrong idea and think

that it was Lady Harper

instead of Lady Felicia who did some obscene things with a man!" People chattered and exchanged

opinions. In the end,

everyone had to agree that Sue was indeed such a spiteful, horrible and cruel stepmother.

Tears welled up in Harper's eyes, but she somehow managed to keep them from falling. Her delicate

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and injured appearance

only helped make people want to take care of her. Deep inside, everyone was most certainly cursing


When Sue finally got a hold of herself, she took of her coat and covered Felicia's naked body with it.

Feeling her daughter's body

shivering, she shot Harper a murderous glance. Then, she helped Felicia get up so they could walk

away. Sue was well aware of

the fact that it would be best for them to leave this place as soon as possible for the time being.

Inside the room, Harper wiped her tears dry and ran out, but the tears just kept rolling down her

cheeks. No one could stop her.

However, the others wouldn't let Sue take Felicia away as if nothing happened. By the time Sue had

finally made her way through the crowd, she noticed that the coat that was covering Felicia was

nowhere to be found, and her daughter looked so disheveled. At that moment, Sue felt like her heart

was being ripped apart. Hatred had almost swallowed up Sue. She desperately wanted to make Harper

suffer a great deal of pain for what she did! And that was the only way to quell her anger! Harper got

back to the Chu Clan mansion before Sue. As soon as she stepped foot inside the mansion, she cried

her lungs out and rushed into Mavis' Peony House. It just so happened that Charles got back at almost

the same time she did and was having

a conversation with Mavis. The second he saw Harper rudely barging in and in tears, Charles frowned

and became furious instantly. "Harper! Behave like a lady! Look at yourself! You look like such a mess!"

This time, much to their surprise, instead of being polite and reasonable like she usually was, Harper

broke down and fell to her knees in front of Charles and Mavis. With her voice sounding like it was

about to break, she asked, "Grandma, Father, am I really so useless in this family that everyone thinks

it would be better if I just die? Is that the truth?" "That's utter nonsense!" Mavis stated, fuming with

intense anger that she slapped the table with great force. "Which bitch gave you that idea?" Harper

almost choked up. "Grandma, Mother kept on asking me why it wasn't me over and over again. Why

does she hate me

that much?"

Mavis and Charles didn't realize that there was something wrong until she said those words. Both of

them thought that it was

very strange for Sue to say such a thing. She might have been such a narrow-minded woman, but they

never thought Sue would

be capable of uttering something so terrible. With that in their mind, they thought that there must be a

reason why Harper acted

the way she did. "Try to calm yourself down. Tell me exactly what happened, Harper," Mavis said.

"I really have no idea what happened either, Grandma. Caroline asked me to meet her at the Spring

Restaurant so she could

thank me personally, so I went there. But when I got there, Mister Zack was already inside waiting for

me and told me that

Caroline was feeling under the weather because of the cold wind last night. Because of that, she asked

him to do her a favor and

come in her stead to the Spring Restaurant to let me know that she wouldn't be able to make it. So, I

just had a chat with Mister Zack for a while since were already there. But suddenly, I heard a

commotion outside. Someone was saying that Lady Harper from the Chu Clan was so loose and

shameless. I found it quite strange. I understand that it was not appropriate to meet a man outside all

by myself, but I made sure to act properly. But to go and accuse me of being loose and shameless?

That is something that I just can't take." With a heavy heart, Harper sobbed and could not hold it

anymore. But Charles and Mavis, on the other hand, simply grew even

more anxious. "Go on, please continue. Tell us what happened next."

"When he noticed how angry I was after hearing those terrible and false accusations, Mister Zack...

Mister Zack went out of the

room to check what was going on. As it turned out, Hansen was there having fun with a woman. And

the crowd that was

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watching thought that woman was me!"

"Bastard!" Mavis exclaimed as she trembled with disgust. Hearing this made Charles' face turn dark as

well. But right now, what

he couldn't wait to find out was what Sue had to do with this matter.

"But what does it all have to do with your mother?"

It should go that Mavis was just as eager to know what it had to do with Sue.

With tears in her eyes, Harper went on and explained, "Mister Zack had been blocking my view of the

indecent scene. But all of a

sudden, I heard a woman calling out to him. Her voice sounded familiar, and I thought it seemed like it

was Felicia."

Both Mavis' and Charles' hearts skipped a beat. As they listened Harper's account of what happened,

an idea crossed their

minds. Their bodies tensed up, but they were hoping so much that what their thought was wrong.

Harper continued, "After that, there was another commotion among the crowd, but I couldn't really see

what happened with my

own eyes, because Mister Zack had been keeping me from seeing what was going on inside that room

the entire time. Then,

through the tumult, I heard Mother scream out my name moments before I saw a naked woman roll

down the stairs until she fell

below Mother's feet. She didn't even take a look to see who it was, but she just started calling out my

name! But that wasn't me

at all!"

When Mavis heard this, her face turned livid. Sue went ahead and called out Harper's name without

bothering to take a look at

that woman's face to confirm her identity. How dare she do that! As far as Mavis was concerned, it

seemed quite obvious that

Sue wanted Harper to take the fall.