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Facade of Love

Chapter 455
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Idris gave a nonchalant hum, tousled Ash's fluffy hair, and told Zoe, "Take Ash inside first." Zoe gavea quick look, nodded with a smile that made her eyes twinkle, and said, "Catch you in a bit, Yvette." I returned the smile, watching them head into the Young residence.

March in Lake City meant rain, and sure enough, the sky was starting to drizzle, hinting at the downpour to come.

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I gave Idris a slight nod, out of conversation topics. We swapped smiles to say goodbye before we both turned to go our separate ways.

Someone then caught my wrist—it was Idris. I stopped and turned to face him, his dark eyes holding back a storm, "Yvette, do you really not care at all?" I hesitated, meeting his gaze with a calm voice, "Care about what?" It tooka few seconds before I added, "About you and Alice getting married?" He pressed his lips together, his deep gaze fixed onwithout a flicker.

I gave a small smile, my heart surprisingly calm. "Idris, everything I said to you that day cfrom the heart. I truly wish you all the happiness in the world." My wrist ached slightly, and I winced, trying to pull my hand away, but he gripped it firmly, his voice rough. "Why?" His question caughtoff guard. I let out a sigh, finding myself without words, and managed to say, "I've got things to do, Idris. Please let go." His gaze intensified, and with a sudden tug, I was being held tightly in his arms. I tried to break free, but he just heldcloser. "Yvette, do you really hatethat much? After everything, can't you move past this?" Getting too caught up in feelings was like drowning in them, struggling for air until it was too late.

I pushed him away forcefully, my expression becoming more impassive. "This isn't about love or hate, Idris. We've missed our moment." He narrowed his eyes, his voice strained. "Missed our moment? What are you saying?" "I..." "Don't tellyou've fallen for Lucas," he cut in, his voice hoarse. "Yvette, you can't lie to me." "Why would I lie to you?" I said, tiredly, looking at him with detachment. "In this world, anything can happen. Surviving life and death together doesn't mean a thing. Idris, just stop." He scowled, his eyes dark and intense as he stepped closer, holding my arm, and said each word deliberately, "Am I annoying you? Am I just a pest to you now? Do you see my begging as just a nuisance?" I ignored the pain in his eyes and nodded. "Yes, it's exhausting me." He stood there in silence, his eyes locked on mine and not saying a word. Then, out of nowhere, he flashed a cold smirk and let go of my arm. He took a few steps back, his eyes filled with icy detachment as he taunted me, "Well, it's all good. When I'm happily married with a loving wife and a lucky son, I won't have to feel bad about not looking after you well enough in the past." I nodded, pushing down the ache in my chest, and met his frosty stare with a calm face. "Let's leave the past behind us. No need to worry about it anymore." He arched an eyebrow, his look sharp as ice. "Alright, I'll heed your words." There was nothing more to say. I gave him a small smile and turned to leave, only to bump into Alice, who was strolling up with her mother. My heart skipped a beat at the sight of my mother. How I had missed her after all those months.

I wanted to step forward, but my mother did not even givea look. She just linked arms with Alice and walked over to Idris.

Alice was all smiles, looking graceful and sweet. She caught my eye for a second before turning to Idris and asking, "I hope I'm not too late. Traffic was a nightmare." Idris shook his head, still watching me. I was not really supposed to be there. My mother did not want to see me, and the sadness in my heart toldto keep out of sight to keep her from getting upset.

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I decided it was tto go.

However, then Idris stopped me, "Ms. Scott." His voice sounded so distant, so formal.

This guy...

Was he trying to get under my skin? Maybe...

Well, it did not matter anymore.

I nodded, still smiling. "Sure, thanks."