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Facade of Love

Chapter 54
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Chapter 54 Uncovered Some Clues

Maxwell, the future CEO of Scott Corporation.

The information swirled in my mind, triggering a memory. My father had indeed mentioned

on his deathbed that he had arranged for someone to take over as CEO of Scott


Was this young, handsome man his choice?

I extended my hand to shake Maxwell’s, but he pulled back before our hands could meet.

“Alright, now that introductions are out of the way, let’s get down to business.”


Pulling back my hand, I asked, “Mr. Sanchez, what did you mean by what you just said?”

He shot me a glance, irritation creeping into his voice. “Are my words too difficult for you

to understand? What others give you are just words on paper. If you want to investigate

something, Ms. Scott, you need to see for yourself. How much did the so–called acquired

company spend? What’s the market price for a promotional display screen? What business

is GleamGate Media currently involved in? You need to understand all these to know where

the money is going, don’t you?”

His words, though blunt, were undeniably true.

I gave a nod, turning to Uncle Marcus and saying, “Uncle Marcus, you might need to

accompany me to the marketplace for the next couple of days.”

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Uncle Marcus nodded, a smile playing on his l*ps as he replied, “It’s my duty.”

Maxwell cut in, a hint of disdain in his gaze as he looked at me. “Duty or not,” he said,

“You, Ms. Scott, seem to be detached from the real world. You’re planning to drag an old

man like Uncle Marcus to do market research. What kind of efficiency can we expect from

that? By the time Scott Corporation goes under, you won’t even have traced where your

three million dollars have gone.”

His words left me speechless. Uncle Marcus, too, was taken aback, his face flushing at

being referred to as an old man. Trying to defend himself, he said, “Mr. Sanchez, I’m just a

bit over fifty. I’m not that old.”

Maxwell looked at him, retorting, “Based on the legal retirement age, you don’t have

many years left, do Uncle Marcus was left speechless, clearly stung by the young man’s



Worried that Maxwell’s words might upset Uncle Marcus further, I turned to Maxwell and

said, “There aren’t many people in the company I trust. Uncle Marcus has been with the

company for a long time. He’s better at handling certain matters than I am.”

Maxwell grunted, saying, “I know what you’re thinking. I’ll go do the market research with

you. Mr. Quinn can stay back at the company to go over the account books, and we can

tell others he’s with you.”

At first, I did not understand, but then it clicked. By leaving Uncle Marcus at the company,

we could create the illusion that I, like Uncle Marcus, was busy scrutinizing the financial


This way, my market research would not draw too much attention. It was a clever way to

use Uncle Marcus as a decoy. Once I had gathered my thoughts, I found myself without

any objections to Maxwell’s plans.

However, I could not help but question him, “You’re here to be the CEO of Scott

Corporation, right? Isn’t it a bit odd for you to be researching in the market with me?”

Nonchalantly, he picked up a ledger and responded, “There’s no rush. If we can’t trace the

path of these three million dollars, Kane’s plans won’t have any effect at Scott

Corporation. Even if I do become the CEO, I’ll be out of here in a few days.”

He had a point. The shareholders would never agree to let someone my father had

appointed become the company’s CEO.

Thus, Uncle Marcus stayed behind at the company while Maxwell and I headed to the

marketing department at GleamGate Media


Before we left, Male Mast, “Mf, the nege of days, find some to

to de keep a close eye on Beatport he has any unsunters or meets any suspicious

individuals, let

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Marded in needgment

are we had left to Corporation, 1 found myself questioning Mazell in the car “Is there

something wrong with Benet?”

Merell she gave betering, “He’s the one who can dietly was the three million dollars. The

fact that

ha large at of my is intre and hen’t figure out what’s wrong, is the biggest problem of all **

I did not fully understand, but he words seemed to make sense, on did not press further


However, could not fit fut all the events at Kenett’s house and toplula’s words. Maybe she

was not just talking nonsense.

Perded to have another chat with Sophile.

Mazhard spent a week navigating the market of Gleanite Media, and we had managed to

unravel most of the situation We were sitting in arad nestled beneath the towering Scott

Corporation building Maxwell was engrossed in the

“Prom what we’ve gathered,” he began, “it’s safe to say that Caleb, the CPO of GleamGate

Media, has been laundering money, It’s been cuiring all businesses, expanding the market,

boying company equipment, and more

I pressed my l*ps together, trying to contain the surge of myer. “He’s despleable,” I said,

my voice tight. “My father trusted him with everything, and he betrayed that trust”

Chapter 55 Is He Your Man?