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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 189
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"Yes, I know. My father has already informed me about it. His Majesty would like me to spy on Prince

Matthew. If possible, he

wants me to steal the Black Flag Token," Harper nonchalantly stated while sipping at her cup of tea.

"Then why are you still willing to get married to him?"

"Why, you ask? Why not?" A ghastly smile appeared at the corner of Harper's mouth. "As long as I am

married to Prince

Matthew, my father can no longer control me. I am tired of living like a puppet."

"Harper, are you saying that you want to use Prince Matthew against the Chu Clan?" Zack finally

understood what Harper

wanted to do. She intended to take advantage of Matthew's power and influence to stand up against

the Chu Clan.

"But the Chu Clan is your home and family! You're going to turn against your own father?" His voice

sounded unstable.

"You have a loving father so you might not understand. But sometimes, even strangers are kinder than

some fathers in this

world. I've had enough, Zack. I won't let him trample on me anymore," Harper said with a frown. "He

poisoned my mother and

tried to kill me several times. Do you expect me to let all of this pass by and just be a filial daughter?"

Zack opened his mouth but not a single word came out of it. He couldn't believe what he just heard.

'Could it be true? Her own

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father killed her mother? How could that be possible? Is this something that any biological father could

do to his own daughter?

Is this why Harper is willing to marry Prince Matthew? She wants to escape from her own clan?' he

wondered in his head. To say

that he was surprised was an understatement.

"It's hard to believe it, right?" With an uncertain smile on her face, Harper looked up at him. "Do you

know anything about

General Maxwell?" "Yes, he said you were the one responsible for the death of his unborn baby

because of your poor medical skills." "But that wasn't the truth. It was what they wanted everyone to

think of. In reality, it's because my father and sister colluded with the general's concubine to set me up,"

Harper said, playing with the teacup in her hand. "In the place of execution, I didn't understand why he

was so cruel to me. I'm his daughter. He was supposed to protect me. So I asked Prince Matthew for

mercy and begged him to allow me to find out the truth. It was by a chance of luck that I escaped from

the unfair execution. However, I almost died in the hands of the Chu Clan afterward." Harper's voice

became unstable. However, there was no softness that could be detected on it. "I knew it wouldn't be

long until he attempted to kill me again, so I turned to my grandmother for help and asked her to come

back. If Grandma had

come back a little later that day, I wouldn't be here today. And even Grandma had come back in time,

he still nearly took half of my life. Then I spent half a month recovering in the country house." Before

she could continue, Zack couldn't help but think that everything he was hearing was a totally different

picture of Harper's

life inside the Chu Clan. It was said that she was an arrogant and unruly lady, but it turned out that she

had a terrifying life in her

clan. She might even have died in there.

"Stop, Harper." Before Harper could continue telling her story, Zack stopped her. He realized how

scrupulous she had been in

the Chu Clan. It was no wonder that she didn't think it was a big deal to be married to Matthew. Clearly,

to Harper, the Chu Clan

mansion was a more frightful place than Matthew's mansion.

Noticing the pain on his face, Harper smiled and said, "You don't have to feel sorry for me. In my mind,

my father has long

ceased to be a family member. That's why I don't feel remorse anymore when he tries to harm me. The

only thing I care about in the Chu Clan is my brother and grandma." "Your brother?" "Yes. My brother,

Alexander. He has been to the south region to study." A soft expression appeared on Harper's face

when she talked about Alexander. "He is a diligent kid."

"Do you think it's a good idea to go against the Chu Clan? The chance of your grandma and Alexander

getting involved is really

high. And once they do, what are you going to do?"

"Grandma is too old. There is not much time left for her." Even though she had spoken candidly,

sadness flashed through

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Harper's eyes. "And I promised Grandma that I wouldn't turn against Chu Clan, as long as she was

alive. Now, I just need to find

a place to live and wait until that moment comes."

"But, Bu Clan—" Zack tried to speak but Harper cut him off.

"If Bu Clan gets involved with the Chu Clan, it will be a bad idea. Zack, I am well aware of the Bu Clan's

good intentions, but

there is really no need for it. If possible, I hope you and your clan can live well. After all, you are one of

the few friends I have

after I came here," Harper said softly.

Zack thought there was a hidden meaning in her words, but he couldn't figure it out after pondering

over it several times. He just

wanted to do something for Harper, and make the final appeal for the reluctance in his heart.

"Are you sure that you don't need my help?" After hearing her story, Zack didn't want to see Harper get

married to Matthew. He

thought that right after having a hard time in the Chu clan, she did not deserve to suffer any more than

she already did. Although

Matthew was disabled, he was still a thorn in the flesh of the emperor.

"Yes, I am sure." Harper decisively refused. "Zack, this is my request. Please don't get your clan

involved in this matter. As for

the things that my father has asked me to do, it's solely up to me. I appreciate your concern and this

gesture but I've already

been out for a long time. It's time to go back. Goodbye, and thank you."