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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 257
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"Don't worry about anything, okay? I'll make sure to protect your mansion with all my might until you

wake up."

It took some time to prepare everything before Harper was finally ready to enter the prison and confront

Denny. But when

Johnson and his daughter sighted her, they were immediately furious. "Harper Chu, how dare you

show your face to us! You

deliberately gave us the wrong way to detoxify His Highness. You were plotting to destroy our

reputation and disgrace us!"

Without even taking a look at them, Harper turned to Denny and said, "Matthew's toxins in his body

broke out. He would die if we

can't detoxify him before sunset."

Denny paled slightly at her words. He knew that there was only one way out of that situation now:

Matthew was going to die,

unless he was somehow cured. And yet he was now powerless to do anything about it. There was

nothing else he could do.

"Denny, I need your help," Harper murmured softly, her eyes intent.

"Denny, don't you dare put any trust in this conniving woman," Johnson retorted. "She's only trying to

use you for her own gain!"

He wasn't about to stand there and let Harper have her way.

"My help? How? To take the blame instead of you?" Denny snapped, mocking.

Harper only replied calmly, "There is an aphrodisiac added to Matthew's medicated bath. Did you put

that into the bath because

you fell in love with him? Or did you want to lead him to another woman's bed?"

"Aphrodisiac? I don't know about anything like that!" Denny denied immediately. "The detoxifying

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process is incredibly delicate

and needs absolute caution. I wouldn't interfere with it with anything like that."

"So it wasn't you, then? Then who could it be?" Harper now leveled her gaze at Johnson and his

daughter. "You were the one

who prepared the medical materials, weren't you? And you prepared the medicated bath. Only the

three of you were present

during that time. This only means that one of you drugged him, causing the toxins in his body to lose

stability and go out of control." Almost immediately, Johnson knew in his heart that it could be none

other than his own daughter that had drugged Matthew. Denny found himself coming to the same

conclusion. But as he looked up to gaze at the father and daughter, he saw Rena's eyes swiftly look

away with guilt. And it dawned upon him what had actually taken place: Rena had drugged Matthew,

trying to get him to have sex with her, and ensnare him in such a way that he could never abandon her.

She was the one who ruined the whole process.

"Rena...was it you?" "No, I didn't do anything! How could I have possibly done such a thing?! Denny,

don't listen to that woman's nonsense!" Color soared into Rena's face. There was no way that she

could confess to such an outrage. It would only drive home the fact that Matthew would never marry

her. "Honestly, I don't care who did this anymore. But I want all of you to know: If anything happens to

Matthew, you will all die on the spot. Denny, Matthew has treated you like his own brother, and yet

you'd sit by, condoning his murder for the sake of your own private affairs. What a wonderful brother

you are to him!" Harper sneered coldly.

"No, I didn't..." Denny started to fluster, unable to come up with an answer to save him from the truth.

He knew the writing was on

the wall. If he hadn't insisted on bringing Rena into this, Matthew would never have ended up this way.

Defeated, he stammered,

"Do you have a way to save His Highness somehow?"

"Yes, I have. But I'm going to need your help," Harper said. "But to be perfectly honest, if you're not

able to distinguish between

right and wrong, I don't dare allow you to help me!"

"I swear, I won't act recklessly in any way. I'll do whatever it takes to save His Highness." Denny's tone

was pleading, emotion

wrenched in every word as he looked up. "Barry, please. Help me convince her to show me mercy. I

just want to save His

Highness while there's still a chance!" Standing behind Harper, Barry said coldly, "His Highness has

made his orders clear: If anything were to happen to him, Her Highness would be the one in charge of

making the decisions in the mansion." Denny stood rooted to the spot, astonished. Matthew's trust had

been stripped away from him. The reason Harper wasn't allowed to take part in the detoxifying and the

reason he agreed so easily, as it turned out, was to protect her. Did Matthew somehow foresee that

something unscrupulous would be afoot?

"Release him," Harper then commanded. Gazing down at Denny's disheveled, small frame, she

stretched out her hand. A red pill

lay upon it, and she held it out to him. "Take it."

"What's this?"

"Lethal Seven. This pill will kill you in seven days," Harper responded dispassionately. "If the treatment

goes well and according

to plan, Matthew will wake up in seven days. And if he wakes up, then you can have the antidote to

save your own life.

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Otherwise, I'll have all of you killed and torn to pieces. Before that though, I might have Rena hurled

into the military camp for

their use. You know what I mean."

"You insidious bitch!!" Johnson was foaming with rage. Rena might have remained blissfully ignorant of

what Harper was

implying, but there was no doubt that every man there knew what she was saying. After she was

thrown into a military camp of

nothing but savage men, they were going to end up ravaging her.

"Johnson Leng, I'm afraid that I'm not the type of person that tolerates that kind of language. If I hear

any more of those words

from you, I'll have them cut your tongue off!" Harper coldly snapped. "Do you realize what position

you're in right now?! You and

your daughter have endangered my husband's life! Instead of examining your own guilt and

conscience, you choose to insult

me. Don't take me for a weak woman, as you'll find you're sorely mistaken. The imperial capital is not

your own personal Medical

Valley that bows to your will and you've free reign to do harm as you wish. I suggest that you not dare

act entitled here."

Rena was just about to retort right back but Johnson immediately stopped her. There was no doubt that

Harper was going true to

her word. She had every intention of killing them, and if they were to go too far, she might just have it

commanded in a second.

Finally, Denny picked up the poison pill and swallowed it with a determined expression. "I'm holding to

my word. I've taken the

pill. Now tell me what you want me to do next."