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Facade of Love

Chapter 440 Go to Hell
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Fortunately, it did not take long forto spot Gregory. There were quite a few police officers gathered at the foot of the mountain, presumably from the border area, and shad probably cwith them.

Gregory saw that Idris was injured and cover quickly. Sensing our pursuers behind us, he swiftly supported Idris and ran down the mountain.

He was a policeman, so naturally, he had much better stamina than I did. The border area had a unique political situation. With the arrival of many police officers, Lucas' men who had chased us caught up but did not dare to make any reckless moves.

Lucas, Kenneth, and Yara had also arrived. However, when they saw the many police officers, Kenneth, the old fox, hardly said anything and left first.

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Knowing that they would not dare to act recklessly, Gregory placed Idris next to Kobe's body and turned to Lucas. "Just try taking one step closer." Lucas did not speak. Instead, he looked atand said, "Yvette, cback with me." My mind was filled with thoughts of Idris' injury at this moment. Hearing his voice, I stared at him coldly and replied, "Go back? Go back where? I do want to go back, but not with you. I want to return to my country, my home." "You wretch, I'll kill you!" Yara's face darkened as she raised her gun to shoot at me. Fortunately, Lucas reacted quickly and knocked the gun out of her hand.

"Are you insane?" Yara shouted angrily at him, her eyes turning red. "You promisedthat you would kill her today for my sake. Charlie, don't you forget that." Lucas' face grew cold as he said, "If I kill her, neither of us will get away today. Haven't you seen all these police officers? Do you really want to beca fugitive?" "Hmph!" Yara snorted, clearly unyielding.

Seeing that there was no room for negotiation, Lucas seemed to suddenly think of something. He took out a remote control and looked atfrom a distance. "Yvette, I'll say it one more time. Cback with me." When I saw the remote control in his hand, I suddenly thought of Kobe. Lucas had mentioned that he had strapped explosives to Kobe's body, and I had not had a chance to confirm whether what Lucas said was true after Kobe's death.

At this moment, I was closest to Kobe. My gaze shifted to his lifeless body, and I caught sight of a slightly bulging square-shaped object around his waist. My heart skipped a beat. So Lucas had actually...

"Yvette, I'll count to three..." Lucas's urgent voice rang out.

Afraid that he would really detonate the explosives, I stood up abruptly and said, "I'll go back with you." "Yvette!" "Ms. Scott!" The former was Idris, and the latter was Gregory.

I glanced at Idris, who looked completely puzzled beside me, and indescribable emotions surged within me. He pursed his lips, and his dark eyes were filled with confusion. Then, for sreason, he suddenly shifted his gaze to Kobe's lifeless body.


I did not know if he had discovered something, but Lucas was getting impatient. I had no choice but to take a step toward Lucas. Yara, who was a by his side, suddenly turned cold.

Before I could take one step forward, she snatched the controller from Lucas's hand. .

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She shouted atwith a chilling tone, "Yvette, go to hell!" .

Watching her press the button, I immediately froze. Before I could react, Idris suddenly embracedtightly protecting me. Then, there was a deafening explosion, and I felt my internal organs ache as we both fell heavily to the ground. .

It tookquite a while to recover. Ignoring the pain in my body, I quickly checked on Idris, who was still lying beside me. "Idris." Seeing the extensive burns on his back, my heart sank.

"Are you okay?" Idris spoke, his voice slightly hoarse. After the explosion, both of us were covered in dust and in a sorry state. .

I shook my head, wanting to ask about his condition. That was when I saw his crimson gaze fixed on Robe's body, which had been blown to pieces. Despite his controlled demeanor, his whole body trembled uncontrollably with anger and pain.


I tightly held his hand, not knowing what to say. He had searched for his dad for ten years, and now, he could not even take his remains back. It was heartless of Lucas to do such a thing!