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Facade of Love

Chapter 53
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Chapter 53 The Unexpected Man

A hint of regret crossed my mother’s face. “If I had known she would wreak havoc on our

family, I wouldn’t have let my heart soften and adopted her. Yvette, it’s my fault. I was


I pressed my l*ps together, a whirlwind of emotions stirring within me. After a moment of

silence, I looked at my mother.” You and Dad never told me about this.”

She gave a resigned smile. “After we took her in, you arrived shortly after. Once you were

born, she was so mature and caring toward you. Your father and I saw this and gradually

began to treat her as our own. Over the years, she’s been nothing but obedient and

sensible. Your father and I admittedly had our selfish reasons. We hoped that when we

were gone, she could support you. That would give us peace of mind. We never imagined

we’d find ourselves in a situation like this.”

Hearing my mother’s words, it suddenly clicked why Moore had set me up five years ago.

If she was not a Scott, everything made sense.

With this realization, I took a sharp breath and looked at my mother. “Mom, if she isn’t

your daughter, why didn’t you and Dad believe me when I told you what happened five

years ago?

She furrowed her brows, looking helpless. “It’s not that we didn’t believe you, we just

didn’t have any evidence. Plus, after your incident, she went to the border to find you. She

was more worried than your father and I. She came back severely Injured, nearly losing

her life. People are naturally compassionate, so after seeing her care for you like that, how

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could we suspect her? Your father did try to investigate, but found nothing. So, we couldn’t

just take your word for it. Besides, you were only eighteen then. You were young and

sometimes naive!”

I understood my parents‘ worries and did not press any further.

That night, I stayed up with my mother at the Scotts‘, talking until the early hours. My

mother finally drifted off to sleep in the early morning. I did not feel the slightest bit tired.

My father had just been laid to rest

The mess at Scott Corporation was still waiting for me to sort it out.

As dawn broke the following day, I made my way to Scott Corporation early. Uncle Marcus

had hauled in a year’s worth of financial statements into my office. The sheer volume of

paperwork was overwhelming. It would take days to sift through it all, so I asked Uncle

Marcus directly, “Uncle Marcus, did the finance department prepare all these documents

and send them over?”

Uncle Marcus nodded. “Yes, Director Wilson had them prepared in advance knowing you’d

want to review them.”

I paused, my l*ps pursed in thought before finally saying, “No need to go through these

documents. Have them returned to the finance department.”

Uncle Marcus looked taken aback. He did not understand. “What’s the matter?”

I glanced at the towering pile of paperwork and said calmly, “The company’s top brass

must be aware of the shareholders‘ visit. Since they know, then these documents are what

they want me to see. Even if I painstakingly read every single word, I won’t find any

issues. So, there’s no point in going through them.”

Uncle Marcus looked at me, hesitated for a moment, then asked, “Are you suggesting…

the issue with the three million dollars is tied to the company’s top management?”

I slightly pursed my l*ps and replied, “My father wouldn’t have his eyes on that three

million dollars, and outsiders wouldn’t have the opportunity to touch that money. It’s only

the insiders. Such a large sum of money can’t just vanish from the company’s account

without reason. Find a way to get me GleamGate Media’s financial statements for this


He paused, his eyebrows knitting together in a frown, clearly troubled.

Seeing his reaction, I asked, “What’s the matter?”

He hesitated, opening his mouth only to pause for a moment before finally speaking.

Chapter 53 The Unexpected Man


“GleamGate Media may be a part of Scott Corporation, but it operates differently. There

are certain procedures that need to be followed to access their financial statements.”

“Procedures?” I was puzzled. “What kind of procedures?”

He pondered before explaining, “GleamGate Media was acquired by Scott Corporation. The

top brass and employees are all holdovers from before the acquisition, including the CEO.

If I were to request the financial statements, I doubt they’d hand them over without a fuss

I pressed my l*ps together, surprised at the complexity of the situation. After a moment, I

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asked, “Doesn’t Scott Corporation have GleamGate Media’s financial reports?”

He nodded. “They do.” The then retrieved GleamGate Media’s financial report and handed

it to me.

I quickly skimmed through it, pressing my l*ps together again. “Who’s responsible for

these accounts?”

“Benett,” Uncle Marcus answered. “When I requested these documents, Director Wilson

made it clear that GleamGate Media’s accounts were in order. He’s been overseeing them

all along, so there’s no chance of any discrepancies. A lot of the funds have been spent on

acquiring smaller media companies, display screens, and company promotions. Every

expenditure is accounted for

“Indeed, everything is accounted for.” A strange male voice suddenly echoed in the room.

Uncle Marcus and 1 instinctively turned towards the office door that was being pushed

open. A man with gold–rimmed glasses walked in, his blue suit accentuating his tall,

straight figure, broad shoulders, and slim waist.

The man strode into the office, his dark eyes flicking over me before he snatched the

ledger from my hands. He tossed it aside nonchalantly, saying, “Stop poring over that. If

you want to understand the market, the best way is to immerse yourself in it.”

I blinked at the sudden appearance of the man, confusion clouding my thoughts. “Who are

you?” I managed to ask.

His dark eyes scanned me once more, a playful arch to his handsome brows. He extended

a hand towards me. “Maxwell, the soon–to–be CEO of Scott Corporation. Ms. Scott, you

can call me Mr. Sanchez.”