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Dragon Monarch System-Novel

Chapter 692 692:- Crown Prince Garrick [II]
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Garrick coldly watched as the girls ran out of his bedroom in fear.

"These B*t*hes are good for nothing." Garrick had the urge to kill several of this useless candy a** women to vent his anger.

If these women had stayed in his sight for a few more seconds, then he might have slaughtered them all.

The only reason that he slept with them was because they were pretty. But that meant nothing. This was a regular thing for Garrick. His father, the Emperor, did not stop him from sleeping around.

There were a few rules that he, as the Crown Prince of The Dune Sovereignty, had to follow. One of them was he wasn't allowed to make any woman pregnant other than his wife. If he broke this rule, then he would be removed as the Crown Prince and would be exiled.

This was a very strict punishment for the Crown Prince, but he understood the reason behind it. This strict rule was made to ensure that the Royal Bloodline would not spread. So that no other woman's child would cand claim as Garrick's successor. Only the Wife of the Crown Prince was allowed to give birth to his children, and no one else.

Other than his rule, Garrick wasn't allowed to sleep with any married woman. Even if that woman happened to be divorced, he still wasn't allowed.

He also wasn't allowed to sleep with a prostitute.

After a while, the anger in Garrick's heart slightly calmed down. But that did not mean the anger from his heart had completely disappeared. The Flof Revenge Still burned very strongly in his heart.

But before his personal Revenge cthe interest of Dune Sovereignty. Regardless of what Garrick wanted, he always put Dune Sovereignty's interests first.

If there ca twhen it would be in the best interest for the The Dune Sovereignty to becan ally of the Istarin Empire, then Garrick wouldn't hesitate to shake hands with the Dragon Monarch. Since he was a child, Garrick has always put the interest of the Empire before him, and he will always continue to do this.

Knock!!! Knock!!!

The door to his bedroom was open because the girls left it open when they ran away. Before entering the Crown Prince's bedroom, the butler made sure to knock on the door several times.

Garrick saw that it was his personal butler. "Cin.....!!" Garrick then began to get up. He was still naked.

He calmly covered himself with a white towel as he was going to take a long bath next.

He wasn't worried about his butler seeing him naked.

His butler has taken care of him since he was a child. So Garrick felt no shin getting naked in front of his butler.

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"Good morning, Your Royal Highness." Garrick nodded his head.

"Have everyone else woken up?" Garrick was asking about his family members. There were three members of his family. His mother was punished to death because she had broken one of the Emperor's laws.

To this day, Garrick feels that his mother was wrong. He does not regret not trying to save his mother. In fact, he feels pissed remembering that his sister tried to save their mother.

'She is good for nothing.....!!! She is old enough. She should get married.' Garrick made up his mind to talk about his matter to his father.

As for what she wanted, it did not matter. Only the Emperor's words and the Crown Prince's suggestions mattered in this Palace. As for what the Princess desired, no one cared.

"Yes." The Royal Family must always have breakfast and dinner together. This was an unwritten law that both Garrick and his sister had to follow. If he or his sister was late for breakfast, then the father would punish them.

"Alfred, send someone to clean my room. I am going to take a shower." Alfred was Garrick's butler.

"Understood....!!" Alfred was well aware of what kind of man the Crown Prince was. He knew the Prince's habits and daily routine very well. Ever since the Prince turned 18, there have rarely been any days on which the Prince has not brought any noblewoman to his bed.

Alfred looked like an old man. But appearance and age of cultivations are always deceiving. Despite looking like a 55 years old old man with a bald head, Alfred was actually 16,000 years old. He was one of those people who has survived the previous era.

Alfred was 6 feet 1 inch tall. He was a skinny old man. His face was wrinkled, but he still looked very handsome, as his well-trimmed white hair and bald head matched his face shape.

He had a strong jawline. His white beard was 3 inches long.

Alfred was fair-skinned.

Despite being so long, Alfred was still single and was a virgin. Alfred and all other male servants in the Palace were eunuchs.

The order of the Emperor did this.

Because there was a twhen sfemale maids were getting pregnant, the Emperor noticed that it was male servants of the Palace doing this. So, the Emperor ordered that all male servants of the Palace should be eunuchs.

The Maids and the male servants who had sex in the Royal Castle were punished with death. Because, in their eyes, this was a huge crime. The Royal Castle is a sacred place. And to think that this place was used as a breeding ground was unacceptable to both Garrick and his Father.

When this happened, Garrick's mother was still alive. She tried to stop her husband as she believed that punishing them to death would be too much. But nobody listened to her. Even the family members of the servants were publicly ashamed and humiliated before exiling them from the Capital forever.

'It seems His Highness is in a bad mood.' Alfred thought while staring at the back of the Crown Prince.

Alfred calmly walked out of the room and called six beautiful maids.

"You two, throw out the bedsheets and pillows. Make sure to clean every single inch of the room before High Highness comes out of the bathroom." This meant that within less than 15 minutes, the six maids had to do everything. They had to ensure that this 300-square-meter room was completely cleaned.

Looking inside, the whole room was a mess. A few of the maids even blushed at the condition of the rooms. It seems the Crown Prince had a little too much fun last night.

Around 30 minutes later, Garrick was ready. A few maids helped him get dressed. Once he was ready, he walked towards the dining room.

Garrick had short black hair. He kept his hair short as he wasn't fond of long hair. He was 6 feet 3 inches tall. Garrick was slightly muscular. He had a sharp jawline and had a pointy large nose.

He was fair-skinned. He had attractive red pupils. He did not grow a beard. He kept his appearance neat and very clean.

Garrick was a very handsman.

Garrick kept walking on the long corridor that would lead him to the dining hall. Then, He saw his Blood sister walking in the long corridor. She was talking with a few maids, and they were laughing.

Seeing Garrick, the smile on her face instantly disappeared. The maids had a look of fear in their eyes. They quickly excused themselves and left before the Crown Prince could say anything to them. It was because, in the past, Garrick had punished a few of his sister's maids.

His sister did not look too pleased seeing him.

"Good Morning, my Dear sister." The way he greeted his sister almost felt like he was mocking her.

"Good Morning, Brother!!" It was a gentle voice. Despite not liking Garrick at all, the voice was still very gentle and calm. There was no trace of hatred and anger in her voice.

She was the only Princess of Dune Sovereignty. Her nwas Soraya Flameheart.

Soraya was extremely beautiful. The Emperor and Garrick and everyone who had seen her believed that she was easily the prettiest woman in the Dune Sovereignty. Her beauty was comparable to the Beauty of a Goddess.

Soraya was a young, beautiful lady. She had very beautiful silver hair that reached all the way to her calves. She did not style her hair anyway. She let her bangs cover her forehead. Sof her hair falls over her shoulders.

She was 5 feet 4 inches tall. Compared to Garrick, she was really short. She wore a conservative dress that covered everything to her ankle.

Like Garrick, she also had a very beautiful pair of red eyes. But unlike Garrick, her eyes were less cold and warmer.

"My dear sister, you're becoming more and more beautiful with each passing day. It should be a big shif you don't get married now." Hearing these words, Soraya glared at her brother.

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"How many times do I need to tell you, brother? I am not ready for Marriage. I want to stay single until I find someone that I actually like." Soraya had said these words many times in the past, but no one had listened to her words.

Hearing these words, Garrick was very displeased. His gaze beccold, and his tone changed.

"Your opinion does not matter. What would you want to do no matter what? You're the Princess of this Empire, and you will get married in the interest of the Empire. You have no right to ask any question." Through Soraya, their Empire would gain an ally. For a brief period, Garrick and the Emperor had considered marrying Soraya to the Istarin Emperor. But when they realized that the Istarin Empire and their Empire could never be friends, the idea was dropped.

But the idea of Soraya's marriage was still on the table. The Emperor was looking for potential candidates from the six Continents and even from the Main Continent.

Hearing these words, Soraya was very sad. She felt like crying. But she did not cry. She did not want to appear weak in front of her brother.

She silently bit her lips and then started walking. Her heart was full of anger.

In times like this, she no longer desires to be the Princess.

She hated this life of hers.

It wasn't her life. Rather, she was living the life of a prisoner. It always has been like this for her. What she wanted never mattered. For the sake of the Empire's interest, she was always sacrificed.

She wanted to flee. She wanted to leave everything behind and go somewhere where Her father and her brother wouldn't be able to find her. But she knew that it was impossible. In the six continents, The Dune Sovereignty had eyes almost everywhere.

Regardless of where she would go, The Dune Sovereignty would find her within a few days. Unless Soraya is able to flee to the Main Continent. But Soraya hadn't reached Peak 5th-

order yet. Besides, she did not know anyone on the Main Continent. The Dune Sovereignty had sconnections with the Main Continents.

She had to endure everything because she was weak.

Seeing Soraya's reaction, Garrick felt very satisfied.

"That's how you always should be. There is no questioning the authority of the Emperor. The decision of the Emperor is suprand final. Even if you're the Princess of this Empire, you have no right to question the authority of the Emperor. And if you keep disobeying the orders of the Emperor, then I will personally punish you to death." Garrick sounded absolutely serious when saying these words.

His tone was very tone. For Garrick, he did not care if it was his blood sister who disobeyed the Emperor's orders. As long as she did not follow the command of the Emperor, then by the laws of The Dune Sovereignty, she would be punished to death.

Not even the Princess of The Dune Sovereignty would be spared.


Really Thank you very much to all those who send support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

Picture of Princess Soraya is in the character Section. You can check it out if you're curious about what she looks like. There are images of other characters.