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Fated to my Enemy by Diane Doherty

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Book Two Chapter Nineteen

Luna Ryley

“So, you wantto help?” | raised a brow, looking around the conference table. Blake had toldlast night

when he got hthat he wantedto attend a meeting. | was curious but also annoyed that he now wanted

father was also here. | wasn’t surprised at the council sneaking around.

“Stormy, | don’t want you involved in this,” my father sighed.

“Let her be the Luna she is meant to be,” my mother retorted. She was on speaker.

“Thanks, Mom. But I'm not sure how much help | can be. | can only see something if they let their guard down,” |


“Sweetie, do you remember the first tyou healed someone?” She asked me.

“I think it was with Channing. He had fallen and scraped his hand. I licked my thumb and cleared away the blood

and it healed. Why?”

“You were five and Eli was Seven. Eli had fallen off his bike and scraped up his knee. You went to him and licked

it.” | cringed and my father laughed.

“It healed in seconds. | could already sense you were going to be a Luna wolf, but that confirmed it.” She


“And | didn’t even scar,” Eli chimed in.



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“I can’t believe | licked your knee. Why on earth would | have even done that?” | exclaimed.

“Your father was always coming hwith skind of injury and you would watchheal him.” My mother


“Okay, so | can sense other Luna Wolves, but how am | supposed to flush out the council? Will Lily letknow

when | see one? And Mom, | want you here. | don’t like not knowing where you are,” | told her.

“1 will,” Lily said.

“The council is looking for me. | can’t put you and my grandchildren in danger.”

“Lily will rip them apart.” | could feel her nodding her head. “It’s something we should have done before | left

that place,” | grumbled. Blake took my hand and squeezed it.

“I'm keeping your mother safe, Stormy,” Eli assuredand Blake mumbled under his breath.

“Sweetie, just focus on looking through the pack. You may not find the council but you may find someone who

knows something.”

“I'll give it a try, Mom. Thank you. Stay safe. And Eli, | will,” he finished for me. “Ripapart, yeah | know,

Stormy.” He brushed off my threat and | knew he had rolled his eyes. | pushed my lips in a line not liking his


“Babe, I'll call you after we have cup with a plan. Eli, keep my mate safe,” my father commanded.

“I'm a Luna Wolf, | can take care of myself,” my mother scoffed and | snickered. She gave my father the same

attitude I give Blake when he



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Book Two Chapter Nineteen

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is being overbearing.

“I wonder where you got that attitude from,” Blake mumbled and | smacked his chest.

“Maybe if you weren't so unbearable, | wouldn't give you so much sass,” | huffed and Luca chuckled.

“That's my girl. Give them hell. | love you.” She ended the call and | smirked at Blake.

“Ryley, | don’t like this. | know I set this up but | spent the night thinking it over and | can’t put you in danger.

You're carrying our child and | almost lost you enough times to last a lifetime.” He sighed.

“I'm pregnant, not broken. | can still shift and | want to help. | can go shopping with Becky and Isabelle. It would

look like just sfriends going out and | will connect if | see anyone suspicious.” | turned my chair towards him

and took hold of his hand. “And it would be nice to get out.” Blake's chest rumbled and | knew | was going to win

this battle.

“We both need to keep the pack safe. This isn’t just on your shoulders, the pack is my responsibility as well.

Pregnant or not.”

“I hear everything you are saying, baby, | do, but if anything were to happen to you and our child.” He couldn't

say it. “You are the only one keepingsane,” he brought a hand to my cheek and | smiled at him.

“And you will be right outside if anything happens. No one knows I'm pregnant. We can leave a team here to

watch Walter and Evie.”

“I will also stay here, but | would like you to take a few of my men to keepinformed.” My father told Blake.

“Fine,” Blake finally exhaled. He pulledout of the chair | was sitting in to sit on his lap. He rubbed his nose

against mine. “But you



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Book Two Chapter Nineteen

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will listen to Becky, Ryley. I'm giving you sspace so this feels real, but | need you to listen.” He placed a

hand on my belly and | covered his hand with mine.

“I'm not going to risk our child. | promise to listen,” | told him.

“Luca, ask Becky to get ready and see if Isabelle can meet us at the closest mall. We will start there and if

everything goes well, we will move to the surrounding malls and shopping centers.” Blake ordered, not taking his

eyes off of me.

“She said to give her an hour. I'll go get the men ready,” he informed


“I'll go see Walter and Evie.” My father said. The conference room emptied, while | sat on my mate’s lap. When

the door finally closed, Blake crushed his lips to mine. | wrapped my arms around his neck and ran my fingers

through his hair. His grip onwas almost painful as he dominated my mouth with his. He didn’t wantto go

and | never wanted him to.

He leftbreathless as he pulled back and rested his forehead against


“This is hard for me, baby. | don’t want to live without you. | can’t live without you.” He murmured and my heart

swelled as tears filled my eyes. | could feel his fear and even after a year, it was still so raw.

“You will never live without me, my alpha. Ever. | will always cback to you.” | pecked his lips.

“I will be there in the shadows the entire time.” He assured me.

“I wouldn't expect anything else.”