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Facade of Love

Chapter 77
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Chapter 77 Moore’s Diminished Arrogance

Her sobs grew louder, her voice choked with emotion. “Yvette, please, have mercy on me

and my unborn child, will you?”

I watched her, her cries tearing at my heart. I could not help but wonder what she was

planning this time.

Stepping back, I looked at her and asked calmly, “Why don’t you want to leave the


She sobbed, her usual pretense gone, replaced by a pitiful sight. “I’m scared… of Noah. He

forced me to leave the country years ago. The two years I spent with him were filled with

endless torment. I barely managed to escape and return here. I don’t want to go back. If

he finds me now, not just me, but my unborn child won’t survive either. Yvette, you’re

about to become a mother too. Please, I beg you, don’t make me leave the country.

Please, save me and my child.”

I watched her, my l*ps pressed together. If I had not overheard her conversation with Noah

that day in the small building, I might have believed her now.

As I watched her tear-streaked face, a picture of utter despair, I did not rush to respond.

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Instead, I turned to Idris and asked, “Is there any chamomile tea left? Could you prepare a

serving for her?”

Idris furrowed his brows, clearly puzzled by my request at such a moment. But seeing my

steady gaze on him, he nodded and headed for the kitchen.

As Idris made his exit, I crouched down, moving closer to Moore. I toyed with her

disheveled hair, my smile not quite reaching my eyes. “Sister, drop the act. Idris spilled

everything. If the baby you’re carrying is Noah’s, how could he bear to harm you?”

Moore’s face froze, her eyes wide as she stared at me, disbelief etched on her features.

“What did Iddy tell you?”

I offered a faint smile. “He confessed that the baby isn’t his. He also promised to build a

good life with me. So, you must leave.”

Her expression shifted. I had expected her to glare at me as she had before, but instead,

she continued to plead. “Yvette, I know I’ve wronged you. If Iddy has told you everything,

then there’s no need for you to send me abroad, right? I pose no threat to you. Please, just

let me stay in the old house until the baby is safely born. If I leave the country, neither I

nor the baby will survive. Yvette, I know you despise me, but the baby is innocent, isn’t


“Because of Noah?” I asked, keeping my gaze steady on her.

She nodded, her face a mask of terror. “Noah is a monster. If he finds me abroad, he’ll kill

me and the baby. He’s heartless, he doesn’t care whether the baby is his or not.”

“Is that so?” I watched her, silently admiring her impressive performance.

Tears streamed down her face as she nodded, desperate for me to believe her. “Yvette, I

know you resent me. You resent how I treated you, how I upset our father. I was wrong, I

truly was. If you just let me stay here, let me safely give birth in the old house, I promise I

won’t interfere with your life with Iddy.”

I pressed my l*ps together, watching her act in silence, my mind racing. Why had she


her mind so suddenly? Was it to stay at the Youngs Old Manor? Or to stay close to Idris?

What was she really after?

Maybe I had been quiet for too long. She looked at me, unsure of what to do next, thinking

I had gone soft. She turned to me and started, “Yvette, you…

“What are you really after?” I cut in, narrowing my eyes as I studied her every expression.

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She seemed taken aback at first, a few seconds of panic flashing across her face before

being replaced by a look of confusion. She stared at me, bewildered, and stammered,

“Yvette, what

mean? I don’t understand what you’re saying. ”



Watching her reaction, I felt pretty certain about a few things. I had never been good at

playing games, and I was not the most patient person on earth.

I did not plan on playing guessing games with her. I said straight out, “You don’t want to

leave the country because you’re scared of Noah. But you’re not scared he’ll kill you.

You’re scared he’ll ruin your plans for coming back, right?”

A shiver ran across her face, but she still looked at me, feigning confusion. “Yvette, I don’t

understand what you’re talking about!”

I gave a small smile, straightened up, and looked down at her. “Moore, if you enjoy playing

dumb, then by all means, keep it up. But let me remind you, you’d better stick to Idris’s

plan. Otherwise, I won’t hesitate to tip off the police. If they find out Noah is back in the

country, he can k*ss his freedom goodbye.”