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Dragon Monarch System-Novel

Chapter 691 691:- Crown Prince Garrick [I]
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"Father, I heard you summoned me." Garrick walked to the balcony and stood behind his father. His father, the Emperor of The Dune Sovereignty, stood on the balcony while staring at the massive crowd that gathered in front of them.

More than 100,000 people had gathered here today. Everything before them was filled with people. Everyone was here for the Emperor.

"My son, you're here." The Emperor smiled at Garrick, looking very proud to see his son.

"You have done well. I am proud of you." Then, the Emperor patted Garrick's right shoulder.

"Thank you, father.....!!!" Garrick was very happy that his father complimented him. This is what he worked so hard for. These simple words mean a lot to him.

These words were simple on the tongue but very heavy and meaningful to the listener.

For Garrick, No object in this world could have the svalue or the sweight as these words.

Garrick has always worked hard to gain his father's recognition. He wanted his father to be proud of him.

He wanted to be complimented by his father.

Garrick wanted his father to recognize him as someone who was ready to be the next Emperor so his father would finally hand him the position of the Emperor.

Garrick's biggest dream was to becthe Emperor of The Dune Sovereignty and lead the Empire to a new Era.

But to achieve his dream, Garrick never even once thought of eliminating his father from power. Garrick's father was his role model and idol.

The next second, The Emperor addressed his people. He was going to make an announcement.

The PrMinister was silently standing behind the Emperor. His face was neutral as usual. No one seems to be able to guess what he is thinking or how does he feel. His expression was unreadable.

"I have been sitting on this Throne for over 15,000 years. That's a very long time." The Emperor took a deep breath before he continued speaking while looking at the crowd.

"I have been shouldering the weight of this Empire for such a long time." The Emperor looked very proud of what he has accomplished.

In the distance, he could see a few slaves. These slaves were the Dragonians.

"Over 15,000 years, I have fought countless wars. I have expanded The Dune Sovereignty in all six continents. Even the powerful Istarin Empire and the Dragon Monarch is nothing in front of Might of our The Dune Sovereignty." As the Emperor paused for a few second, the crowd started cheering loudly.

"Long live the Emperor!"

"Long live the Emperor!"

"Long live the Emperor!"

The Crowd started praising the Emperor. Their loud voices could be even more than 20 km away.

The Emperor slightly raised his hand to stop the crowd. As he did, a crowd that numbered more than 100,000 instantly becsilent. Seeing this the Emperor and the Crown Prince smiled. This was the power they held. This was the power of the Emperor of Dune Sovereignty.

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"Throughout the six continents, The Dune Sovereignty is the only one. We started this era by bringing change and revolution throughout the entire six continents. And now, at the end of this era, we stand before the whole world as the Final Winner."

"Whoever has stood before us has been eliminated." The momentum began building up as the Emperor's voice becmore serious.

"Whoever has dared to oppose has been destroyed." The Emperor's voice beclouder.

"Whoever has questioned our Authority has been annihilated." As hearing these words, everyone could feel their blood boiling in passion. Their chests was filled with pride.

"We are the SuprOnes!"

"We are the Paramount Leaders!"

"We stand as the Ultimate Authority!"

We are the Apex of Dominance!"

"We command as the Highest Sovereignty!"

"The Dragon Monarch and the Graveyard of Empire is nothing in front of our power." The Emperor tightly clenched his fists and raised his hand above as he delivered the final line.

"Before us, even the mightiest fall — for we are the Eternal, the Unconquered, the End of All Challenges!"

As the Emperor's final words echoed through the air, the assembled crowd that was over 100,000 strong—erupted into a tempest of cheers.


Waves of raucous applause and fervent shouts outpoured from across the crowd. A sea of voices united in passionate admiration and worship for the Emperor. Men and women lifted their voices in a harmonious roar.

The ground itself seemed to tremble under the force of their triumph.

"Long live the Emperor, our unbreakable shield!"

"Victory and power to our Emperor, the lion of the desert!"

"To the Emperor, our eternal sovereign!"

The crowd continued to praise the Emperor's none-stop for the next 5 minutes. Once the Emperor felt satisfied, he gently lifted his hand. The crowd instantly becsilent again.

"But now I think our The Dune Sovereignty needs a Fresh Start."

"The Dune Sovereignty needs a new Ruler to lead us to a New Era." The Emperor slowly removed his crown.

"And there is no one more fit than my Son, The Crown Prince of this Empire." Garrick could not stop smiling as he stepped forward under everyone's eyes. He had been waiting for this moment for centuries.

Now, it was finally his time.

Garrick looked at his father. The Emperor nodded at Garrick before putting the Crown on Garrick's head.

"From now on, my son, Garrick, will be our New Emperor." The crowd once again started cheering for Garrick. They started praising him with various names and titles.

Garrick was very pleased at this moment.

He then signaled the crowd to be silent.

Taking a deep breath, he opened his mouth.

"As your new Emperor, I want to make a change."

Garrick scanned the crowd and continued in a serious tone. "From now on, every High Ranking Military official of Our Empire will own a dog." Hearing this everyone becconfused.

Even the PrMinister and Emperor looked surprised and slightly confused.

The next second, Garrick smiled and continued. "By dog, I mean a Dragonian slave." Hearing, the PrMinister and the Emperor smiled. They were very satisfied with Garrick's words.

Before Garrick could say anything, he woke up from his long and very realistic dream.

After opening his eyes, Garrick felt very happy. This was the best dream that Garrick had ever had. This dream had everything that he desired and wished to accomplish in his life. Everything in this dream was just Perfect.

"It's was perfect." "Perfect. Everything down to the last minute details."

The next second, the smile on Garrick's face disappeared. His eyes becvery cold. He felt anger rising from his heart.

He tightly clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. "Except all of that was just a dream."

Since that day, Garrick has been having nightmares. He has been having nightmares about the Dragon Monarch destroying everything that his father, the Emperor, had built over more than 15,000 years.

The whole Dune Sovereignty was in flames. The people were cheering for the Dragon Monarch.

The army of the Dragon Monarch destroys everything in their path. And finally, the Dragon Monarch takes the Emperor's life right before his eyes.

Garrick clenched his fists so hard that his nails dug into his flesh, and his palms began to bleed. But he did not care about the pain.

Even before their meeting, the Emperor humiliated The Dune Sovereignty over and over again.

The Dune Sovereignty was humiliated when the Emperor announced that he was engaged to the Goddess of Nature.

Around two and a half years ago, the Dune Sovereignty showed interest in marrying Riya to bring benefits to their empire. They even sent a formal proposal to the Empress of the Celestial Terrain. But their proposal was refused. And now the Goddess of Nature was engaged to Aditya. Garrick took this as a diplomatic insult.

The Dragon Emperor once again humiliated The Dune Sovereignty when the news of the Dragon Monarch being engaged to the Goddess of Alchemy was announced.

He and the PrMinister visited the Head of the Onard household (Julia's father) approximately 1.5 years ago with the PrMinister to propose marriage to Julia. Yet, they failed. At that time, Julia's father gave the excuse that their daughter was too young. Yet, 1.5 years later, their daughter was married to an unknown person named Aditya, who later turned out to be the Emperor of the Istarin Empire.

When this was announced, Garrick felt like he and the Empire had been slapped in the face by the Dragon Monarch.

The Dragon Monarch has humiliated Garrick many times. Garrick did not just view Aditya was an Enemy that needs to be eliminated for the interest of The Dune Sovereignty, but he also saw Aditya as a personal enemy. Aditya had made things very personal when he publicly made him kneel because of a small issue.

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"That arrogant Lizard...!!!"

His hands were shaking in anger.

"Aditya...!!! I swear, I will destroy the very Emperor that you love."

"I will take away everything that you love."

Garrick's words woke up the naked girls who were sleeping around him.

"Your Royal Highness, what's the matter?" One of the naked girls hugged Garrick from behind and whispered into his ear.

Others also looked very concerned about him.

All these women weren't scheap prostitutes. All these women were nobles. They were the daughters of Dukes and Marquess of the Empire. Their families gave them full freedom to mess with the Crown Prince. All so saw that their families could have a good relationship with the Crown Prince.

Garrick knew of this, but he did not give a damn about it. He was the Crown Prince. He was the future Emperor. The normal laws and regulations do not apply to him.

He gets to do whatever he wants.

"Get out.....!!!" Garrick commanded them in a cold tone.

The girls looked confused.

"Your Highness, is something wrong?" A few girls approached Garrick and began to check on him.


But in anger, Garrick slapped one of the girls. The girl's cheek turned red and began to bleed. While holding her cheek, she still looked stunned. At the stime, everyone else was deeply shocked. Sgirls even covered their mouths in shock.

"Didn't you hear what I said just now?"

"Get out......!!!" Garrick screamed at the girls.

All the girls becfrightened seeing the Crown Prince this angry. This was the firs tthey had seen the Crown Prince looking this angry. They were scared of this side of him.

Without any hesitation, the girls began running out of his room. They did not even bother to wear their clothes or cover their bodies. Right now, their lives mattered more to them.


Really Thank you very much to all those who send support with valuable golden tickets. I hope we can keep it up!!!

Author's Note - Garrick's whole dream thing tells us a lot about his character - it tells us how he sees his Father and the Throne.

He sees his Father as someone who deserves to be held in very high regard. The Emperor of the Empire should be worshiped and admired by the masses.

Garrick feels that the people should live by the teachings of the Emperor. They should follow every step of the Emperor and should be willing to give up their own lives for the sake of the Emperor and the Empire.

The dream also tells us how Garrick wants to be appreciated by everyone for all the things that he has done. Garrick wants to make his father proud and wants his recognization more than anything. Now, this isn't out of love that he has for his Father. This is out of huge admiration and deep respect that he has for the Emperor of the Empire. From a very young age, he held the position of the Emperor in very high regard.

He feels that without gaining the Emperor's recognition, he is not worthy to becthe next Emperor, or he cannot becthe Emperor.

- The part "Everyone will own a dog" - is inspired by Naruto Shippuden. It is a reference to the twhen, after being put into Infinite Tsukuyomi, Kiba was having a dream or more like a living a reality where he had becthe Hokage, and he ordered everyone to own a Dog.

- There is a line from Homelander, which I am sure many of you will find.