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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 555
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The carriage ride home took a rather slow pace. So much so that there were several times Harper

doubted whether the carriage

had actually stopped or not. However, every time she opened the curtain to check, she found that they

were still moving, and it

was just that they were moving so slow that she couldn't feel any bumps on the road. It shouldn't be

that far, and they could

probably reach the imperial capital in six days. That day also happened to be the first day of the Lunar

New Year. But Matthew

kept on asking the carter to slow down, leaving them with no choice but to spend the first day of the

Lunar New Year holiday on

their way home.

Although Owen was so worried about Francis' condition, he didn't dare to complain. After all, Matthew

and Harper had planned

to celebrate the Lunar New Year in the River City. But because of his sudden arrival, they had to spend

it on the road. For that

reason, Owen would never dare to have any complaint, even when the couple went off somewhere

else on their own for an

entire day on the first day of the Lunar New Year holiday.

That being said, seven days had gone after the Lunar New Year. Yet, they were still just halfway to the

imperial capital. At the

rate that they were travelling, Owen couldn't help but wonder if they would still be able to get back to

the imperial capital.

The pace at which they were going was much too slow for Harper as well. They could only cover about

thirty miles per day. If

they continued travelling like this, it was highly likely that they wouldn't arrive at the imperial capital until

next year.

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"Darling, when are we going to reach the imperial capital at this pace?" Harper asked with a smile. And

she thought, 'What the

hell is he up to?'

"You're still weak. I'm afraid that the long ride home won't be good for your health. If we go fast, the

carriage would keep shaking,

and you might not be able to stand it," Matthew carefully said, without taking his eyes off of the book he

was reading in his hand.

Taking a quick glance at it, Harper found that it was a book about Go.

"Since when were you interested in reading such a book?" As far as Harper could remember, he had

never picked up the Go

book, let alone read it. Most of the books he usually read were about military strategies or state

governance. She had no idea when he began to take a liking to the Go book. Hearing this, Matthew

looked up at Harper and then continued reading the book. 'How could I not read it?' he thought to

himself. He had been quite proud of his superb Go skills, but he lost when he played Go with Zack for

the first time. Upon the thought of the triumphant look on Zack's face, Matthew gritted his teeth with

intense hatred. Once they reached the imperial capital, he would definitely have another Go game with

him. By then, he must defeat him and make him kneel down and beg for mercy.

Seeing the look of bitterness and hatred in Matthew's eyes, Harper remembered that he started

reading the Go book after he played Go with Zack some time ago. 'Is he planning to play Go with him

again and get back at him?' With this possibility in mind, Harper cast a glance at Matthew. As it turned

out, Matthew didn't like to lose. But when he lost to her in the past, he didn't hold a grudge against her

and didn't seem to be that affected even though she had a little chance of winning. She never thought

that even though Matthew was willing to admit defeat when he lost to her, there was no way he could

afford to lose to his rival in love. He had to make a comeback no matter what. "Darling, it's still a long

way home. How about finding something to do to kill time?" Harper suggested with a smile on her face.

To relieve the boredom, she wanted to do some recreational activity, such as playing Go.

"All right." As soon as he said those words, Matthew tossed the book aside and took her into his arms.

Seemingly a bit surprised,

she asked, "What are you doing?"

As he looked deep into her eyes, he flatly replied, "Didn't you say that we still have so far to go, so we

should find a way to keep

ourselves entertained? Well, I actually feel the same way, so I want to do something with you. We still

haven't tried all the

positions in the pictures last time. Why don't we give it a try today?"

"I...I... When I said 'find something to do', I meant I wanted to play Go game with you! You're

misunderstanding things,"

explained Harper, trying to clear things up right away. Of course, that wasn't what she was implying. All

she wanted was to play

Go! "Well, we can do that after we're done with this recreational activity for developing intimacy,"

Matthew insisted with a straight face. "No, it's still daytime!" "Have you already forgotten? We used to

do it during the daytime." In one swift motion, Matthew pried away Harper's waistband using his fingers.

However, Harper managed to catch his hand and said, "We're in the carriage right now."

"There's no need to worry. It's the secret guard who's driving the carriage. He won't dare to eavesdrop."

After she heard that, her face darkened in an instant. 'That's not the point!' What she was trying to say

was that it was still

daytime and they were riding the carriage. 'How on earth are you planning to do it while the carriage is


"Can't we just wait until we get home?"

"No!" Matthew refused decisively as he held Harper's hands, a passionate look flashing across his

eyes. "How are we supposed

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to wait? In any case, didn't we already agree to have a baby? Then, I should work hard as your


Hearing this, Harper had to give up on the idea of arguing with him, letting out an audible grunt. If it

wasn't for her reputation,

which she really cared about, she seriously wanted to kick him out of the carriage. 'This man is getting

wilder and wilder!" she

thought. But in the end, she hated herself the most. Why did she have to draw those pictures to entice

him? Wasn't she just

setting herself up into a trap?!

Although she once told him that she wanted to have a baby, that was only to comfort him. Now, she

ended up getting caught in

her own trap. Every time she wanted to turn down his advances, he would put on a face like that of an

abandoned little dog and

ask whether she just wasn't interested in doing the deed with him. And every time, without fail, all she

could do was raise her

hands and give in.

This time, she just couldn't stand his eagerness anymore, so she got out of the carriage and asked to

ride the horse instead.

However, due to the cold winter breeze, he didn't allow her to do that.

"The carriage is moving at a snail's pace!" she yelled out, feeling both ashamed and angry at the same


"I can ask the guard to go faster," Matthew said, trying to convince her to come back inside. "If you're

not satisfied with it..."

Without finishing his sentence, he pulled his clothes a little, revealing his well-built chest muscles. As a

practitioner of the martial

arts, the cold did not faze him. Even though Harper was wearing a thick layer of clothes, he only had

two clothes on. "I don't

really mind letting you take the lead."