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Facade of Love

Chapter 456
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Looking at it then, I guess things turned out for the best.

I had not heard a peep from Gregory about heading to the border. No job, no friends, no place to go-I was stuck in Maxwell's house day in, day out, just zoning out with a book.

He could tell I was climbing the walls with boredom, so one evening, he finally said, "I've never seen anyone so good at doing nothing. Let's go. I'm taking you out for sreal food." Nothing could spark my interest, though. All I could think about was how to get back to the border, to risk everything for a shot at justice for the lost.

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However, Maxwell was not having any of my brooding. He hauledoff to a place he said was a new restaurant, ordered a bunch of delicious-looking dishes, and madepromise to try them. I barely had an appetite, and after a few nibbles, I just could not eat anymore.

He gavea look, resting his chin in his hand. “Con, eat up. I didn't drop a small fortune on this meal for nothing. If you're not going to eat, at least payback, so I don't feel like I'm throwing money away." As if I had any money to my name! He knew that. He was just trying to getto eat something.

I got the message. I picked up my spoon and managed a few more bites.

Then, a voice broke the silence from the entrance. "Mr. Sanchez, fancy seeing you here!" It was smiddle-aged guy sporting a beer gut that I didn't recognize. Maxwell glanced over, one eyebrow cocked. "Mr. Lacava, decided to grab a bite here too?" The middle-aged man nodded and stepped inside, eyeing us before saying, "I was just hashing out sstuff with the chairman. Mr. Sanchez, is this... your girlfriend?" He was obviously talking about me.

Maxwell shook his head.

"My bad, my bad." The man gave an apologetic gesture, a little bow with his hands together, and made small talk with Maxwell. They seemed to be on familiar terms from the way they interacted.

Once the man had left, I turned to Maxwell. "A friend of yours?" He nodded. "We've crossed paths on business overseas. I only found out he's back in the country recently. He's heading up an R&D project at Young Corporation. We've bumped into each other a couple of times since he's been back. He's still getting the lay of the land here." The guy from Young Corporation... Was the chairman he was talking about Idris? I just hummed, not wanting to dive deeper into that topic.

I was halfway through the dishes on the table when I noticed Maxwell's gaze fixed on me. I tried to ignore it, but eventually, I set my spoon down and faced him. "What's on your mind?" He rested his chin on his hands, studying me. "Aren't you going to go over and say hi to Idris?" I met his gaze, a frown creasing my brow. "Maxwell, you're being a drag." His lips curled into a sly grin. "Nah, just thought I'd help you out with your little crush." I got up. "I've had enough, let's head out. I'm going home." However, before I could leave, he tuggedback down into my seat. He gave my shoulder a reassuring pat. "I was just messing around. Why are you so worked up?" I looked at him, one eyebrow arched. "Are you trying to keep Alice from marrying him by making sure Idris notices me?" He paused, his eyes darting away eline from mine as he slumped back into his chair. "Does it even matter what I want?" he said with a dismissive wave. "It's not like it's going to change anything. However, what about you? Are you really just going té stand by and watch them tie the knot?" I bit my lip, choosing silence over words.

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He watchedfor a moment, his thoughts a mystery, then abruptly stood. "Con. If you're set on leaving, I won't hold you back." I raised an eyebrow, confused by his sudden change of heart. He 1shrugged. "Why the puzzled look? You said you were full, right? Hanging around here doing nothing but staring would be pretty dull, wouldn't it?" I did not bother with a response. My heart was not in it for a night out anyway.

I got up and followed him out, but we had barely taken a few steps when he steeredinto another room.

"Mr. Lacava, still at it, I see?" he et called out cheerily as we entered spotting the man with the beer belly next to Idris. "We're done eating, just wanted to say hey before, e we head Out!" Then, feigning surprise at seeing Idris, he added, "Mr. Young, you're here too? What are the odds?" Mr. Lacava, recognizing everyone, returned the greeting with a smile and a touch of formality.

Idris's deep, dark eyes flicked to me, but I looked away, letting Maxwell leadon, half-listening to their polite chit-chat.

"Why don't you join us for a drink before you leave, Mr. Sanchez?" Idris chimed in, his tone composed but inviting. Maxwell's smile widened. "How can I say no? I'd love to share a drink."