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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 551
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Rufus had a heavy fall. After getting up slowly, he scratched the door and wanted to continue his chat

with Harper. However, to

his surprise, the door opened as soon as he put his hand on it. The ensuing moment, he was kicked

out by Matthew and rolled

down from the second floor the first floor.

"Get away from her!" Matthew warned.

The door was slammed again with a bang. Rufus felt as if sparks flew before his eyes before he could

finally come into his

senses. He felt resentful and angry and was in a mood to really fight it out with Matthew, though he

knew he wasn't a match for

him and would just be kicked down once again. Finally, he laid on his stomach on the floor. If he were

to offend Matthew again,

he would never let him see Harper, and that would be a great loss for him.

Inside the room, Matthew folded his arms and looked at the smiling Harper. "Hope you had a good chat

with him?"

"No. Darling, the posture you threw him out was so handsome that I couldn't stop laughing," Harper

immediately flattered. "I feel

so lucky that you are back. I'm totally fed up with that guy. He is as talkative as a sparrow. But since he

is your good friend, I

can't drive him out. Thanks for your help, and now the peace is restored."

Matthew's face softened. Harper quickly poured a cup of tea and handed it to him. "You must be tired.

Have a cup of hot tea. It

will warm you up."

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"Alright." Matthew looked calm. Harper made him sit down and kneaded his shoulders for him. "Darling,

you've been a great

help. Among the embroidery girls you recruited for me this time, many are greatly talented. I planned to

finish the task in half a

month, but now, it seems that I can make it in less than ten days. Thank you so much."

"Well, as long as you're happy, I'm happy too," Matthew said as a faint smile appeared on his face. If he

had a tail, his tail would

have been wagging now. Harper's words worked well. In an instant, his adrenaline rush curtailed and

gave way to the feel-good dopamine. "Of course, I feel so satisfied. I am not just teaching the

embroidery girls these days, but I have also drawn a picture book using Pearce and his wife as the

models. Then, I'm planning to make ready-made garments according to the picture book. They will be

sold in the first season after the opening celebration. Would you like to have a look?" Harper asked with

excitement. She was so happy as if she was going to show him her treasure troves. Matthew didn't

understand what Harper said. 'Using Pearce and his wife as models? What kind of model?' But when

he saw Harper was happy, he didn't want to lose his face by asking such a silly question. So, he put on

airs and said, "Okay, let me have

a look." Harper soon showed him the picture book, which she had drawn in her spare time. The more

he looked at it, the more astonished he became. He pointed at the man in the picture book and asked,

"Are you sure the man you have drawn is Pearce?" "Of course!" "Pearce is a fat man with less than 1.7

meters of height. Are you sure he is this handsome man you have drawn in this picture book?"

Matthew's expression seemed like Harper was trying to fool him, as if he didn't know what Pearce

looked like.

Harper glared at him. "Don't you know that your wife has the ability to turn rotten things into magic?"

"Oh, does his wife know that you have created a handsome Pearce?" Harper felt that something wasn't

right with Matthew's


She then asked in a low voice, "Matthew, why do you sound a bit sore?"

"I'm not happy because you drew another man!" Matthew answered immediately. "I'm not going to

forgive you unless you draw a

picture book for me as well."

"Draw you?" Harper asked as a hint of interest suddenly flashed her eyes. She always liked playing

tricks on others. But, after coming here, she had been very cautious in her every word and action, as

she had a fear of losing her life at any moment. She was someone who used to be very free and

unrestrained, but on the contrary, her brother was a dull person. In order to amuse him, she had always

played a lot of tricks on him. Now, after seeing that Matthew had asked her to draw him, a small trick

came into her mind at once. "What? Can't you do that?" Matthew asked in a raised tone.

"Of course, I can. But, I'm just afraid that you might be unhappy." She gazed calmly into his eyes, not

willing to let her husband

know that she was planning to play a trick on him.

"As long as the one you draw is me, I'll be happy," Matthew said proudly.

"Are you sure you'll be happy with whatever I draw?" Harper confirmed once again.

"Yes, I am pretty sure."

That was exactly what she wanted to hear. She sat down in front of the desk, picked up a charcoal

pencil, and started to draw

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something quickly. Matthew didn't feel worried. He sat aside quietly and waited. He thought, 'If Harper

depicts me as someone

uglier than Pearce, I will beat Pearce badly and burn the picture book. If I am satisfied with what she

draws, I will forgive him.'

About an hour later, Harper drew dozens of sketches. Matthew tried to take a glance at the sketches.

Although he couldn't see

them clearly, he was a little worried about the quality of her sketches. As she drew in a high speed, he

thought it was less likely

for her to draw him well.

Even though she saw her husband peeping in, she was in no hurry to finish. She kept on drawing

carefully at her own speed.

After making around twenty sketches, she put down her pencil, sorted out the papers and approached


"Matthew, I have finished drawing."

Matthew stretched out his hand and said, "Let me have a look."

He doubted that Harper was being perfunctory to him. In less than two hours, she completed twenty

sketches. He didn't believe

she had drawn carefully!

She hesitated and said, "Don't get angry after seeing the pictures. I hope you'd remember your words.

You promised that you'll

be happy with whatever I have drawn."