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Find Me In Your Labyrinth pdf

Chapter 2038
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A towering figure approached, and Wolf's hollow gaze settled on the newcomer. With a strained voice, he muttered, “Gab!” Gab crouched down in front of him, his voice hoarse and subdued. “I didn’t know about what happened back then. The folks wiretapping Lexi had a beef with Tyrannosaurus, purposely kept information from me, delaying the rescue. Because of that, | later took that guy out!” Wolf paused for a moment, and then a look of understanding swept across his face as he slowly nodded. “I believe you.” His body began to convulse, like the last streak of twilight on the horizon about to be swallowed by darkness, beyond anyone's power to save. Estelle fought back tears, her heart aching with grief, the piercing wind cutting through her like a knife. Wolf looked at Estelle again, speaking softly, “Look after yourself and the family.” The Crawley family had funded the development of the virus and the production of weapons. Knowing Estelle was headed for Tripe, they had made contact with him, ordering him to kill her. He had turned the tables, luring Estelle to Zion. Even if he wanted to take Estelle down himself, he wouldn't let anyone else hurt her! With his last ounce of strength, he pulled a small bottle from his coat and thrust it into Estelle’s hands. “This will counteract the poison in your system. Live on for all of us.” “Wolf!” Estelle watched as the man closed his eyes, his final breath carried away by the wind. She could no longer hold back her tears, sobbing uncontrollably as she clutched his bloodied body. “Wolf!” Xavier sat on the ground, his large frbowed in sorrow. Jonathan had taken down Triceratops and stepped off the plane, only to see, from a distance, a girl weeping, holding a blood-soaked man, her body trembling with grief, her cries echoing with despair. The night wind howled, carrying her sobs like the roar of a beast or the lament of a bird that had lost its mate. Wolf was dead. Dead again, right before her eyes. Estelle’s long-standing nightmare had resurfaced, and the pain was as intense as ever, shared by Jonathan who understood all too well the genuine depth of feeling beneath her cool exterior. Josiah and Amiee also got off the plane, and everyone stood silently in the biting wind, sharing in the girl's sorrow, feeling her pain, yet unable to take it away. Lambert, with his team of Iron Shadow guards, had just finished the battle downstairs and rushed to the rooftop. Shocked at the scene before him, he had intended to approach Estelle but stopped short as snippets of their conversation triggered a rush of memories. Gab, Wolf, Sniper—these names, he had heard them before! They were Stella’s teammates during that peacekeeping mission. Wolf, in particular, had worked closely with Stella, their teamwork impeccable, which made his nstand out in Lambert's memory. Shaken and in disbelief, Lambert's gaze shifted to Estelle, seeing the girl covered in blood and tears, his heart pounding. She was Stella! His mind went blank. Visit Dramasto read full content. (Image) PRN ~ I Estelle and knelt before her, reaching out to caress her tear-streaked face. “Ella, please don’t cry.” Visit Dramasto read full content. (Image) Jonathan had never seen Estelle cry like this before. His heart felt as if it was in a vice, the pain unbearable.

“Ella, don’t do this to yourself.” Visit Dramasto read full content. (Image) Her eyes red and unfocused, Estelle looked back at him before slowly closing her eyes and collapsing into his arms.