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Facade of Love

Chapter 76
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Chapter 76 Moore’s Plea

Sweety’s words left me feeling uneasy. I cut her off. “Sweety, stay out of Noah’s business.

The police will handle it.”

She made a tsking sound. “And what about the Youngs? What about Madam Young? That

day in the small building, Noah had Moore plot against Madam Young. She will do it if she

has to!”

I knew what Moore was capable of. Now that Idris was planning to send her away, she

might not even get a chance to act, even if she wanted to. Right now, I was more worried

about Sweety. I said, “Don’t concern yourself with others. Just look after yourself. Don’t get

involved in anything too risky, got it?”

“Got it!”

She responded, likely tired of my incessant chatter. “I’ve got things to do. We’ll chat

later!” With that, she hung up.

The line went dead, and I let out a sigh. I could not help but wonder if it was her job as a

journalist that made Sweety so curious and adventurous. It was a good trait, but not

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always. After lounging on the bed for a bit, I finally got up and headed downstairs. I had

assumed Idris would be at work by now, but surprisingly, he was still in the villa.

I found him in the kitchen, which left me a bit puzzled. What was he doing there if he was

not at work?

As I stood there, confused, he must have heard me. He turned around and asked, “You


I nodded, walking over to him. He was wearing an apron and seemed to be cooking

something. I could not resist peeking into the kitchen.

“Chamomile tea,” he said, looking at me. “Ensio mentioned his sister-in-law drank this

when she was pregnant. It’s good for both the mother and the baby.”

I was taken aback, a sad feeling welling up inside me. I was not carrying a child, so what

good would it do?

Ever since I met Idris, I knew he would make a great father and a responsible husband.

Love or no love, he was good to his family.

If I could spend my life with him, it might not be such a bad choice.

I looked at him, opening my mouth to say, “Thank you.”

Seeing me thank him, he furrowed his brows, his handsome face looking at me as he said,

We’re husband and wife. We don’t need to constantly thank each other.”

I managed a smile, not saying anything more. Even if he had cleared up the matter with

Moore, I still did not have a child. Madam Young had only given me two months to divorce

him, and one month had already passed.

Even if he was willing, there was still Madam Young….

Five years ago… The memory suddenly struck me. I recalled seeing Alex in the alleyway. If

I could just get him to spill the details about what happened five years ago, maybe Madam

Young could… and as for the child…

Idris set a cup of chamomile tea before me. His eyes studied my uneasy expression. “This


my first time making this. Can you give it a try

How could I focus on the taste at a time like this?’ I took a sip to appease him, then looked

at him seriously. “I need to tell you something. I’m actually not…” Pregnant. But before I

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could finish, a voice interrupted from outside the door.

“Iddy, why?” Moore burst in, catching both Idris and me off guard.

She was clad in a loose coat, her hair a wild mess, her face etched with worry. She

grabbed Idris’s hand, her eyes brimming with tears, “Iddy, why are you sending me to

Prance? You know he can find me easily overseas. You promised to protect me and our


He? Noah? I frowned slightly. So, she was here because Idris planned to send her away?

Idris’s face softened at her panic. He guided her to the couch, trying to soothe her, “I’ve

taken care of everything in France. He won’t be able to touch you.”

Moore was inconsolable haking her head vehemently. “No, I won’t go. I won’t leave, Iddy.

Please, don’t make me

As she finished speaking, she turned her eyes toward me and suddenly dropped to her

knees in front of me. She clung to my legs, her cries echoing around us, “Vvette, you had

Iddy arrange for me to leave, didn’t you? Please, I’m begging you, don’t send me away. I

promise, once my baby is born, I won’t let him take anything from you. My child and I

don’t need anything else, just let us stay here in the country.