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Facade of Love

Chapter 441 Alice Joined the Fray
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I could not tear my gaze away from Lucas, who stood a short distance away. Waves of rage and loathing crashed over me. Why could not he have left Idris in one piece? Our eyes locked. Lucas's forehead was creased with worry, his lips a tight line. He looked at me, about to say something, "Yvette, I..." "That jerk. Too bad the blast didn't take you out," Yara spat out with venom, her eyes shooting daggers at me, her hatred as raw as ever.

I glared back at her, wishing I could just rip her apart.

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The air above us was filled with the thunderous noise of helicopter blades.

Lucas's face turned to stone, and he quickly ordered his crew, "Move out." Yara, clueless but sensing urgency, scrambled after them.

Idris, his face ghostly pale, looked up at the chopper circling overhead and murmured, "They've arrived." I was lost, so I turned to Gregory for answers. He simply said, "Reinforcements." As the helicopter touched down, a team of medics and rescuers sprinted towards us. They took one look at the scene and immediately went to Idris, their brows knitting together at the sight of him.

"What's going on?" I asked, my voice edged with panic.

The medics did not waste twith a response. Instead, one of them asked me, "Did you do anything besides help the injured after the explosion?" Confused, I shook my head and insisted, "No, nothing!" The medic gave a curt nod and bent down to check on Idris. However, just as he was about to start, Idris coughed up blood violently and then blacked out.

I was beside myself with worry. The medic, seeing the urgency, quickly had the team lift Idris onto the chopper.

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He turned towith concern etching his features. "Miss, are you okay?" I shook my head, my gaze darting to the doctor. "I'm fine, but what about him?" The doctor's frown deepened as he shook his head slightly. "It's tough to say. His external wounds aren't the worst, but I'm worried about what we can't see. The explosion was intense, and there's a real chance his insides took a beating, especially since he's coughing up blood. We need to get him to the hospital ASAP, for a full examination." Twas slipping away, and I rushed to board the helicopter, my heart pounding all the way to the hospital.

As I watched Idris being wheeled into the ER, my heart was in my mouth.

"Ms. Scott, I'll stay right here with you. Let's get a doctor to check you out," Gregory offered, and that's when I finally noticed him.

I started to shake my head, ready to refuse, but then I caught sight of Alice standing by his side, and my mind stalled. When had she shown up? Gregory caught my gaze lingering on Alice and hesitated before explaining, "Ms. Cruz has been with us at the border for a while now. She led the rescue team that cfor us. You might've missed her in the chaos earlier." Alice met my eyes, a softness in her voice. "Ms. Scott, it's been a while." My throat felt parched, and my voice was raspy when I spoke. "It has." She and Idris had been at the border all that time...