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Forensic Imperial Concubine by Erika Black

Chapter 183
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"Indeed. She is full of arrogance," Katrina said resentfully. "Your brother even suspects that someone

else has taken her identity,

but this is the real her. Only she knows I once asked her to deal with Anita."

"Aunt, let me deal with Lady Chloe for you. However, as long as Harper stays in the Chu Clan mansion,

there will be no peace

among us. She might even turn Father and Grandma to stop helping you. Besides, it seems that

Princess Nicole favors her. Her

Highness always agrees with Harper. She is a disaster just waiting to unfold. We must get rid of her at

once, before she causes

us trouble," Hailey suggested. It was a sore sight for her to see Harper living in comfort.

"Harper will either stays in the Chu Clan mansion or in the Imperial Academy of Medicine after the new

year celebration. What

would be the best way to deal with her?" Katrina shared Hailey's sentiments. If she could, she would

have already killed Harper.

But as things stood, they had exhausted all means for their attempts, only to be met by failure after

failure. To make matters

worse, Harper was living a better life now. At the thought of how the girl said the words in her presence,

as if she was mocking

her, Katrina clenched her fists as fury burned.

"Your Highness, I have an idea," an old nanny by Katrina's side said.

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"What is it?" Katrina asked in confusion.

The old nanny gave an enigmatic smile. "Your Highness, it would be very easy to kill someone, but

wouldn't it be better to let

them suffer first?"

Katrina's and Hailey's gazes were fixed on the old woman. "And how do you suggest we do that?"

"It is not as complicated as you think. Tell me, what would be the most terrifying thing for a woman?"

the nanny asked. Hailey was struck how simple it was. "Losing her virginity!" she answered quickly. But

the nanny shook her head. "No, she can still choose death to show her purity if she loses her virginity.

The answer is marriage," she said. "Marriage?" Katrina asked, unable to follow the old woman's

thoughts. Hailey, however, understood her perfectly. "Find a man that Harper would be powerless

against and no one wants. Marriage to this sort of man would bring Harper nothing but misery." The old

nanny smiled coldly. "His reputation needs not to be good, but he has to be of a high status. If you

could find a man who is cruel and imperious, he would be the perfect candidate. Of course, it would be

even better if he is harsh on women!"

Katrina and Hailey laughed at what they had heard, the wicked sound echoing throughout the chamber.

Indeed, there was such a man —a bloodthirsty cripple who was known for his hostility to women. If

Harper wedded him, her life would be a tragedy. "I know just the person," Katrina said, playing with the

nail on her little finger as a malicious smile rested on her lips. "Prince Matthew."

Hailey frowned at the name. It was true that Matthew was vicious. He had three fiancees who had died

before marriage. He was

also a cripple, and he sat in a wheelchair to move around. At the age of twenty-six, he remained

unmarried. None of the officials

or aristocrats were willing to let their daughters marry into Prince Matthew's mansion!

"Will His Highness agree?" Hailey put forth a difficult problem. Even with the emperor's approval, if

Matthew refused, then their

plan might not work.

"Even if he turns it down, we would suffer no loss." The nanny smiled meaningfully. "If word goes out

that Prince Matthew, the

crippled prince, rejects the marriage offer, it would be a terrible insult to Harper. She would be a pariah,

and no man in the imperial capital would want to marry her later. She would be alone for the rest of her

life. On the other hand, if Prince Matthew agrees, her life would be in his hands. He can kill her

anytime. Moreover, Prime Minister Charles is loyal to His Majesty. As his daughter, isn't she supposed

to be helping His Majesty after entering Prince Matthew's mansion?" "A wonderful idea," Katrina

remarked approvingly. She decided to ask the emperor to issue the marriage edict for Harper, but she

would not mention Matthew's name. She would let the emperor make the decision himself.

Hailey was still not fully convinced that things would go well, but she was happy to think of the

possibilities. If Harper married

Matthew and betrayed him, there would only be death awaiting her. But then, if Matthew refused to

marry Harper, it would be an

embarrassment and nothing would be left of her reputation. No man would want her after that. No

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matter what the result was,

Harper would be the only one to suffer!

After walking out of the Glorious Palace, Harper did not leave. She knew that Hailey must have been

hiding here, so she hid

herself and waited to see if Hailey would come out.

Sure enough, Hailey came out following Katrina not long after Harper had left. Hailey was among a

group of palace maids, but it

only took Harper a quick glance to recognize her.

"There she is!" Harper sneered. "It seems that tonight's banquet is a planned vengeance. But, Hailey,

do you really think you can

do anything in the palace with Lady Katrina on your side? Let's wait and see!"

"Harper!" A pat on Harper's shoulder shook her out of her musing. In her scare, she covered his mouth

and dragged him behind

a pillar nearby. She did not release her hold on him until Katrina and the others had gone far away.

It was Lucas. As usual, he was dressed like a white round ball. Rolling his eyes, he asked, "Harper,

why are you hiding here?

The dinner party is about to begin."

"Your Highness, forgive me. I was heading there but I lost my way."

"Is that so? Well then, I will take you there." Lucas prodded no further at her clumsy excuse and led her

to the banquet hall. They

took a shortcut and arrived before Katrina and others. Then, he went back to his seat quietly.