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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2039
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“Estelle!” Jonathan's voice was filled with both shock and tremor. “Estelle!” “Stella!” Everyone rushed towards Estelle, forming a tight circle around her. Xavier, biting back the pain from his own wound, tore a piece of his shirt to bandage Estelle’s shoulder. His voice was hoarse as he explained, “She got hit by shrapnel from the blast; she’s lost a lot of blood. We need to get those pieces out now!” Gab’s face turned ashen. “My place is the closest!” Jonathan, cradling Estelle in his arms, staggered to his feet and made a beeline for the helicopter.

“Don’t head to Silver Valley; it’s too far. Cto my place!” Lambert, frantic, blocked Jonathan's path. “Out of my way!” Jonathan's face was a terrifying shade of thunder. “My estate has a fully equipped medical suite, and | have a doctor on call. If you want to save her, bring her tofirst!” Lambert's eyes were bloodshot, showing no sign of backing down as he stood toe-to-toe with Jonathan. “Jonathan, stay calm!” Gab gripped Jonathan's shoulder. “Estelle needs immediate care. Let’s get her to the Brennan estate first.” Panic was written all over Jonathan's face as the veins in his arms bulged from the strain. With a shaky nod, he agreed. “Fine, we go to your place, right now!” Lambert nodded and helped escort Estelle to the helicopter, while Xavier, needing urgent care for his own injuries, was surrounded by Josiah and others as they boarded the aircraft. Gab stayed behind to oversee the demolition of the underground twelfth floor, then piloted the helicopter himself towards the Brennan estate. Half an hour later, the helicopter touched down on the estate’s landing pad. Lambert had the butler prepare the operating room in advance, with doctors and plasma at the ready. Estelle and Xavier were rushed into surgery. Evelyn, who had been at the estate waiting for Estelle, hurried over when she heard the news. In the grand living room outside the operating room, everyone sat in heavy silence, the tension palpable. The wait was excruciating. Gab’s phone rang, and he stepped out to take the call. His subordinate reported that the twelfth floor was demolished, and the rest of the building was being searched floor by floor. Now, the entirety of Zion was under their control. Wolf's body had been properly taken care of. Winston, who had escaped, had also been captured! He had disguised himself as Raiden to aid Triceratops but was caught by Gab’s men after escaping to Citadel city in a helicopter. Gab ended the call and was about to return to the living room when he saw a young woman hurrying down the corridor. Their eyes met, both pausing for a brief moment. Sylvia approached with a respectful expression and greeted, “Gab!” Gab replied in a measured tone, “Thanks for coming on such short notice.” Sylvia immediately shook her head. “No need for thanks _li's the least | could do.” Gab gave a slight nod and turned back to the living room. Visit DramasNx full content. (Image) “She'll be fine. You're her rock; you need to be strong for her.” Jonathan's face was pale as he took the water from her, his voice barely a whisper. “Thanks.” Visit Dramasto read full content. (Image) Visit Dramasto read full content. (Image) He should never have left her alone. Panic and regret were tearing him apart, relentlessly.