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Don't Mess with the Rock Chicks by F BOY’s DOLL

Chapter 66
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Chapter 66

Jolene left the decision to her mother.

She wants her stepfather to go to jail, and if she can’t bear it, Jolene won’t force it.

She doesn’t have the time or energy to mess with her stepfather.

But in her heart, she felt that if her stepfather went to jail, at least they would be safe for a while.

My mother needs company.

When she wasn’t gambling, her stepfather treated her pretty well.

Jolene counted all her money on her way home from the police station.

It may not add up to enough for a course of Frank’s treatment.

Yesterday at the hospital, I chatted with the families of Frank’s patients in the ward. Her son’s illness is

the same as Frank’s.

She said that as long as she was willing to spend money on this disease, no one would die. Imported

targeted drugs could be rooted in a year, but they didn’t have that much money, so they could only drag

it with domestic drugs first and make money desperately.



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Her words gave Jolene hope.

However, today, hope was burnt to ashes.

If she wasn’t at the police station, she would have wiped her stepfather’s neck with a knife.

However, she could not show despair and anxiety.

She barely slept all night and went to the hospital the next day with dark circles under her eyes.

She discussed Frank’s treatment plan with the doctor.

At present, there are two programs that are most suitable for Frank. The first is conventional

chemotherapy, but the effect is slow and the side effects are large, people are more painful, and there

will be symptoms of hair loss and bad appetite.

The second is the use of targeted drug treatment, the effect. is good, targeted, the only drawback is to

burn money.

Jolene chose the second one almost without thinking.

She always felt that things that could be solved with money. were not things.

Although, she is now close to running out of ammunition.

After discussing the treatment plan with the doctor, she went to the payment office to pay the money.

Imported drugs are imported by the hospital once a quarter, and reservations need to be made and the

drug fee needs to be paid in advance.


Chapter (6

288 Vouchers

Jolene pinched the bill, looked at the string of numbers on it, and looked at the account balance on the

phone, it was still a little short.

She blocked the payment window and flipped through her mobile phone. At this time, she could only

borrow some money and pay the fee first.

When the people behind saw her standing still, they

shouted, “Hey, are you paying? If you don’t pay, just leave, don’t block here…”

The cashier looked up at her, took the bill in her hand, checked it with the computer, and returned the

bill to her.

“You have money in the account balance, wait until you have no money to pay.”

“What?” Jolene was stunned for a moment: “I didn’t pay, how much is the balance?”

The cashier showed her the list, and there was a long queue. behind her. She waved her hand and

asked Jolene to get out of the way first: “You go to the side and see, there are so many people who

pay, I can’t remember.”

Jolene took the list and looked aside, stunned when she saw the balance.

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She even stretched out her finger to count the zeros on it.

A total of two million.

Jolene stood in the bustling toll hall for a long time.

It was not until she was bumped by a person in a hurry and

Chapter 6

the other party said sorry that she woke up.

As she walked to the ward, she quickly analyzed who had paid for her.

There are only a few people around her who can make such a big deal.

After a moment of thought, she called Karry.

But the call was answered by a woman, and her voice was melodious: “You are looking for Young

Master An, he is taking a shower, I will help you call him, Young Master An, a woman is looking for


She waited patiently, and Karry finally came to answer the phone, with a very lazy tone: “Who is it?”

“Hello, Young Master An. I’m Jolene.”

When Karry heard Jolene’s voice, he was very excited: “Jolene, is there something wrong with you

calling me? That woman just now is my sister, don’t misunderstand…”

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