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Fated to my Enemy by Diane Doherty

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Book Two Chapter Twenty

Future Alpha Aspen

My head was buzzing with mindlinks but there was no way | was stopping to answer while my face was buried

between my girl's legs. It also didn’t help that my phone was also buzzing. Landon should know I'm with Tessa

and I'll answer when | can.

“F uck, Aspen. Yes, right there,” she moaned as he tugged on my hair. F uck. This girl was perfect-my girl..

| knew she was close as her tights squeezed my head. | chuckled as | sucked her c lit into my mouth and she

cundone on my face. She screamed my nand s it, | could get off on the sound. | gently circled her c lit

to prolong her pleasure before kissing up her body and settling myself between her legs.

“Holy cr ap,” she panted.

“Go d, you're beautiful,” | mumbled, kissing her neck.

My phone went off again and | swear | was going to break it.

“Do you need to get that?” Tessa exhaled.

“I don’t want to. | would rather be inside you,” I rolled my hips and coated my d ick in her wetness.

“Aspen,” she gasped. The buzzing of the mindlink went off again and | sighed

“What is it?” Tessa questioned.




Book Two Chapter Twenty

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

288 Vouchers

“Mindlink, givetwo secs.’

“About f ucking time, where the hell are you?” My father growled as soon as | opened the link.

“I'm busy,” | grumbled.

“F uck, don’t tell me. Meetat Kingston Mall. You have thirty minutes.” he closed the link and | grumbled.

“Bad news?” Tessa pulledback to our current situation ofbetween her legs ready to pound her.

“I have five minutes before | have to have a shower and head out,” | sighed. She pushed up and kissed my

adam's apple causing goosebumps to cover my body as | fought the urge to shiver.

“Then we better make the most of those five minutes.” she purred. | thrust into her, not wasting another


| showered with Tessa and I'm glad | had brought an overnight bag with me, just in case. | didn’t need to show up

smelling like sex.

| felt guilty for not being able to drive her to work after our night together but even before the thirty minutes

were up, my father was in my head and my phone was buzzing. | made a note to send her flowers as an apology,

even though she said she understood.

| pulled up to the mall and parked my truck, before linking my father.

“Here, now where are you?”

“Park parking lot, behind the trees.” | furrowed my brows as | looked around, before looking up a map of my

location on my phone. Why the hell would he be over there? | thought as | studied the map.

| pulled my truck out and headed towards the park parking lot. Sure as





Book Two Chapter Twenty

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s hit, | found my father’s truck. He was standing with Luca and Landon. There were also | few SUVs and warriors.

| parked my vehicle and looked around but I couldn't see the mall from here. They were

approaching my truck when | got out.

“Do you want to tellwhere you were last night?” My father demanded.

“Not really. So, what are we doing here?” | questioned. | wasn’t going to tell my father about Tessa just yet.

Besides, I'm sure there would be a lecture about waiting for your mate and she’s only seventeen. He crossed his

arms over his chest as he glared at me.

“If you don’t need me, | have things | need to do,” | told him.

“Your mother and Becky are in the mall, shopping,” Luca stepped in.

“You let mom go to the mall?” | looked at my father.

“We think the council has people in the pack. Ryley is going to be looking through people’s minds, and get a

sense of them. Also, she can sense a Luna Wolf. The council is using something to mask the wolf's scent, and we

need to track down the dealers,” he explained.

“So are you kicking out all the non-members?” | asked my father.

“I need to know why they are here and follow up. | don’t care unless they start trouble, but they went after

Ryley’s mother. The council got into their pack and learned she was a Luna Wolf. | will not let them stay if they

are putting your mother and sister at risk. Now, you and Landon will poke around and find the dealers.” My

father ordered.

“And who is watching over Mom? Isn’t that why we are here, hiding?” if glares could kill, | would be dead. “I just

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

mean, | understand that she can help and she is strong like an alpha, but this is unlike you, Dad. Does it really

matter if the council is sneaking around? They know mom is a Luna Wolf and no doubt she would kill them if they


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Book Two Chapter Twenty

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near her again.”

“What the f uck are you saying?” he snapped.

“I'm saying that they don’t matter. We could march up to the council building and wipe them out, ending this.

What information are you worried about them obtaining?”

“I'm not worried about information they may find. I'm worried about your mother. | don’t doubt they would walk

back in here and take her, your sister, and your grandmother. | want those council f u cks to know they can’t

cinto my pack. So, we are going to track them down and kill them,” he exclaimed.

“You should ask Walter to call his son to see if they have had anyone from the council contact them. It’s no

secret to the other packs that you are no longer endorsing the council. Now, would be a good tto have some

ails.” | shrugged.

“You could be more helpful if you would answerwhen | call you. This is just as much your pack as it is mine.”

“And | will make myself more available.” | agreed. He stared atbefore nodding.

“You and Landon start hunting for the dealers.” He grabbed my arm before | could climb into my truck. “And next

tanswer me. We are going to war and | need to know you are safe.” He let my arm go after | nodded.

Landon climbed into the front passenger seat while | started my truck and buckled in. | pulled out of the parking

stall and let out a breath when my father was out of view.

“I was trying to warn you,” Landon confessed.

“Next tcall Sarah, | was busy,” | grumbled.