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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 50
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"Your Highness, a lotus lantern is lit up in the Chu Clan mansion." The guard came in and reported to

Matthew. A gust of wind

came and Matthew, who was in a wheelchair, disappeared in the darkness.

Harper thought the masked man couldn't see her lotus lantern since it was too late at night. She

thought that even if he saw it, he

would not come until the next day. She didn't expect to see him so soon.

"You want to see me?" A voice rang out in the darkness. Seeing that it was the masked man, Harper

heaved a sigh of relief.

"It's so late. I didn't expect you to come here tonight." Harper was surprised. She straightened her

clothes and found the man

leaning against the window, looking at her quietly.

"What do you want?" the man asked her directly. He already knew that something had happened. He

had his own guess, and

based from the news coming from the Chu Clan mansion, there was something she needed to share

with him. But he wanted

Harper to tell him herself.

After hesitating for a moment, Harper walked to the window. "You said you could get whatever you

want. Is that true?"

"Of course."

"Can we get Yvonne's wedding dress?" Harper asked softly. "The dress will be sent to the Chu Clan

mansion the day before the

wedding. I wouldn't have a chance to touch it."

"My guess was right. Those two women are ungrateful and vicious." There was a hint of mockery

behind his words.

"Just as I expected," Harper calmly replied. "I've already reached my goal. If she hadn't been so greedy

and tried to kill me, I

wouldn't have paid attention to them. There are many people who want me dead, and I'm not going to

wait for anyone to kill me.

I'm not that kind of person who repays injury with kindness."

The man looked at Harper as if she was a puzzle he couldn't solve. He thought she would be sad and

angry at being betrayed.

When the guard told him that Harper lit the lotus lantern at the Chu Clan mansion, he came as soon as

he could. But she didn't

look angry or sad. She didn't look like she needed to be comforted, which he thought he'd be doing

when he came here. Instead,

she looked calm and collected, as if she had already expected the worst.

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"How can you remain calm after getting betrayed by the people you've trusted?" he asked, confused.

He hated being betrayed

the most. Betrayals led to death. Therefore, he couldn't afford to be betrayed.

Harper shrugged her shoulders. "Before everything unfold, I've already thought of the worst thing that

could happen. Since I've

already thought of the worst, I'm mentally prepared for the result."

"Do you want me to get Yvonne's wedding dress for you?" he asked, changing the topic.

Harper shook her head and took out a small green bottle. "No. I just need you to add something to her

wedding dress."

"What's this?" He was about to open the lid when Harper stopped him, a surprised expression on her


"Don't open it!" Harper exclaimed in shock. She then realized that she was overreacted. But she didn't

let go of his wrist and just

said awkwardly, "It's a bottle of philter."

"You want to give her this and get rid of her baby?" he asked slowly. Harper shook her head. She didn't

have much interest in Yvonne, but she could use Yvonne for revenge. "She is not my goal." "You want

to use Yvonne to drug Hansen!" Hansen was Harper's former fiance. She said she didn't care, but

maybe she still had Hansen in her heart. The masked man felt a little uncomfortable at the thought.

Harper didn't panic when the man saw through her. She said with composure, "Yes. I seek revenge for

even the smallest grievance. He owed me a life." "Owe you a life?" The man was a little surprised.

Harper didn't answer. Hansen owed the original owner of her body a life. If it weren't Hansen and

Felicia who plotted against her, the original owner of her body wouldn't have died! She wanted to

avenge the original owner of her body. "Will the effects wear off if I sprinkle it on Yvonne's wedding

dress? Will it affect others?" the man asked nervously. "No, you have to apply it on the inner side of the

dress. She won't be affected. The drug is made to be potent for males only. Once a man inhales a dose

of it after drinking, the drug will come into effect." Harper's expression was as cold as ice. She didn't

seem guilty at all, as if she was talking about the weather. "On their wedding night, the two of them will

have to drink some wine. Once they drink it..." The man's mouth drew a cold smile. "I'll do as you say."

"Thank you."

"No problem. Think carefully about what you will give me in return. First of all, I don't lack money." The

man came closer to Harper and added in an extremely meaningful tone, "If you are willing to marry me

—" "That would be a great loss for me!" Harper interrupted him. "Maybe I should murder my husband

on my wedding night." The man's mouth twitched slightly. Finally, he stepped away from Harper. "Are

you going to stay in the Chu Clan mansion and

follow your so-called father's arrangement?"

"He can't control my life." Harper propped her cheek on her palm beside the window. The masked man

leaned against her. It was

as if they had known each other for many years. "I'm in charge of my life."

"You have come of age. He will definitely settle an engagement for you in less than a year. What do

you plan to do about it?" he

asked softly. There was something in his voice that sounded familiar, but she dismissed the thought.

Harper shook her head to get rid of those thoughts in her mind. "Before Hailey gets married, I still have

a chance. If he wants to

stop me, then he's welcome to try."

"It's getting late. Go to bed early. I will arrange it well before the wedding dress is sent to the Chu Clan

mansion. As for my

reward, I'll ask you for it later." The masked man disappeared after he finished his words. Harper's

expression blurred in the

moonlight. She stretched out her fair hand, as if the moon was just an arm's length away. But tonight

wasn't a night for fantasy

and longing. This life of hers, it wasn't for fantasy or romance. After a long time, she closed the window.

Carrie was mad that Harper threatened her, so she tried to poison her. But Harper didn't get poisoned.

Carrie was both angry

and frightened. She would not dare make another move. She must be more careful. Otherwise, she

would get into trouble.

After knowing that Harper was fine and safe, Sue was boiling mad. It was an insult to Felicia after

Hansen called off the wedding and divorced her. She didn't want to see anyone. She just locked herself

inside her room without eating or drinking. The weather was hot, and the wounds on her body hadn't

healed completely. Some of her wounds had even began to get inflamed and started festering.

Although Sue was worried, she knew that the bruises on Felicia's body were not a big deal. Felicia was

heartbroken. She had truly admired Hansen, but he was indifferent to her. It was cruel for him to

divorce Felicia and marry another woman. But as a

mere housewife, it was impossible for her to fight against Prince Kevin's family.

"Felicia, it's time to change your bandages." Sue's heart broke as she saw Felicia wither away. "Felicia,

are you going to keep

living like this? Are you just going to stand here and watch that bitch marry His Highness?"

"His Highness has abandoned me. What else can I do?" Tears streamed down Felicia's cheeks. She

looked sad. When Hansen

broken off the engagement to Harper, she gloated over it. She thought she finally found a good man

and would have the

wedding of her dreams. But in the blink of an eye, everything was taken away from her. Hansen also

broke off their engagement.

And now he would marry Yvonne. She was just another loser. Just like Harper.

Sue worried about her daughter. "Don't be afraid, Felicia. Yvonne can only be the wife of His Highness

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in her dreams!"

"Mother, do you have any way to help me win His Highness's heart back?" Felicia grabbed Sue's arms

tightly. "Mother, I can't live

without him! I'll even accept being his concubine. Please help me beg His Highness and ask him to

take me back, okay?"

Pity and anger washed over Sue. How could her daughter be reduced to this girl who pathetically

begged for the crumbs of

attention of a man? She could do nothing but cry. Hansen was an unpredictable and fickle man, but

Felicia couldn't see it. And

she was even willing to be a concubine! When Hansen called off the engagement to Harper, she didn't

cry or beg to be Hansen's


"Felicia, do you trust me?" Sue grabbed Felicia's shoulder with such a great force that it made Felicia

cry out of pain.

"Mother, I trust you."

"If you trust me, you should just eat well and take care of yourself. Everything will fall into place and just

wait to see what will

happen to that bitch!" A vicious look flashed Sue's eyes. "I will never let her off since she stole things

from you. Don't worry. His

Highness will be yours and no one can take him away from you!"

"Really?" Hope flashed through Felicia's lifeless eyes, as if she was waiting for someone to give her

this thing that could probably

save her.

"I promise you!" Sue would not disappoint Felicia. As long as her daughter was alive, it didn't matter if

she told a lie. "So the most

important thing right now is to heal your wounds. Make sure they would leave no scars on your body.

And then have a good

meal. If you appear in front of His Highness elegant and beautiful, he will definitely fall for you."

"Really?" Felicia went wild with joy, fiddling with her hair and clothes. "Mother, do I look ugly now?"

"No, you're not. You're the most beautiful woman in the world. His Highness couldn't appreciate your

beauty before but he'll

come to his senses. You'll see. He'll find you're the best woman out there. Soon." Sue felt bitter in her

mind. 'Hansen and Kate

are mean and heartless. How could my daughter fall in love with such a person? If I hadn't destroyed

Hansen's engagement to

Harper, she would have been the one suffering this fate. Not Felicia!' she thought to herself.

With a shy smile on her face, Felicia finally felt better in days. She stopped going on hunger strike and

allowed to be treated

under the persuasion of the Sue. Her body gradually recovered. And the day of Yvonne's wedding
